su hermano oor Engels

su hermano

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

her brother

Llegada a la estación, ella llamó a su hermano.
Arriving at the station, she called up her brother.

his brother

Su ingreso anual es mayor que el de su hermano.
His annual income is larger than that his brother's.

their brother

Luchan por sus hermanos, que luchan por sus hermanas, luchan por nosotros.
They fight for their brothers, they fight for their sisters, they fight for us.

your brother

Es difícil distinguirlo de su hermano.
It's hard to tell you from your brother.

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Soortgelyke frases

se parece mucho a su hermano
he bears a close resemblance to his brother
¿Es su hermana?
Is she your sister?
su hermana viuda
his widowed sister
Linda comparte un auto con sus hermanos
Linda shares a car with her brothers · Linda shares a car with her siblings
¿Qué aspecto tiene su hermana?
What does your sister look like?
siempre la confundo con su hermana
I always muddle her up with her sister
es tan alto como su hermano
he's as tall as his brother
María es su hermana
Maria is your sister
quiere ver a su hermana ya
she wants to see her sister now


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Me lo monté con Alice Ridgeway por una sola razón: estaba pensando en su hermano.
The only reason I could make it with Alice Ridgeway was because I was thinking of her brother.”Literature Literature
¿Será por el sentimiento de culpa, o por la necesidad de averiguar qué le pasó a su hermano?
Maybe out of guilt, or the need to find out what happened to his brother?”Literature Literature
Mauricio Segovia y su hermano Hermenegildo se fueron de copeo por los bares de la calle de Echegaray.
Mauricio Segovia and his brother Hermenegildo go bar-hopping from one bar to the next in the Calle de Echegaray.Literature Literature
—La botella de París está en nuestras manos —le recordó a su hermana—.
"""We have the bottle from Paris,"" he reminded his sister."Literature Literature
Su mejor amigo, su timonel y su hermana estaban enojados por igual.
His best friend, his helmsman and his sister were all equally angry.Literature Literature
Su hermano había sido con mucho el más fácil de quitar de en medio.
His brother had been by far the easiest to remove.Literature Literature
Kemal quizá fuese diez años mayor que su hermana.
Kemal was perhaps ten years older than his sister.Literature Literature
Pizarro aprovechó la situación y capturó a Atahualpa, cuyas fuerzas acababan de derrotar a las de su hermano.
Pizarro took advantage of the situation by seizing Atahualpa, whose forces had just defeated his brother’s.Literature Literature
Nos interesa saber qué provocó el suicidio de su hermano.
'We're interested in what triggered your brother's suicide.Literature Literature
Incluso Danav aquí, ama a su hermano.
Even Danav here, loves his brother.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Niall, si quieres ser tú quien la convenza de que su hermano está muerto, adelante, inténtalo.
“Niall, if you want to be the one to persuade her that her brother’s dead, go try.”Literature Literature
Sacó el 45 de su cintura y apuntó con él entre los ojos de su hermano.
He pulled the.45 from his waistband and aimed it straight between his brother's eyes.Literature Literature
Además, eres su hermano y te quiere y te adora.
Plus, you know, you're his brother, whom he loves and adores.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mi padre también está dispuesto a compensar generosamente a Telamón para que le devuelva a su hermana.
My father is also prepared to compensate Telamon generously for the return of his sister.’Literature Literature
Su hermano se sobresaltó y abrió los ojos.
Her brother startled and opened his eyes.Literature Literature
Su hermano Arthur estaba en Wicklow.
His brother Arthur was down in Wicklow.Literature Literature
Cuando Amira abandonó finalmente la cocina, Camelia se acercó corriendo a su hermano.
When Amira finally left the kitchen, Camelia rushed up to her brother.Literature Literature
Basil había cenado en el Taft con Jobena Dorsey y su hermano George.
Basil had dinner at the Taft with Jobena Dorsey and her brother George.Literature Literature
Y su hermano pequeño, de solo nueve años, empezará a llorar.
And her little brother, only nine years old, will start to cry.Literature Literature
– Debes ser de hielo -le hizo notar su hermana Peigi-.
“You must be made of ice,” remarked her sister Peigi.Literature Literature
Dice que su hermano está muerto, señor.
He says your brother is dead, sir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Su hermano también miró por la ventana.
His brother looked at the window, as well.Literature Literature
Stephen confía en su hermano y cree en él.
Stephen trusts his brother and believes in him.Literature Literature
—¿Ve usted con frecuencia a su hermana, en Jerusalén?
“Do you see your sister quite often in Jerusalem?”Literature Literature
Ram pensó en su hermana mayor con cariño.
Ram thought of his elder sister with fondness.Literature Literature
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