sudoroso oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


having a tendency to sweat
Busca a un sujeto calvo y sudoroso.
Look for a bald and sweaty guy.


Entre los turistas sudorosos y las agonizantes palomas, Paris, durante el verano, ¡es terriblemente elegante!
Between the sweating tourists and the agonizing pigeons, Paris, during the summer, is madly elegant!


Nadie me pide bailar porque tengo las manos sudorosas.
No one asks me to dances'cause I have such clammy hands.
sweaty (having a tendency to sweat)

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Ella se separó de su cuerpo sudoroso y ensangrentado y se dirigió a la mesa en la que estaba su móvil.
She slid off his sweaty, bloody body and went to the table where her cell phone was.Literature Literature
Estúpidos gira-sillas sudorosos.
Oh, you sweaty, chair-spinning morons.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ambas manos estaban frías, sudorosas, no completamente vivas.
Both of their hands felt cold, clammy, and not entirely alive.Literature Literature
Me dejé algo alli la pasada noche?# #: #: #, #-- > #: #: #, # No, solo un gran mi sudorosa
Did I happen to leave anything over there last night?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
—Me conformaré con una comida —dijo Hugo, sudoroso—.
"""I'll settle for a meal,"" Hugo said, sweating."Literature Literature
Lo más difícil fue subir a pulso su pesado y sudoroso cuerpo hasta la cabina.
The hardest part was hoisting his cumbersome, perspiring body into the driver’s cab.Literature Literature
Estaba tan cerca que podía percibir el olor de su pelo, de su piel, de su cuerpo sudoroso.
Now she was so close that she could smell his hair, his skin, his sweaty boy odor.Literature Literature
Descubrí que no podía controlar nada, ni siquiera mis palmas sudorosas ni los latidos de mi corazón.
I found I could control nothing, not even my sweating palms nor the throbbing of my heart.Literature Literature
Nunca he tenido un oído sudoroso en mi vida.
I've never had a sweaty ear in my life.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ella deslizó las manos por sus costados sudorosos y memorizó la textura de su piel y la forma de su cuerpo.
She ran her hands along his damp sides, memorizing the texture of his skin and the shape of him.Literature Literature
Ahora los rockeros abrazaban la causa de la humanidad y la estrechaban contra sus pechos sudorosos.
Rockers had taken up the cause of humanity and were clasping it to their sweaty bosoms.Literature Literature
—Intento quitar hierro al asunto, pero tengo las manos sudorosas y temblorosas y mi cuchillo golpetea contra el plato.
I’m trying to make light of it, but my fingers feel clumsy and my knife clatters against my plate.Literature Literature
El barman colocó dos sudorosas Budweiser frente a ellos y aguardó.
The bartender placed two sweating Budweiser cans in front of them and waited.Literature Literature
Miles de cuerpos sudorosos, mal lavados y hacinados.
Thousands of bodies, sweating and ill-washed and packed together.Literature Literature
Jadeante... Sudorosa... Bajé la cabeza mientras luchaba contra el miedo y el sentimiento de indefensión.
Panting ... Sweaty ... I hung my head as I pushed at my fear and feeling of helplessness.Literature Literature
Pegó la oreja a la puerta, inmóvil, sudorosa, sin parpadear, sin respirar.
She stuck her ear to the door, motionless, sweaty, without blinking, not breathing.Literature Literature
Estoy helada y quiero quitarme la mano sudorosa de Johnny de encima.
I'm still cold to the bone, and I want to wash off the icky feeling of Johnny's sweaty hand.Literature Literature
A decir de sus gruesos trajes y sus rostros sudorosos, supuso que se trataba de dos visitantes de Londres.
From their heavy suits and perspiring faces she guessed they were visitors from London.Literature Literature
En Apple, el precio final dio pie a algunas apuestas furtivas y a sudorosas especulaciones.
At Apple the eventual price became the source of furtive bets and sweaty speculation.Literature Literature
Kilorn patines a una parada en mi hombro, con el rostro sudoroso y ya ras con el esfuerzo.
Kilorn skids to a stop at my shoulder, his face already sweaty and flush with exertion.Literature Literature
Creo que es el pelo lo que hace que mucha gente parezca sudorosa.
I think it’s the hair on most people that makes them appear sweaty.Literature Literature
Me imagino la sala, caliente y sudorosa, repleta de gente bailando swing en la pista.
I imagine the room, hot and sweaty, heaving with people jiving on the dance floor.Literature Literature
Está caliente y sudorosa y huele a lavanda.
She’s warm and sweaty and smells of lavender.Literature Literature
La ropa se abrió por último, revelando una complicada estructura y la sudorosa y barbada cara de Robert Peel.
The costume split at last to reveal a complicated framework and the sweating, bearded face of Robert Peel.Literature Literature
Crea tramas que nos mantienen el corazón en vilo y las manos sudorosas incluso después de haber terminado sus libros».
He creates plots that keep your heart pounding and palms sweating even after you’ve finished his books.”Literature Literature
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