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Vertalings in die woordeboek Baskies - Engels


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Diru gisa euroa darabilten estatu kideetako ministroen arteko bilkura-motak Eurotaldeari buruzko protokoloan daude ezarrita.
The Commission will in particular take account of any impact assessment of the proposed measure the Member State may have madeLagun Lagun
Azken urte honetan, erabat kontzentratu zara zure teknika garatzen zalapartaka bilatu baituzu zeure loria bakarkakoa.
Hu- hurry, Grandpa!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Iturbide gobernu berriaren buru bilakatu zen.
The European Parliament takes the view that the company bodies should be jointly and severally liable for loss and/or damage incurred by the EPC on account of its assets having been depleted, for the benefit of a company body, a member or a person closely associated with one of these, through acts of the company; that the recipient of an unwarranted payment by the company should be responsible for refunding it; that liability should arise only if the act was notin the recognised interests of the EPC; that liability should not arise, in particular, if the EPC is integrated within a group following a consistent policy and any disadvantages are offset by the advantages of its belonging to a group; and that the liability of the executive directors or members under other legal provisions should not be thereby affectedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Egoteko tokia bilatu, janaria topatu.
You can' t shush meOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ondorioz, ordura arte egindako euria elur bilakatu zen kota baxuetan.
The last time i saw her in the clinicWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Izar erraldoiak bere inguruko zatirik handiena botatzen du, masa galduz fusio nuklearra jarraitzea ezinezkoa bilakatu arte.
I was there a yearWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nazioen Liga (ingelesez League of Nations, frantsesez Société des Nations) nazioarteko erakunde bat izan zen, Lehen Mundu Gerraren osteko Parisko Bake Biltzarraren ondorioz sortutakoa.
Why don' t you shut up, please?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
GTK+-n oinarritutako leiho kudeatzailea, leihoak taldeka biltzeko gaitasuna duenaName
For the # marketing year, the amount to be withheld from the aid for flax for the financing of the measures promoting the use of flax fibre shall be fixed at EUR # per hectareKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Errekonkista espainiar nazionalismoak sustatutako espainiartasunaren mito sortzaile bilakatu zen.
It' s my birthday party, not yours!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gune berri bat dago hirian, 22 mila milioi dolar eta 20 mila hektareatakoa: non bakoitzaren gauza pertsonalak biltegiratzen diren.
It shall apply as from # January # with the following exceptionsQED QED
Erronka botatzen digu, mundua utzi eta, badakizu, gure barruko munstroari aurre egitera eta lortzeko indarra biltzera.
Now you both received your instructions in the dressing roomOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Imajina dezakezu John otoitz-bilera batean?
Very often, in fact, they hide the real causes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Martinsek tupustean gisa horretako irudiak bat-batean eta arrazoirik gabe sortzen dituen gogoaren egoitza harrigarri horretan basamortu bat ikusi zuen, gorpu bat lurrean, txori saldo bat inguruan bilduta.
But the further we venture in our search for new worlds, the more we are struck by the beauty of our own planetLagun Lagun
10. milurtekoan, ehiztari-biltzaile eta arrantzale kulturak zereal-ehotzaile kultura baztertu zuen.
How' s this, when the stuff comes I' il give you a call and let you knowWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bilatu elkarrekin:
I' il wait at the crossroadsjw2019 jw2019
Bilatu nire iPhonea.
I' m sure that she can more than take care of herselfOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aginpide subiranoa partekatuko ote da, ala hiri bakar batean bildu beharko ote da, eta gaineratikoak honen peko jarri? Ez bataren eta ez bestearen egiteko ihardesten dut.
maybe we should put on a dirty movieLagun Lagun
— Eskuarki, hotel batean ez bada, emaztegaiaren etxean bildu ohi dira gonbidatuak — esan zuen Castlek.
It' s my birthday party, not yours!Lagun Lagun
Musulmanek Lur Santua berreskuratu zutenean, Ordena hasieran Rodasera (1310–1523) eta gero Maltara (1530–1798) joan zen, non burujabe bilakatu zen.
turkey thighs, drumsticks, legs, with skinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Salaketa guztiak kereila batean bildu zituzten.
Member States may require vessels carrying dangerous goods as defined in the ADNR to comply with the requirements laid down in this Agreement. As proof of this, they may require that the authorization provided for in this Agreement be producedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hewlett-Packardek (HP) 100.000 produktu baino gehiago eskaintzen ditu, eta fabrikak, ikerketa eta garapenerako zentroak, biltegiak eta administrazio-egoitzak ditu 100 herrialde baino gehiagotan.
The Commission report on monitoring the common fisheries policy summarizes the monitoring activities of the Member States for 1994.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dionisio I.a Sirakusako buruzagi nagusia bilakatu zen, baina haren armadak porrot egin zuen Gelan.
Throw it awayWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bertan Euro-NATOren jet pilotuentzako baterako entrenamendua burutu zuen, borroka-pilotua bilakatu zen eta Italiako Istranako basera bidali zuten 51. hegazkin bonbaketarien hegalaren 132. eskuadroira.
If we look at the means available to us, the position of the federal, and most of the provincial, governments on environmental problems and the need to protect or to repair the environment, the means available are definitely unequal to the needs we are faced with, in this situation as well as othersWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pulan egon zen denboran, teleskopio errefraktore txiki bat erabili zuen bilaketan laguntzeko.
I don' t understand what happenedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maxima hori arras ederra da, eta gisa batez egia ere. Zorigaitzez gorteetan ez du trufa baizik bilduko orain bezala geroan ere.
Following the examination referred to in paragraph #, the Commission may reduce, suspend or cancel aid in respect of the operation in question if the examination reveals an irregularity or a failure to comply with one of the conditions laid down in the decision granting the aid, and in particular any significant change affecting the nature of, or conditions for carrying out, the project for which the Commission's approval was not soughtLagun Lagun
202 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.