Metropoli oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Baskies - Engels


very large and significant city or urban area usually with millions of inhabitants

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Baskies - Engels


A term applied loosely to any large city, but specifically to that city in a country which is the seat of government, of ecclesiastical authority, or of commercial activity.(Source: GOOD)


Open Multilingual Wordnet

urban center

Open Multilingual Wordnet

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

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Metropoli eremu
metropolitan area


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Biztanleriaren ikuspegitik, munduko 25. hiririk handiena da eta 17. metropoli-eremurik handiena.
The demon who put out the lights, called The BeastWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Metropoli-estatu grekoek ezingo zuten laguntza eman pertsiarren kontrako gerran sartuta zeudelako.
Yoshitaro showed me aroundWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zerbitzuak metropolitar gune osoa barne hartzen du eta 109 autobus-linea ditu.
You certainly areWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1761eko otsailaren 12an emandako agindu baten bidez debekatu zuen esklabotza Portugalen metropolietan eta Portugaldar Indian, baina horrek ez zuen eraginik izan Brasilgo eta Afrikako kolonia portugaldarretan.
The Commission has also indicated in the Third Cohesion Report on economic and Social Cohesion, that investing in infrastructures which are linked to Natura # and contribute to overall regional competitiveness is one of the areas in which structural funds interventions may take place in the futureWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Urriaren 26an iritsi ginen metropolira, haien hizkuntzan Lorbulgrud edo Unibertsoaren Harrotasuna deritzona.
I said, is there a fucking problem?Literature Literature
2011n, 4,5 milioi biztanle zituen hiriak; hiria eta haren ingurua kontuan hartuta, berriz, biztanleen kopurua 14,1 milioi zen: Indiako hirugarren metropoli populatuena.
At this moment there is no member of the APEC nations planning to boycott that type of meetingWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beraz, Ohioko laugarren metropolialde handiena da Daytongoa, eta Estatu Batuetan, 61.a.
You were too busy being jealous of your own damn kidWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Silesia Garaiaren Batasun Metropolitanoaren sortzaileetako bat izan zen Tychy hiria: batasun ekonomikoa eta politikoa sortu zen, Silesiako eremu ezagunenak administrazio-erakunde bakar batean batzekotan.
Into the air, Junior Birdman!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ikasketa postkolonialek metropolien eta antzinako kolonien arteko itzulpenei begiratzen diete.
To be called names like " wacko "?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hala ere, Lagosko Estatuko Gobernuak zifra hau eztabaidatu zuen, eta bere populazio datuen arabera 16 milioi pertsona bizi ziren Lagosko Eremu Metropolitarean.
The redheadWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Metropoli-poliziak ez du unitaterik inguru horretan.
I' m studying the intricacies of Bajoran aqueduct managementOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eliza autonomo batek, bere maila goreneko gotzaina du, artzapezpiku edo metropolitar bat bezala jatorrizko elizako aitalehena goragoko autoritate bezala duelarik, baina erabateko burujabetza du beste gauza guztietan.
And at the World ChampionshipWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kalkutako metropoliaren ekonomiaren azkeneko kalkuluen arabera, 60.000 eta 150.000 milioi dolar tartekoa (BPGa erosahalmenaren parekotasunari doitua) dela diote, Indiako hirugarren metropoli produktiboena bilakatuz, Mumbai eta Delhiren ondoren.
Train tickets?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1888ko urrian Londresko Polizia Metropolitarraren arabera ordurako Whitechapelen "oso behe mailako" 1.200 emagaldu eta 62 putetxe zeuden.
I mean, if it were pamela or denise, even, fineWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Harry M. Rosenfeld eremu metropolitanoko editoreak bi asteko proba eskaini zion, baina ez zuen kontratatu, ez zuelako esperientziarik kazetari moduan.
You' ve done a hell of a job, JohnWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wieliczkako Gatz Meatzea (Polonieraz: Kopalnia soli Wieliczka), Wieliczka Poloniako hegoaldeko hirian kokatua, Krakoviako metropoli eremuan dago.
NoW, as chief officer of Mulctuary Management and the executor of your parents ' estate, it is my legal obligation to take care of your money till you come of age and to place you in the care of your closest relativeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Metropolitar eremuko biztanleria hirukoiztu egin zen 25 urtetan, 1980 eta 2005 artean.
Anyone can steal in here in the middle of the night through the windowWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Polizia Metropolitanoan lan egin dut 17 urtez.
Honourable senators, I should like to join all those senators who are paying tribute to Senator Twinn and to associate myself with the sensitive remarks that have been uttered here todayOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Krakovia Polonia erresumako hiriburua izan zen eta Hansako Ligako kide izan zen eta hiria Europako metropoli garrantzitsu gisa loratu zen.
But I have already dinedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erdialdeko Amerikako metropoli handi gehienak bezala, Monte Albáneko biztanleria etnia anitzetakoa zen.
When she came back to Quebec in the early sixties, she said ``It is important for me to sing my own songsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hamar medikuntza eta odontologia fakultate daude Kalkutako metropoli eremuan, espezializazio ospitale gisa funtzionatzen dutenak.
The European Parliament takes the view that the company bodies should be jointly and severally liable for loss and/or damage incurred by the EPC on account of its assets having been depleted, for the benefit of a company body, a member or a person closely associated with one of these, through acts of the company; that the recipient of an unwarranted payment by the company should be responsible for refunding it; that liability should arise only if the act was not in the recognised interests of the EPC; that liability should not arise, in particular, if the EPC is integrated within a group following a consistent policy and any disadvantages are offset by the advantages of its belonging to a group; and that the liability of the executive directors or members under other legal provisions should not be thereby affectedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erregearen jauregia, eta metropoliari buruzko zenbait berri.
I completely understand, mr.Cendars. Here' s what I can doLiterature Literature
Rhagesen gaur egungo oinordekoa, Ray, Teherango hegoaldeko muturrean dagoen hiri bat da, Teheran Handiko metropoli eremuak bere barnean hartu duena.
I need you to know that I am a perfect gentleman with her, and honestly I, I really do care about herWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bi aldeek metropoli gunea osatzen dute.
We all got upWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Haren metropoli inguruan 16 milioi pertsona inguru bizi dira.
The remaining six penalty changes in Bill C-# would amend the impaired driving provisions of the Criminal CodeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
31 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.