soltases oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Informal second-person singular (tú) imperfect subjunctive form of soltar.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

perro detector [de explosivos] suelto
free-running dog
soltar la pasta
suelta eso
no me sueltes
don't let me go
no me suelten
don't let me go


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Alguien que la abrazase con fuerza y no la soltase nunca.
Who would hold her close and never let her go.Literature Literature
Negándome incluso a mirar a su puño cerrado, le ordené que la soltase en seguida.
Refusing even to look at his closed fist, I ordered him to release it immediately.Literature Literature
Incluso podía ayudarle a que soltase su lengua, aunque ésta ya parecía lo bastante suelta de por sí.
It might even loosen his tongue, although that tongue certainly seemed loose enough as it was.Literature Literature
Llevando al muchacho hasta la abierta ventana, le dije que soltase a la mosca en seguida, cosa que hizo.
Marching the boy over to the open window, I told him to release the fly immediately, which he did.Literature Literature
No podría jurarlo, pero estaba casi seguro de que había oído algo justo un segundo antes de que el bote se soltase.
He wouldn’t swear it, but he was fairly certain he had heard something just before the lifeboat came loose.Literature Literature
Varias señoras se apresuraron a desatarle el corsé y a sacudirla fuertemente para que soltase el agua que había tragado.
Various ladies hastened to loosen her clothing and shake her violently to rid her of the water which she had swallowed.Literature Literature
El agua estaba congelada y al percatarme de que estaba sujetando la mano de una muerta hizo que la soltase.
The water was freezing and the thought that I was actually holding the hand of a dead person made me squirm.Literature Literature
Él pareció que se alegraba de verme y me dio la mano, pero antes de que la soltase tuvo un mensaje especial para mí.
He seemed glad to see me and shook my hand, but before he let it go he had a special message for me.Literature Literature
26 Esperaba también con esto que Pablo le diera dinero para que le soltase; por lo cual, haciéndole venir muchas veces, hablaba con él.
26 He hoped also that a money should have been given him of Paul, that he might loose him: wherefore he sent for him the oftener, and communed with him.Common crawl Common crawl
Una vez pasé cuarenta y cinco minutos intentando convencerlo para que soltase a una tortuga muerta que tenía en brazos.
I once spent forty-five minutes trying to coax a dead turtle out of his arms.Literature Literature
Boda observó una caída de algunos cientos de pisos por debajo de él, pero los viñedos no permitieron que se soltase.
Boda saw a drop of several hundred stories below him, but the vines did not let him fall.Literature Literature
11 Pero los principales sacerdotes incitaron a la multitud para que les soltase más bien a Barrabás.
11 But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.LDS LDS
Un golpe con la culata del fusil en el estómago del anciano bastó para que este soltase el cuchillo y cayese al suelo.
A blow with the rifle butt in the old man’s stomach was enough to get him to drop the knife and fall to the floor.Literature Literature
Cogió a la segunda criatura entre los muslos, la retorció e hizo que se soltase del cable.
He caught the second creature between his thighs, twisted, and pulled it away from its hold on the cable.Literature Literature
Lady Albertina se escandalizó de que Norah soltase una mentira tan infundada.
Lady Albertina was shocked that Norah’d tell such a baseless fib.Literature Literature
—Era imposible lograr que ese cabrón soltase el teléfono —convino Betty—.
“It was impossible to get the little son of a bitch off the phone,” Betty agrees.Literature Literature
Las voces seguían gritándole a Carl que me soltase.
The voices were still shouting at Carl to let me go.Literature Literature
¿Estaría Webster lanzando sondas, con la esperanza de que Tom soltase alguna información?
Was Webster casting about, hoping for Tom to drop a piece of information?Literature Literature
Me enfadé y dejé que se soltase mi lengua.
I was angry, and I let my tongue run away from me.Literature Literature
No iba a esperar a que la Murciélago saliese de su cueva y me soltase otro mensaje críptico.
I wasn’t going to wait for Bat Lady to fly down and leave me another cryptic clue.Literature Literature
Te dije que no le soltases.
I told you to hold on to him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Seguiría creciendo hasta que no soltase la línea totalmente.
It would continue to grow until I let go of the line completely.Literature Literature
Podía escupirle en los ojos y, cuando tratara de limpiárselos, darle una patada en la mano para que soltase la pistola.
She could spit in his eyes and when he went to wipe them clean she could kick the gun right out of his hand.Literature Literature
Alexandria abrazó con fuerza a Adam, como si una vez que lo soltase no fuese a volverlo a ver.
Alexandria clung to Adam as if once she let him from her embrace, she would never know him again.Literature Literature
Con sus dieciséis años de experiencia, Quinn estaba preparado para todo lo que el abogado le soltase.
After sixteen years of experience, Quinn had been ready for everything the lawyer had thrown at him.Literature Literature
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