wharenui oor Engels


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Māori meeting house
Esa es el Wharenui
That' s the Wharenui

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No me acercaría el wharenui a esa hora tan tardía, de ninguna manera quería entrar sola en la casa de la muerte.
I would not approach the wharenui at such a late hour, and in any case I did not wish to enter the house of death alone.Literature Literature
Un wharenui, recordó, una casa de asambleas, seguro que se guardaban ahí armas, aunque solo con fines religiosos.
A wharenui, Colin remembered, a gathering lodge—surely weapons were stored in there, if only for religious purposes.Literature Literature
Le habían quitado algunas paredes y las familias la habían utilizado como wharenui.
It had had some walls taken out of it and had been dedicated by the families as a wharenui.Literature Literature
Seguían estando en el wharenui.
They still stood in the wharenui.Literature Literature
En el wharenui nos esperaban bajo el portal para comenzar a llamarnos.
At the wharenui the people had gathered under the verandah to call us to them.Literature Literature
Todavía tenían su urupa 1y su wharenui, todavía había agua limpia al frente.
They still had their urupa and their wharenui, and there was still clean water out front.Literature Literature
Las que ellos necesitaban debían pasar delante de nuestras casas y a través del wharenui y del urupa.
The roads they wanted were roads in front of our houses, and through our wharenui and urupa.Literature Literature
Una mujer de más edad salió del wharenui; la casa comunal, seguida de un grupo de chicas de la edad de Mara.
An old woman stepped out of the wharenui, the communal house, followed by a group of girls Mara’s age.Literature Literature
Esa noche en el wharenui hubo mucha discusión.
In the wharenui that evening there were many things to be discussed.Literature Literature
Gloria, te recibirán en este wharenui como a una princesa...
Gloria, you will be greeted in this wharenui like a princess,” Tonga beamed.Literature Literature
Cuando libre, estaremos en wharenui.
When free, we will do in wharenui.Literature Literature
Más tarde entramos al wharenui y encontramos durmiendo a los hombres y a los jóvenes.
Later we went to the wharenui, looked in and saw the men and the young ones asleep in there.Literature Literature
Kuti Haoka recibió a Lizzie delante de la wharenui, la casa de las asambleas del poblado.
Kuti Haoka received Lizzie in front of the wharenui, the village’s meeting house.Literature Literature
Todavía se encontraban en los wharenui algunas mujeres y niños, que de inmediato hizo reunir y segregar.
In some of the wharenui, there were still women and children he had gathered together.Literature Literature
Hemi pasaba todo el tiempo en el wharenui en donde se tomaban las decisiones y se disponía cómo proceder con su madre.
Hemi stayed mainly in the wharenui where arrangements for his mother were discussed and where decisions were made.Literature Literature
En su origen había habido dos wharenui en Parihaka.
There had originally been two wharenui in Parihaka.Literature Literature
El caballo negro de Colin aguardaba delante del wharenui.
Colin’s black horse was in front of the wharenui.Literature Literature
Esa es el Wharenui.
That's the Wharenui.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Esa es el Wharenui
That' s the Wharenuiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Lo arreglan para cuando la gente venga, y lo visten bonito y lo ponen en nuestro wharenui.
They make my brother all ready for the people to come, and dress him up nice and put him in our wharenui there.Literature Literature
Y también la habría conducido a la wharenui.
And he would have led her into the wharenui.Literature Literature
Cuando el desayuno estuvo casi listo fuimos al wharenui e hicimos una bulliciosa haka para despertar a los durmientes.
When breakfast was almost ready we all went out to the wharenui and did a boisterous haka to wake the people up.Literature Literature
Esa es la " Wharenui "
That' s the Wharenuiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Pernoctar juntos en la wharenui de la tribu significaba casarse.
Sleeping together in the tribe’s wharenui meant marriage.Literature Literature
Allí había veinticinco viviendas y una casa vacía que servía de wharenui.
There were twenty-five houses that people lived in and an empty house that was used as a wharenui.Literature Literature
41 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.