tomar a sorbos oor Engels

tomar a sorbos

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


verb noun
Me gusta tomar a sorbos un margarita con sal al borde del vaso.
I enjoy sipping on a margarita with salt around the rim.

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Me gusta tomar a sorbos un margarita con sal al borde del vaso.
I enjoy sipping on a margarita with salt around the rim.tatoeba tatoeba
Mustafá dejó que se la tomara a pequeños sorbos.
Mustapha let him have it in little sips.Literature Literature
Ruth levantó la copa... tomó un sorbo... cerró los ojos... volvió a tomar un sorbo... abrió los ojos.
Ruth picked up her glass... sipped... closed her eyes... sipped again... opened them.Literature Literature
Lusen se limitó a tomar otro sorbo de su bebida y a lanzarle a Alexander una mirada cargada de odio.
Lucius simply took another gulp of his drink and gave Alexander a nasty look.Literature Literature
Nadie alcanzó a tomar un sorbo y he aquí que el destartalado chalet comenzó a crujir y a estremecerse.
Nobody had a chance for a drink before the rattletrap chalet began to heave and shake.Literature Literature
Volvió a tomar unos sorbos de café, mientras miraba con interés a Edwards, que echaba bastante azúcar en su propia taza.
He buried his nose back in his coffee cup, watching with interest as Edwards poured sugar into his own mug.Literature Literature
Dice que estoy muy pálida y me obliga a tomar un sorbo de agua y a tumbarme a descansar unos minutos en la camilla.
He says I’m very pale, and he makes me sip some water and climb onto the examination table to rest for a few minutes.Literature Literature
Zisky no picó, se limitó a tomar un sorbo de bourbon con una de sus sagaces sonrisas.
Zisky didn’t rise to that, just sipped his bourbon and gave another of those knowing half-smiles.Literature Literature
Probó a tomar otro sorbo de vino.
He tried another sip of the wine.Literature Literature
La señorita Spence volvió a tomar otro sorbo con los ojos cerrados.
Miss Spence was taking another sip, again with her eyes closed.Literature Literature
—Bastante satisfecho con este aperçu, volví a tomar un sorbo del café que había traído Marsden—.
Rather pleased with this aperçu, I again sipped the coffee that Marsden had brought.Literature Literature
No me resisto a tomar varios sorbos grandes.
I can’t resist taking several big sips myself.Literature Literature
Tras tomar unos sorbos, a Zacarías se le despejó la cabeza.
After a few sips, Zachariah's head cleared.Literature Literature
Le llevó un vaso de agua a Ricardo y lo obligó a tomar un sorbo.
She took a cup of water to Richard and forced him to sip.Literature Literature
Zisky no picó, se limitó a tomar un sorbo de bourbon con una de sus sagaces sonrisas.
Zisky didn't rise to that, just sipped his bourbon and gave another of those knowing half-smiles.Literature Literature
Noel se limitó a tomar un sorbo de té y no hizo ningún comentario.
Noel just drank his mug of tea and said nothing.Literature Literature
Primero voy a tomar un sorbo.
First I'll have a sip.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Consternada al descubrir que temblaba, se volvió a tomar un sorbo de vino para fortalecer sus crispados nervios.
Dismayed to discover herself trembling, Vanessa turned away and took a sip of wine to bolster her frayed nerves.Literature Literature
Lupin, quien había estado dispuesto a tomar un sorbo de vino, bajó su copa despacio, mirando cauteloso.
Lupin, who had been about to take a sip of wine, lowered his goblet slowly, looking wary.Literature Literature
Entonces él alzó los ojos disponiéndose a tomar un sorbo de su vaso.
Then he looked up to take a sip from his glass.Literature Literature
Mujer, coge su otro brazo y vayamos a tomar un sorbo.
Mother, take his other arm, and well go and have that drink.Literature Literature
—Nina se obligó a tomar un sorbo de té, y después dijo—: Gracias por lo que hiciste anoche.
Nina forced herself to take a sip of tea, then said, “Thank you for what you did last night.Literature Literature
Volvió a tomar un sorbo de su martini.
He sipped again from his martini.Literature Literature
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