su cara oor Engels

su cara

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

her face

Juzgando por la expresión de su cara, parece preocupada.
Judging from the expression on her face, she is worried.

his face

Tom le estaba hablando a Mary con una sonrisa en su cara.
Tom was talking to Mary with a smile on his face.

its face

El gato restriega su cara contra ella.
The cat rubs its face against her.

your face

Recuerdo su cara pero no recuerdo su nombre.
I remember your face, but I don't remember your name.

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

mostrar su verdadera cara
show one's true colors
quiero ver su cara
I want to see your face
dibuje su cara
draw your face
su cara es toda nariz
his face is all nose
su cara me resulta familiar
her face is familiar
su cara me resulta conocida
her face is familiar
sabía que expresar su disidencia le costaría caro
he knew that expressing his dissent would cost him dear
pagó cara su generosidad
he paid dearly for his generosity
dibujar su cara
draw your face


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Por ejemplo, la persona que habla con nosotros puede dejar que su cara “hable” de una manera agradable.
For instance, the person speaking with us can let his face “talk” in a pleasing manner.jw2019 jw2019
York lanzó una mirada en torno suyo y después una mueca de disgusto pasó sobre su cara
York cast a quick look about him, then a grimace that was half disgust passed over him.Literature Literature
Sentí un deseo repentino e intenso de ver su cara.
I had a sudden, intense desire to see his face.Literature Literature
Aunque, antes de que su cara se congelara, dijo que pensaba en mí todo el tiempo.
Although, before his face froze, he did say he was thinking about me all the time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Era obvio que su cara y sus huellas dactilares estarían archivadas en alguna parte.
Obviously his mug and prints would be on file somewhere.”Literature Literature
Su cara, su postura, perdió toda su alegría—.
Her expression, her posture, lost all its cheeriness.Literature Literature
No parecía estar mirando nada, precisamente, a pesar de la expresión escrutadora de su cara.
She didn't appear to be looking at anything, precisely, despite the scrutinizing expression on her face.Literature Literature
—Dio la vuelta a la mesa hasta enfrentarse con Alexander, su cara muy cerca de la de éste—.
He came around the desk until he was directly in front of Alexander, his face close to the younger man’s.Literature Literature
Deberíais haber visto su cara.
You should have seen his face.Literature Literature
Esperaba poder llegar a lanzar esto de vuelta en su cara.
I hoped I’d get to fling this back in her face.Literature Literature
Era alto, con rizos oscuros que caían sedosos sobre su cara y ojos también oscuros.
He was tall, with dark curls that hung about his face like silk and equally dark eyes.Literature Literature
Vio el suelo de repente cerca de su cara.
He saw the ground suddenly close to his face.QED QED
No puedo esperar a ver su cara.
Can't wait to see his face.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Parece tener algún tipo de lesión o una ampolla en su cara.
He appears to have some sort of lesion, or blister on his face.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Su cabeza vivía y su cara había muerto.
His head lived, his face was dead.Literature Literature
Tenía la camisa destrozada por las ramas que también habían convertido su cara en una máscara sangrienta.
His shirt ripped to shreds by branches that had also scourged his face into a bloody mask.Literature Literature
Elizabeth comenzó a ruborizarse, pero cuando la sangre ya había coloreado la mitad de su cara no siguió.
Elizabeth began to blush, but when the blood had colored half her face it receded.Literature Literature
Stanley vio que los músculos de su cara se encogían y temblaban.
Stanley could see the muscles on his face jump and twitch.Literature Literature
—Nada —dije yo, apartando la vista de su cara irreconocible—.
“Nothing,” I said, turning from her unrecognizable face.Literature Literature
El viento hacía que su cabello revoloteara alrededor de su cara.
The wind sent her hair blowing about her face.Literature Literature
De reojo miró su cara, se preguntó en qué clase de ensueño estaría ella en ese momento.
Covertly, he watched her face, wondered what sort of dream she was having.Literature Literature
Hemos crecido con él, le hemos oído hablar en el Report, hemos visto su cara cientos de veces.
We’ve grown up with him, heard him speak on the Report, seen his face hundreds of times.Literature Literature
Su cara torcida se volvía hacia la de Doc y murmuró, casi incoherentemente: —¡Me engañaron!
"His twisted face turned toward Doc’s own, and he muttered half incoherently, ""They fooled you."Literature Literature
¿Qué tenía su cara?
What about his face?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Boyd está durmiendo con esa sonrisa bobalicona en su cara que me hace recordar que es tu nieto.
Uh-huh. Boyd is sleeping with that goofy smile on his face that lets me know he is your grandson.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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