berun oor Engels



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chemical element


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plumb line


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Pb · atomic number 82 · plumb bob · plummet

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berunik gabe
berun-berun datazio
lead-lead dating
Berun hari
gasolinaren berun-edukiari buruzko legeria
lead-in-petrol law
berun-kontaminazio; berun-kutsadura
lead contamination
uranio-berun datazio
uranium-lead dating
lead ore
berunik gabeko gasolina
unleaded gasoline · unleaded petrol


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1761eko uztailaren 26an, Johann Gottlob Lehmannek, Ural mendietan dagoen Beryozovskoye meategietan laranja-gorri koloreko mineral bat aurkitu zuen, Siberiako berun gorria izena jarri ziona.
On 26 July 1761, Johann Gottlob Lehmann found an orange-red mineral in the Beryozovskoye mines in the Ural Mountains which he named Siberian red lead.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bestetik, jakina da garai hartan kontserbako janaria oso erabilia zela Erret Itsas Armadan, eta erabilera hark ez zuen beste inon eragin berun bidezko pozoiketa areagotzea.
In addition, tinned food was in widespread use within the Royal Navy at that time and its use did not lead to any significant increase in lead poisoning elsewhere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Laburbilduz, ebidentziek iradoki zuten hotzak, goseak eta gaixotasunek, eskorbutoa, pneumonia eta tuberkulosia barne, ahaztu barik berun-pozoitzea, denek batera hil zituztela Franklinen gizonak.
Evidence suggested that a combination of cold, starvation and disease including scurvy, pneumonia and tuberculosis, all made worse by lead poisoning, killed everyone in the Franklin party.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Adibidez, hematita, 5,26-ko dentsitate erlatiboa dauka, galenak 7,2-7,6-ko grabitate espezifikoa duen bitartean, bere konposizioan berun eta burdin asko daukala erakusten duena.
For example, hematite, Fe2O3, has a specific gravity of 5.26 while galena, PbS, has a specific gravity of 7.2–7.6, which is a result of their high iron and lead content, respectively.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Berunez babestutakoak, X izpiei ez antzemateko modukoak.
Lead-lined, undetectable by x-ray.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kasu gehienetan, Cr (III) da espezie nagusia , baina esparru batzuetan, lurreko urak 39 μg/L-tik gorako kromo kantitatea eduki dezake, 30 μg/L Cr (VI) izanik Kromoa Mendebaldeko Munduak crocoita (berun (II) kromatoa) izeneko mineral gorri kristalino batean aurkitu zuen lehen aldiz.
In most cases, Cr(III) is the dominating species, but in some areas, the ground water can contain up to 39 μg/liter of total chromium of which 30 μg/liter is Cr(VI).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Torringtonen hezur eta ilearen arrastoen analisiak adierazi zuen ontzigizona “nozitu zituela arazo fisiko eta mental larriak, berun-pozoinketaren ondorioz”.
Trace element analysis of Torrington's bones and hair indicated that the crewman "would have suffered severe mental and physical problems caused by lead poisoning".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1982an Edomontonera itzulita, jakin ondoren urtebete lehenago aurkitutako aztarnen berun-maila handia zela, Beattie saiatu zen motibo bat bilatzen.
After returning to Edmonton in 1982 and learning of the lead-level findings from the 1981 expedition, Beattie struggled to find a cause.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
K.T.H. Farrer-ek argudiatu zuen “ezinezkoa dela esplikatzea zelan jan zitekeen kontserba-potoetatik hainbeste janari, egunero 3,3 mg berun zortzi hilabetean, beharrezkoa PbBa igo zedin 80 μg/dL mailara, non pozointze-sintomak agertzen diren helduengan, eta hezurretako berun maila ‘gainditu’ zitekeela janari bidez jasotako berunarekin, hori ez dagoela baiesterik”.
K.T.H. Farrer argued that "it is impossible to see how one could ingest from the canned food the amount of lead, 3.3 mg per day over eight months, required to raise the PbB to the level 80 μg/dL at which symptoms of lead poisoning begin to appear in adults and the suggestion that bone lead in adults could be 'swamped' by lead ingested from food over a period of a few months, or even three years, seems scarcely tenable."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hipotermiak, goseak, berun-pozoitzeak edo zink eskasiak, eta eskorbutoa bezalako gaixotasunak, baita denbora luzez aurkako ingurune batean egoteak arropa eta janari desegokiarekin, horiek guztiek hil zituzten espedizioko kide guztiak hurrengo urteetan.
