soltasen oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive form of soltar.
Second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect subjunctive form of soltar.

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Soortgelyke frases

perro detector [de explosivos] suelto
free-running dog
soltar la pasta
suelta eso
no me sueltes
don't let me go
no me suelten
don't let me go


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El capitán ordenó a los marineros que soltasen vela hasta que se limitaron a ir directamente hacia delante.
The captain ordered his seamen to slacken the canvas until they were only just making head-way.Literature Literature
No hubo respuesta, así que dudó un instante e indicó a los eunucos que me soltasen.
He hesitated for a moment and then signaled for the eunuchs to free me.Literature Literature
Tras ella, Brianda, con el pequeño Johan desconsolado en brazos, suplicaba que la soltasen.
Brianda ran behind her, with little Johan disconsolate in her arms, pleading for Cecilia’s release.Literature Literature
Había esperado que las copas soltasen la lengua de ella, no sus inhibiciones.
He’d hoped the drinks would loosen her tongue, not her inhibitions.Literature Literature
Era de esperar que se endureciera y evitara que se soltasen las tuercas.
Hopefully it would harden up and prevent the wingnuts from being removed.Literature Literature
Llamé a John y a William para que soltasen la cadena y volvieran al vehículo.
I called out to John and William to drop the chain and get back in the vehicle.Literature Literature
Howik y los cuatro marineros sólo esperaban la orden de que soltasen las amarras.
Howik and the four sailors only waited for the order to let go the rope.Literature Literature
Una noche me describió sus últimos treinta días en la cárcel, la agonía de la espera a que lo soltasen.
He described to me one night his last thirty days in jail, the agony of waiting to be released.Literature Literature
El acusado se negaba a comparecer y gritaba que lo soltasen.
The accused refused to submit and shouted at them to let him go.Literature Literature
Ordenó que otros soltasen a las muchachas y las condujesen a la espesura.
Others he ordered to free the girls and drive them into the thicket.Literature Literature
Tal como estaban las cosas, era difícil que lo soltasen.
Given that state of affairs, it would be difficult for them to let him out.Literature Literature
Era tan fácil hacer que aquellos hombres soltasen el dinero, y nunca la denunciaban, quedaban demasiado abochornados.
It was so easy to get these men to part with their cash, and they never pressed charges – they were too embarrassed.Literature Literature
—¿Se le ocurre por qué Audie se fugaría el día antes de que lo soltasen?
‘Have you any idea why Audie would escape the day before his release?’Literature Literature
Permaneció entre barreras, evitándose toda fatiga hasta que soltasen el otro toro que había de matar.
He remained between barriers avoiding all fatigue until the next bull he was to kill should be let out.Literature Literature
No podía hacer que soltasen al chico.
He couldn't have the boy released.Literature Literature
-En la distancia, desde su cabina al otro lado del pasillo, lo oía gritar para que lo soltasen.
In the distance, from his cabin across the way, she could hear the Frenchman shouting to be released.Literature Literature
En cuanto lo soltasen, volvería a atacar.
The moment they released him, he’d come back.Literature Literature
Empecé a dudar de que aquellas garras me soltasen algún día.
I started to doubt that those talons would ever let me go.Literature Literature
Recuerda, mi único deseo en este mundo era que me soltasen del hospital.
Remember, the only thing I wanted in the world was to be released from the hospital.Literature Literature
si no hubiera temido que Búho y Puh soltasen su cabo de cuerda para mirarle.
if he hadn’t been afraid that Pooh and Owl would let go of their end of the string and look at him.Literature Literature
Juda estaba descalza pero tenía unos pies enormes, de modo que no había peligro de que se me soltasen.
Juda was barefoot but had big feet, so there was no risk of me loosing my grip.Literature Literature
Informó a los demás de que, aunque ellos la soltasen, ella no pensaba hacerlo.
She told the Holers that even if they let go, she wouldn’t.Literature Literature
Si lo veo desde mi punto de vista...Si lograra que te soltasen, Edna se pondría hecha una furia
And looking at it from my point of view, well, if I had gotten you off, Edna would have been just furiousopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Lo más cerca que yo he estado de que me soltasen un tiro, viejo penco, fue el viernes pasado, cuando tú me encañonaste.
Closest I ever came to getting plugged, ol‘ hoss, was when you drew down on me last Friday.”Literature Literature
Imagínate cómo sería que, de pronto, te sacasen de los Estados Unidos y te soltasen en Inglaterra.
Imagine what it would be like if you were suddenly dropped from America into England.Literature Literature
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