tentases oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Informal second-person singular (tú) imperfect subjunctive form of tentar.

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Son nada, y comprendo que el Cristo no se tentase.
They are nothing, and I can understand why Christ wasn’t tempted.Literature Literature
Y no quería que tentase a nadie con el pensamiento de volver atrás.
And I didn’t want her tempting anybody to turn back.Literature Literature
Cenaban juntos y Philip era feliz encargando a la patrona algún manjar que tentase el apetito caprichoso de la joven.
They dined together, and Philip was delighted when he had ordered something which tempted Mildred’s capricious appetite.Literature Literature
No quería que él la excitase, la tentase o la abrumase con sus sensuales y devastadores besos.
She didn’t want him arousing her or tempting her or overwhelming her with his devastatingly sensual kisses.Literature Literature
¿No te ofrecieron nada que te tentase?
Did they offer nothing that tempted you?Literature Literature
Y, por mucho que la tentase la idea de dejarse seducir por él, no era así como vivía su vida.
And as much as the idea of falling into this man’s bed appealed to her, it wasn’t how she lived her life.Literature Literature
Los peces eran invisibles, a no ser que alguna comida los tentase.
The goldfish were invisible unless tempted by food.Literature Literature
Era la ducentésima vez que Shawcross había pagado a una mujer para que le tentase.
This was the two hundredth occasion on which Shawcross had paid a woman to tempt him.Literature Literature
Abrió la nevera quizá una docena de veces, pero no encontró nada que la tentase.
She opened the refrigerator perhaps a dozen times, but nothing appealed to her.Literature Literature
En aquel momento oyeron un ligero ruido a la puerta como de quien tentase buscando el picaporte.
At this moment they heard a slight noise at the door, as of one feeling the handle.Literature Literature
Ping llevó la olla al pozo, con la esperanza de que la perspectiva de un baño tentase a Kai a cambiar de forma.
Ping carried the pot to the well, hoping the chance of a swim might entice Kai to change back.Literature Literature
¿Quién quería que lo tentase el agua verde y llena de espuma cuando estaba aún demasiado fría para nadar?
Who wanted to be enticed by sparkling green water when it was still too cold for swimming?Literature Literature
Y dejé de ir de caza con la escopeta para que no me tentase ese medio demasiado fácil de quitarme la vida.
And I quit going hunting with a gun, so that I would not be too easily tempted to rid myself of life.Literature Literature
Nunca se han encontrado con circunstancias excepcionales en las que se les tentase a cruzar esa línea.
They’ve never really been put in unusual circumstances where they were tempted or seduced across that line.Literature Literature
Clark quiere saber si nos gustaría que in-tentase reactivar CARDO
"""Clark wants to know if we would like him to take a swing at reactivating THISTLE."""Literature Literature
No podría haberse dirigido a mí en ninguna forma, que me tentase a aceptarlo.
You could not make me the offer of your hand in any way that would tempt me to accept it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Personalmente, si tuviera que elegir entre Kerri y Pin Sur Mer, puede que me tentase quedarme con la casa.
Personally, if I had to pick between Kerri and Pin Sur Mer, I might be tempted to take the house.Literature Literature
—¿Y si Marius tentase la vanidad del príncipe heredero?
“Suppose Marius tempted the Crown Prince’s vanity?Literature Literature
Pero ahora ya no podía echarse atrás; no mientras aquella luminiscencia lo tentase a torcer una esquina más.
But he couldn’t turn back now; not with the luminescence tempting him to turn one more corner.Literature Literature
Mas yo no soy tan pronta en anhelar y podría veros desnudo de arriba abajo sin que me tentase vuestra piel.
I’m not aroused that quickly; I could see you stark naked from head to toe without being the least bit tempted.Literature Literature
Fue raro, y quise apartarme, pero dejé que me tentase la nariz, la boca y los ojos hasta que supo que era yo.
It felt strange and I wanted to move away but I let her feel my nose and mouth and eyes until she knew it was me.Literature Literature
Y buscaba aún, examinaba sus deseos y no encontraba ninguna otra cosa de importancia que la tentase.
She looked around, analysing her desires and not finding anything much apart from this that appealed to her.Literature Literature
Por más que tentase al monarca elegir a uno de ellos, era consciente de que el reino jamás aceptaría a otro pentoshí.
Much as the king was tempted to reach out to one of them, he knew the realm would never accept another Pentoshi.Literature Literature
Era como si la chica tentase al destino, atreviéndose cada vez más con cada una de sus citas clandestinas.
It was almost as if she loved tempting fate, becoming bolder with each of their clandestine meetings.Literature Literature
Si a O’Brien no le tentase mucho el dinero, no se hubiese vendido como asesino.
If O’Brien weren’t sorely tempted by money, he would never have hired himself out as a killer.Literature Literature
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