Hypothermia, starvation, lead poisoning or zinc deficiency, and diseases including scurvy, along with general exposure to a hostile environment whilst lacking adequate clothing and nutrition, killed everyone on the expedition in the years following its last sighting by Europeans in 1845.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Toxikologia-txostenak iradoki zuen berun-pozoitzea ere kontuan hartzeko faktorea izan zitekeela heriotz haietan.
Toxicological reports indicated that lead poisoning was also a possible factor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hala ere, 2013an eta 2016an egindako ikerketek iradokitzen dute berunak baino eskifaiaren osasun txarrak izan zuela pisu handiagoa haien heriotzetan, seguruenik nutrizio desegokiak eragindakoa —zehatzago esanda, zink eskasia—, seguruenik okela falta izan zelako haien dietan.
However, studies in 2013 and 2016 suggested that lead poisoning was likely not a factor, and that the crew's ill health may, in fact, have been due to malnutrition – specifically zinc deficiency – possibly due to a lack of meat in their diet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Harro erakusten zituen, salan, berun-arkatzezko bi krokis txiki, zeinak senarrak berak markozta arazi baitzituen marko oso zabalez eta hormako paperaren kontra eskegi kordoi berde luze batzuez.
He showed with pride in the sitting room two small pencil sketched by her that he had had framed in very large frames, and hung up against the wallpaper by long green cords.Lagun Lagun
Berun kontzentrazio altua, kadmioa, artsenikoa eta merkurioa.
Um... Unsafe levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic, and / or mercury.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mundu mailan, zink berriaren % 95 sulfuro mea gordailuetatik ateratzen da, eta horietan esfalerita (ZnS) kobre, berun eta burdin sulfuroekin nahastua egoten da ia beti.
Worldwide, 95% of new zinc is mined from sulfidic ore deposits, in which sphalerite (ZnS) is nearly always mixed with the sulfides of copper, lead and iron.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Autopsiek ondorioztatu zuten seguruenik biriketako gaitzek eta berun-pozoiketak eragin zutela gizon haien heriotza; beruna zetorren espedizioko milaka kontserba-potoetatik, zeinak berunez baitzeuden soldatuta (nahiz eta geroagoko ikerketek iradoki zuten ura destilatzeko ontzi biek zuten sistema zela berun-pozoinketaren kausa).
Autopsies determined that lung disease and lead poisoning were among the probable causes of death; the lead appeared to come from the thousands of lead-soldered tins of provisions with which the Franklin expedition had been supplied (although later studies would suggest that the unique water distillation system used by the ships was the major source of lead poisoning).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pallasen aurkikuntzaren ondoren, Siberiako berun gorriaren erabilera pigmentu bezala eskualde guztian zehar zabaltzen hasi zen.
After Pallas, the use of Siberian red lead as a paint pigment began to develop rapidly throughout the region.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bere lanak berunez inguratuta dauden kutxetan gordetzen dira eta kontsultatu nahi duenak segurtasun arropa jarri behar du.
Her papers are kept in lead-lined boxes, and those who wish to consult them must wear protective clothing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Horrela frogatu zuen berunen desbideratzeak sistematikoki aldatzen direla.
This challenged the idea that changes in price were normally distributed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1,1 miloi tona zink metaliko eta 130 mila tona berun inguru meatu eta galdatu ziren La Calamine eta Plombières belgikar herrietan 1806 eta 1882 bitartean.
About 1.1 million tonnes of metallic zinc and 130 thousand tonnes of lead were mined and smelted in the Belgian towns of La Calamine and Plombières between 1806 and 1882.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Leihoak beruneztatuta daude... eta jardineretan lore arrosak daude, ate arrosarekin bat etorrita.
The window frames are lead-lined and the flower boxes grow pink nasturtiums to go with the pink door.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Berunez estalia dago dena.
Everything's lead-lined.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lehen postuan berun azidozkoak daude.
First aid stations were busy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1992an, 3 milioi tona berun erabili ziren baterien fabrikazioan.
In 1992 about 3 million tons of lead were used in the manufacture of batteries.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uranio eta berun analisia deitzen zaio.
It's called the uranium-lead test.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
25 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.