peatoimetaja oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Estnies - Engels

chief editor

Tuleb välja, et nende peatoimetaja lasti eile maha.
Apparently their chief editor was shot dead last night.
Indrek Hein

editor in chief

Olgu, mina ei ole selle ajakirja peatoimetaja, Aga see on lausa katastroof.
Okay, I am not the editor-in-chief of this magazine, but this is a disaster.
Indrek Hein


Olgu, mina ei ole selle ajakirja peatoimetaja, Aga see on lausa katastroof.
Okay, I am not the editor-in-chief of this magazine, but this is a disaster.
Indrek Hein

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Estnies - Engels


publication's editorial leader
Olgu, mina ei ole selle ajakirja peatoimetaja, Aga see on lausa katastroof.
Okay, I am not the editor-in-chief of this magazine, but this is a disaster.

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Ta oli ajakirja Favoriit asutaja 1993 ja selle peatoimetaja aastani 1998.
He founded the Estonian magazine Favoriit in 1993 and was the editor in chief for the magazine until 1998.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ministrite nõukogu ajalehe „Republika” peatoimetaja.
Editor-in-Chief of 'Republika', newspaper of the Council of Ministers.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Alates 1968. aastast oli ta ajalehe Haugesunds Avis peatoimetaja.
From 1968 to his retirement he was the editor-in-chief of Haugesunds Avis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Peatoimetaja Torstensson oli otsustanud plaanid päevavalgele tuua ja avalikustada Euroopa Liidu pakkumise.
The editor-in-chief, Torstensson, had made up his mind to come clean and had told them about his job offer at the EU.Literature Literature
Jah, ma olin Elle peatoimetaja.
Yes, I was the editor-in-chief of Elle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Presidendi administratsiooni ja peamise riikliku propaganda ajalehe „Sovjetskaja Belarus” peatoimetaja, endine parlamendi ülemkoja liige, ametisse määratud president Lukašenka poolt.
Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper 'Sovietskaia Belarus', former Member of the Upper House of the Parliament appointed by President Lukashenka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kui ajakirja peatoimetaja sai sellekohase teate, soovis ta sellest artiklit.
Upon receiving notice of the event, the editor in chief suggested that an article be written on the subject.jw2019 jw2019
Ajalehe Sovietskaia Belarus peatoimetaja
Editor-in-Chief of “Sovietskaia Belarus”EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ajalehe Respublika peatoimetaja
Editor-in-Chief of „Republika”EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Lisaks leiab Rolandas Paksas, et seoses otsusega teda tunnistajana üle kuulata rikuti oluliselt Leedu kriminaalkoodeksit ja muid õigussätteid ning seda järgmistel põhjustel: tema elukohta ja autosõite jälgiti; teda ja tema advokaati jälitati Vilniuses; võimud kaasasid tema jälitamisse meedia ning operatiivtegevuses osalesid volitamata isikud; õiguskaitseasutusi ja salateenistusi kasutatakse Leedus tööriistana riigi teatavate poliitiliste eesmärkide saavutamiseks, mida tõendab antud juhul tõsiasi, et üks altkäemaksujuhtumi muudest peamistest kahtlustatavatest on suuraktsionär ja peatoimetaja Leedu meediarühmituses, mis laialdaselt kajastas Leedu presidendile ametialase süüdistuse esitamist.
Rolandas Paksas furthermore considers that the Lithuanian Criminal Code, as well as other legal provisions, were substantially violated in relation to the decision to question him as a witness, for the following reasons; his place of residence and his car movements were being surveilled; he and his lawyer were being followed in Vilnius; the authorities included the media in this surveillance, and the operational steps involved were carried out by unauthorised persons; law enforcement agencies and secret services are used as a tool in Lithuania to achieve certain objectives in the political processes of the State, exemplified in this case by the fact that one of the main other suspects in the bribery case is a major shareholder and chief editor of a Lithuanian media group that reported extensively on the impeachment of the Lithuanian President.not-set not-set
Nimeliselt oli peatoimetaja Leo, kuid kõik teadsid, et Betty on operatsiooni aju.
Leo had the title of editor-in-chief, but everyone knew she was the brains of the operation.Literature Literature
M. arvestades, et vahistatud või kinni on peetud ka teisi aktiviste, ajakirjanikke ja inimõiguste kaitsjaid, sh Getachew Shiferaw (ajalehe Negere Ethiopia peatoimetaja), Fikadu Mirkana (Oromia raadio- ja teleorganisatsioonist), Eskinder Nega (tuntud ajakirjanik), Bekele Gerba (oromo rahuaktivist) ja Andargachew Tsige (opositsioonijuht); arvestades, et veebiaktivist Yonathan Tesfaye on terrorismivastase võitluse seaduse alusel süüdi mõistetud Facebookis esitatud kommentaaride eest ning teda ähvardab kümne- kuni kahekümneaastane vanglakaristus;
M. whereas other activists, journalists and human rights defenders, including Getachew Shiferaw (Editor-in-Chief of Negere Ethiopia), Fikadu Mirkana (of the Oromia Radio and TV Organisation), Eskinder Nega (a prominent journalist), Bekele Gerba (an Oromo peace activist), and Andargachew Tsige (an opposition leader) have also been arrested or are being held in custody; whereas online activist Yonathan Tesfaye has been convicted under anti-terrorism legislation for comments he made on Facebook, and faces between 10 to 20 years in prison;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Kuukirja Belorusskaia Dumka peatoimetaja
Editor-in-Chief, „Belorusskaia Dumka” monthly reviewEurLex-2 EurLex-2
* Kui toimetusse tagasi jõuan, küsib peatoimetaja, miks ma nii kaua ära olin.
Back at the newspaper, the editor asks what took me so long.Literature Literature
Ajalehe Notre Voie toimetaja ja peatoimetaja:
Editor-in-Chief and Editor legally representing the newspaper ‘Notre Voie’EurLex-2 EurLex-2
See on peatoimetaja kabinet.
It's the executive editor's office.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Väljaande peatoimetaja on Reili Argus, tegevtoimetaja on igal numbril erinev.
Its name, Hegel answers, is different in each stage.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Parlamendi ülemkoja liige, ametisse määratud president Lukašenka poolt, presidendi administratsiooni ajalehe ja põhilise propaganda-ajalehe „Sovietskaia Belarus” peatoimetaja.
Member of the Upper House of the Parliament appointed by President Lukashenka, editor-in-Chief of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ajalehe Le Temps peatoimetaja.
Chief editor of Le Temps daily newspaper.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ma siis ei ole enam peatoimetaja peale ülevõttu?
Then my area will no Ionger be editor-in-chief after the takeover?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
„Nad nägid su läbi seal Maakondade Liidus,” ütles peatoimetaja aeglaselt, „lihtsalt et sa teaks.
‘They’ve seen through you at the Federation of County Councils,’ the editor-in-chief said slowly.Literature Literature
Boyd lubas juhtida uue peatoimetaja otsinguid, kuid selgus, et tal oli Otti ülejäänud impeeriumiga liiga palju tegemist.
Boyd pledged to lead the search for a replacement editor-in-chief but proved too absorbed by the rest of the Ott empire.Literature Literature
Ajakiri asub New Yorgis ja selle peatoimetajaks on Eric Schurenberg.
The magazine is based in New York City, and its editor-in-chief is Eric Schurenberg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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