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Isle of Man

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Prozesu honek ozeanoaren pH-a egonkortzen du, CaCO3 konpentsazioa deituriko mekanismo baten bidez... Kontuan hartzeko puntua hau da, mekanismo hau baino motelago atmosferako CO2-ren kontzentrazioa aldatzen bada, Vostok erregistroan beti izan da horrela, ozeanoaren pH-a ez du modu garrantzitsu batean aldatuko izan ere, CaCO3 konpentsazioa pH.a konstante manten dezake.
These processes stabilize the pH of the ocean, by a mechanism called CaCO 3 compensation...The point of bringing it up again is to note that if the CO 2 concentration of the atmosphere changes more slowly than this, as it always has throughout the Vostok record, the pH of the ocean will be relatively unaffected because CaCO 3 compensation can keep up.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ordena mantendu behar didazue, kosta ahala kosta.
I expect you to maintain order, at any price.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gizona ilunpean (ingelesez: Man in the Dark) Paul Auster idazleak 2008an argitaratu zuen eleberria da.
Man in the Dark is a novel by Paul Auster published in August 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Urrezko liburu bat mantentzen zuen, non jaiotza bakoitza idazten zuen.
She kept a golden book in which she recorded each one.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hala ere berdinketa mantenduko balitz, biek jarraituko lukete garaileak izaten.
Whichever of them won, they would share the winnings equally.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zu desabantailan mantentzea mantendu nahi dudan abantaila da.
Keeping you at a disadvantage is an advantage I intend to keep.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jendea He-Manen zain dago.
The people wait for He-Man.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Giltzaren tintina entzun eta ziztu batean kontrabandokoaren gainean jarri nuen manta nire ateko morroiloak karraska egin eta atea zabaltzen zelarik.
I heard the jingle of a key and whipped the blanket over the contraband as the lock on my door rattled and the door flew open.Lagun Lagun
Gainera, profezia bat betez, Túrin Turambarren eta Morwenen hilobiak ere mantendu ziren, Tol Morwen uhartea bezala.
Fulfilling a prophecy, the graves of Túrin Turambar and Morwen survived as the island Tol Morwen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Egile nagusia eta mantentzailea
Primary author and maintainerKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Muturreko eszenatoki batek 256 mila milioirainoko gorakada handia aurreikusten zuen 2150. urterako, ugalkortasun-tasa 1995. urtean bezala 3,04 haur emakume bakoitzeko mantenduta.
One extreme scenario predicted a massive increase to 256 billion by 2150, assuming the global fertility rate remained at its 1995 level of 3.04 children per woman; however, by 2010 the global fertility rate had declined to 2.52.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aintziraren inguruan, elurra urte osoan zehar mantentzen duten mendiak daude, Muztagh Ata (7.546 metro), Kongur Tagh (7.649m), eta Kongur Tiube (7.530 metro).
Surrounded by mountains which remain snow-covered throughout the year, the three highest peaks visible from the lake are the Muztagh Ata (7,546 m), Kongur Tagh (7,649 m) and Kongur Tiube (7,530 m).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lurrazalarekin kontaktoa mantendu dezakete haize korrontearen edo animalien migrazioaren bidez, edo ia guztiz isolatuta egon daitezke.
These can be in regular contact with the surface via wind and underground rivers, or the migration of animals, or can be almost entirely isolated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gehienezko lan kopurua (MaxJobs) Memorian mantenduko den gehienezko lan kopurua (aktibo eta bukatuta). Lehenespenez # da (mugarik gabe). Do not translate the keyword between brackets (e. g. ServerName, ServerAdmin, etc
Max jobs (MaxJobs) Maximum number of jobs to keep in memory (active and completed). Default is # (no limitKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Gutxi gorabehera, Mendebaldeko Virginiako soldaduen erdiak Armada Konfederatuan mantendu ziren.
Forty percent of Virginian officers stayed with the North.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Iturri hau askotan ziurtasun osoz identifika daiteke material horren ezaugarri kristalino bereziak direla eta (Widmanstatten irudiak), metala hotzean eta tenperatura baxuetan lantzen denean mantentzen baitira.
That source can often be identified with certainty because of the unique crystalline features (Widmanstätten patterns) of that material, which are preserved when the metal is worked cold or at low temperature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beraz, suposatzen dut familiako tradizio eder hori mantendu zenuela Rossekin eta nirekin.
So, I guess you kept up that fine family tradition with Ross and me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ez daukagu nahikoa egur suak piztuta mantentzeko.
We don't have enough fuel to feed the fires.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Obeliskoetako bat, oraindik zutik mantentzen da, Egiptoko kontserbatutako antzinakoena delarik.
One of the obelisks still remains and is the oldest standing obelisk in Egypt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zuriak Victoria Hotelean mantendu zituzten bahituta, armadarekin negoziatzeko taktika gisa.
The whites were held hostage in the Victoria Hotel in the city to use as bargaining tools with the ANC.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Juvisy-sur-Orge-ko behatoki pribatu bat mantendu zuen, Frantzian.
He maintained a private observatory at Juvisy-sur-Orge, France.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1832. urtean, Georgeek bere lehen saiakera idatzi zuen: "Tenperatura uniformea mantentzeko eta sua babesteko bideak, egurra edo ikatza erabili gabe".
In 1832 George wrote his first essay "The means of maintaining uniform temperature and supporting fire without the agency of wood or coal".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erakunde honen helburu nagusia Gaeltacht eremuetako komunitateak indartu eta bultzada ematea da, honela komunitate hauetako kideen bizi kalitatea hobetzea lortuz eta irlandera eremu hauetako hizkuntza nagusia izan dadin mantenduz.
Its stated purpose is to strengthen the Gaeltacht communities, to increase the quality of life of its community members and facilitate the preservation and extension of the Irish language as the principal language of the region.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Une saihetsezin hau zuen begien aurrean gertatuko da eta He-Man berak horren lekuko izan beharko du.
This inevitable moment will transpire before your eyes even as He-Man himself bears witness to it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lehena, Erdialdeko Amerikako hiririk handiena eta Mexikoko Haraneko zeremonia gunerik garrantzitsuena bihurtu zen eta Chupícuarorekin harremanak mantentzen zituen.
The first became the largest city in Mesoamerica and the main ceremonial center of the Valley of Mexico; it maintained relations with Chupícuaro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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