trituraba oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of triturar.
First-person singular (yo) imperfect indicative form of triturar.

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—Veo que no has venido solo —dijo mientras trituraba el pétalo de lirio entre los dedos—.
“I see you haven’t come alone,” she said, crumbling the lily petal between her fingers.Literature Literature
Era una fuerza que te elevaba, te traspasaba, te trituraba de felicidad.
It was a force that raised her up, transfixed her, crushed her with happiness.Literature Literature
Mientras me alejaba pude escuchar cómo se llevaba otro azucarillo a la boca y lo trituraba con los dientes.
As I walked away I heard him putting another sugar lump in his mouth and crunching it between his teeth.Literature Literature
El desgaste en los molares sugiere que trituraba huesos con regularidad.
The wear on the molars suggests it regularly cracked bones.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—Visualiza —le insistía cada vez que su cuerpo sufría un espasmo y me trituraba los huesos de las manos—.
“Visualize,” I urged each time her body spasmed and she ground the bones of my hands to smithereens.Literature Literature
Podía escuchar un ruidito persistente, algo que trituraba las paredes por dentro; ¿termitas?
She could hear a tiny, persistent, crunching sound from within the wall – termites?Literature Literature
Le acusaban de «convertir la maquinaria del Estado chino en una picadora de carne que masacraba y trituraba a la gente».
They accused him of “turning the Chinese state machine into a meat grinder, slaughtering and crushing people.”Literature Literature
Siad Barre Bocagrande, el enorme hocico que trituraba a la gente.
Siad Barre, The Big Mouth, the huge maw that crushed people.Literature Literature
Esa era la razón por la que no me quejé del hecho de que ella prácticamente trituraba los huesos de mi mano.
That was why I didn’t mention the fact she was crushing the bones in my hand.Literature Literature
Absorto, Arafa mezclaba algunas sustancias y las trituraba en un gran recipiente de barro.
Arafa was absorbed in a mixture of certain substances which he was kneading in a large ceramic vessel.Literature Literature
Sylvie se había convertido en un elemento, en una pieza del mecanismo que le trituraba la conciencia.
Sylvie had become an element, a cog in the mechanism which was grinding his consciousness.Literature Literature
La trituraba para que estuviera blanda y la pudiera comer.
I mashed it and ground it so that it would be soft, so that he could eat.Literature Literature
Rose contempló fascinada cómo la máquina trituraba la caña.
Rose watched in fascination as the machine drew the sugarcane into its depths and ground it up.Literature Literature
El tiempo era una boca sin cuerpo, una boca que lo devoraba y trituraba todo, sin dejar rastro.
Time was a maw without a body—a maw that devoured everything, grinding it all up without a trace.Literature Literature
Se solía acompañar con cerveza para que resultara más comestible, y también se trituraba para usarla como harina.
Often softened with beer to make them edible, the biscuits were also crushed into crumbs and used as flour.Literature Literature
Luego, cuando por fin empezó a alimentarse, le trituraba a Lisa los pezones como si fuera un animal.
Then, when he started teething, he ground at Lisa’s nipples like an animal.Literature Literature
Por suerte eran blandos, fueran lo que fuesen, y la hélice los trituraba, tosía y seguía funcionando.
Fortunately it was soft, whatever it was, so the prop just chopped it up, coughed and kept going.Literature Literature
Le di el parte de mi visita a Stephens mientras él trituraba tres porciones con albóndigas y pimientos.
I reported on my visit to Stephens while he demolished three slices with meatballs and peppers.Literature Literature
Yo conocí a un tipo que se masturbaba en la mano de su víctima y luego se la cortaba y la trituraba en una licuadora.
I had one guy who’d masturbate in his victim’s hand, cut it off, then grind it up in a blender.Literature Literature
Trituraba el hueso grande allí.
It shredded the large bone there.Literature Literature
Connie aferraba la mano de Harry con tal fuerza que le trituraba los nudillos.
Connie was gripping Harry's hand so tightly she was grinding his knuckles together.Literature Literature
A la hora de comer, Sigrid le trituraba un poco de comida y se la metía entre los labios para mantenerlo con vida.
Every mealtime, Sigrid mushed up food and pushed it between her husband’s lips to keep him alive.Literature Literature
Tan inexorable como Elaida, trituraba todo cuanto se interpusiera en su camino.
As inexorable as Elaida, she ground down whatever lay in her path.Literature Literature
No son más que mentiras, mi querido amigo —dijo a Alejandro, mientras su mano por poco no le trituraba la rodilla.
It is all lies, my dear friend,” he told Alexander, hand nearly crushing his knee.Literature Literature
Estaba sola en la cama cuando a la mañana siguiente, ya tarde, la resaca le trituraba la conciencia.
She had been alone in the bed when a hangover had finally hammered her into consciousnesses late the next morning.Literature Literature
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