un mendrugo oor Engels

un mendrugo

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

a crust of bread

Les ofrecí un mendrugo de pan y un lugar para descansar, y ellos me ayudaron a apaciguar mi soledad.
I offered them a crust of bread and a place to rest, and they help appease my loneliness.

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Con los ojos, nos pasamos lo irreversible de su muerte como un mendrugo de pan duro.
With our eyes, we passed the finality of his death between ourselves like a crust of hard bread.Literature Literature
Un mendrugo de pan y una esquina para dormir,
A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in,UN-2 UN-2
Le hubiera gustado verlo forzado a robar y mendigar, y hacer cualquier cosa por un mendrugo de pan.
She'd like to see him forced to steal and beg and do anything and everything for a crust of bread.Literature Literature
Te arrojarán un mendrugo de pan pero no te tocarán.
They’ll throw a bit of bread your way, but they won’t touch you.Literature Literature
La observamos hervir dos patatas y mordisquear un mendrugo de pan.
We watched as she boiled two potatoes and gnawed on a stump of bread.Literature Literature
Los vigilantes me tiraban a veces un mendrugo de pan por la ventana y me decían que rezara.
The watchmen threw me a bit of bread in through the window sometimes and told me to pray.Literature Literature
«¡Un mendrugo de pan para Juan, el prefecto pretorio, por la caridad de Cristo!»
A crust of bread for the praetorian prefect John, for Christ’s charity!’Literature Literature
Luego me dio un mendrugo de pan.
Then he gave me a crust of bread.Literature Literature
Yo los temo, porque me resulta imposible ayudarlos, salvo con un mendrugo de pan.
I fear them, for it is beyond me to help, but for a small bit of bread.Literature Literature
La gente suplicaba documentos: visados, pasaportes, permisos, como los mendigos que piden un mendrugo de pan
People begged for pieces of paper — visas, passports, permits — as the starving begged for bread.Literature Literature
Orlov apuntó hacia el parque con un mendrugo de pan medio desmigado.
Orlov pointed across the park with a half-torn piece of bread.Literature Literature
Y el ladrón me pagaba antes de haber podido llevarse un mendrugo de pan a la boca.
This thief would pay me before he would put food into his own mouth.Literature Literature
Que la mujer vista que había sido mi esposa me trajera un mendrugo o una taza de caldo.
That the seeing woman who had been my wife once would bring me a crust or a cup of broth.Literature Literature
Por primera vez usaba los ojos conscientemente, intencionalmente, para algo más que un mendrugo de pan.
For the first time he used the eyes consciously, purposely, for something other than a crust of bread.Literature Literature
Por la mañana había comido un mendrugo de pan.
In the morning I had eaten a crust of bread.Literature Literature
Allí utilizarás las artes que se te han enseñado por un mendrugo de pan.
There you may use the arts you have been taught for a crust of bread.”Literature Literature
Holden los escuchaba hablar mientras empujaba la pasta fría por su plato con un mendrugo de pan.
Holden listened to them talk and pushed cold pasta around on his plate with a chunk of bread.Literature Literature
Había esperado la gratitud de Qilué, incluso su alabanza, pero no le había echado ni un mendrugo.
He’d expected gratitude from Qilué, even praise, but she hadn’t thrown him so much as the smallest scrap.Literature Literature
¿O solo me arrojaras un mendrugo como lo harías con un perro entrenado?
Or will you just toss me a tidbit as you would a trained dog?”Literature Literature
Uno no trabaja únicamente para ganar un mendrugo de pan y nada más.
One does not work merely for the sake of a bit of bread, and nothing more.Literature Literature
Tres veces al día, el capitán dividía un mendrugo de pan en dieciocho.
Three times a day the captain divided a morsel of bread eighteen ways.Literature Literature
Allí era donde acababan sus breves vidas, donde luchaban por un mendrugo o sucumbían.
This was where their short lives were played out, where they jostled for a crust or succumbed.Literature Literature
En los primeros días, sin tener siquiera un mendrugo que masticar, pasaron hambre.
They went hungry for the first few days, with not even a crust of bread to chew on.Literature Literature
Ahora no tengo nada, ni un mendrugo de pan.
Now I have nothing, not even a crumb.”Literature Literature
Al día siguiente está recibiendo un mendrugo de pan, un café y una cucharada de manteca.
The following day he is given a crust of bread, a cup of coffee, and a spoonful of lard.Literature Literature
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