sus tíos oor Engels

sus tíos

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

her uncle and aunt

Ella visitó a su tío y a su tía.
She visited her uncle and aunt.

her uncles

Ahora ella se está quedando en casa de su tío.
She is now staying at her uncle's house.

his uncles

Tom fue a Boston a visitar a su tío.
Tom went to Boston to visit his uncle.

your uncle and aunt

Entiendo que este casamiento es muy importante para su tío y su tía.
I understand that this marriage is very much to the mind of your uncle and aunt.

your uncles

Su tío, periodista, escribía en el Folha.
Your uncle, a journalist, used to write for the Folha.

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Soortgelyke frases

su tío
her uncle · his uncle · their uncle · your uncle
su tía
her aunt · his aunt · your aunt
a su tío le gustan las manzanas
your uncle likes apples


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Dos de sus tíos maternos estuvieron en la Marina de la Confederación.
Two uncles on his mother’s side had been in the Confederate Navy.Literature Literature
Sus tíos abuelos, que ya pasaban de los setenta, tenían la tenacidad de las llamas.
Her great-uncle and great-aunt, already in their seventies, had the tenacity of llamas.Literature Literature
Sus tíos se negaron a ayudarle y su carrera tuvo un comienzo difícil.
His uncles now refused to help him, and his career had a difficult time getting started.Literature Literature
Había tenido nueve años de edad, y habría matado a sus tíos si hubiera podido también.
He’d been nine years old, and he would have killed his uncles if he could have as well.Literature Literature
Más tarde escucha a sus tíos discutiendo en la cocina.
Later, he hears his aunt and uncle arguing in the kitchen.Literature Literature
Había dejado claro su punto de vista; demasiado claro para el gusto de sus tíos.
He had made his viewpoint clear enough—too clear for his uncles' liking.Literature Literature
Todos sus tíos están desaparecidos, muertos o prisioneros.
Her uncles are lost or dead or captive.”Literature Literature
De pronto, la señorita Campbell —pues de ella se trataba— vio a sus tíos.
All of a sudden Miss Campbell – for it was she – noticed her uncles.Literature Literature
Él casi nunca agachaba la cabeza ante los dictados autoritarios de su padre o de sus tíos.
He rarely bowed to the dictates of his autocratic father or his great-uncles.Literature Literature
Ella suspiró mientras Lance y sus tíos convergían de repente sobre ella.
She sighed as Lance and her uncles were suddenly converging on her.Literature Literature
Cada día sus tíos hablaban con él, cada noche Asha le martilleaba la cabeza con sentido.
Every day his uncles talked to him, every night Asha pounded sense into his head.Literature Literature
El populismo ruso se agitaba en torno a él y uno de sus tíos era un activo revolucionario.
Russian populism surged all around him, and one of his uncles was an active revolutionary.Literature Literature
* * * Después de disfrutar de una deliciosa cena con sus tíos, Elva durmió pacíficamente.
Having enjoyed a delicious dinner with her uncle and aunt, Elva slept peacefully.Literature Literature
Sonea pensó en sus tíos, y en el bebé que esperaban.
Sonea thought of her aunt and uncle, and the child they were expecting.Literature Literature
Envidiaba a los que, como su padre y sus tíos, los habían vivido.
He envied those like his father and his uncles who had lived through it.Literature Literature
Sería una preocupación si tuviera intención de dejar que sus tíos controlaran su futuro.
And it would be a worry if she planned on letting her uncles control her future.Literature Literature
Besó las manos de sus tíos, les deseó buenas noches.
He kissed his uncles’ hands and wished them good night.Literature Literature
Para ello, se dirigió a sus tíos matemos, Petar y Pavle Mandic, que estuvieron de acuerdo en apoyarlo.
To do so, he approached his maternal uncles, Petar and Pavle Mandic, who agreed to support him.Literature Literature
—¿Considerará usted la posibilidad de permitir que el chico vea a sus tíos de vez en cuando?
"""You going to consider letting that boy see his uncles once in a while?"""Literature Literature
¿Sus hermanos o sus tíos, no tienen un auto?
Or maybe your brothers or your uncles have one?Literature Literature
* * * Sus tíos no eran hombres dispuestos a renunciar a semejante presa sin lucha.
* * * Her uncles were not men to relinquish such a prize without a fight.Literature Literature
Había llegado a Duke’s Gate a eso de las cinco, y vio a sus tíos, y a Félicité.
She had arrived at Duke’s Gate at about five and had seen her aunt and uncle and Félicité.Literature Literature
¿Permaneció con sus tíos una sola temporada?
Did you remain with your uncle for only one season?""Literature Literature
Pensó en sus tíos; con sus voces estentóreas, no les costaba hacerse oír.
She thought of her uncles; with their loud, booming voices, it was easy for them to be heard.Literature Literature
Como no sabía nada de sus tíos, decidió que Anthony era el mayor.
Not knowing his uncles’ ages, Joseph decided that Anthony was older.Literature Literature
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