burutik egin oor Engels

burutik egin

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Lehen pentsamendua Profesoreari burutik egin ote zitzaion izan zen; bigarrena, ordea, ikaragarriagoa zen.
His first thought was that the Professor had gone mad, but his second thought was more frightful.Literature Literature
Lagunak, burutik eginak zaudete!
Dude, you're the mantallythe sick!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hamletek, burutik eginik, Polonio hil du, eta bere amaren gelatik du herrestan atera.
In a frenzy, Hamlet stabbed Polonius and has dragged the corpse from his mother’s room.Literature Literature
Egun berean baitzen jaio, hain zuzen, Hamlet gaztea; zera, burutik egin eta Ingalaterrara bidali zutena.
It was the very day that young Hamlet was born—he that was mad and sent into England.Literature Literature
Gizon batzuei ez litzaieke burutik pasa ere egingo paretako telefonoa zuztarretik ateratzea.
There's men who'd never think about ripping the phone out of the wall.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Inoiz ez zait burutik pasatu... zuk egingo zenuenik.
I never could have imagined... that it would be you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ezin zuen burutik kendu egunen batean kale egingo zuela, eta orduan pott!
You couldn't help feeling he'd be caught out one day, and then what an almighty cropper he'd come!Literature Literature
Horregatik izan zen, ordea, izaki horregatik, ezer ulertzen ez zuen, ezer sentitzen ez zuen gizon horregatik! Zeren hantxe zegoen, lasai-lasai, burutik pasatu ere egin gabe ezen haren izenaren irrigarrikeriak aurrerantzean hura bezalaxe zikinduko zuela Emma bera ere.
And it was for him, for this creature, for this man, who understood nothing, who felt nothing! For he was there quite quiet, not even suspecting that the ridicule of his name would henceforth sully hers as well as his.Lagun Lagun
– Bai. Pentsatu nuen horrek hil edo sendatu egingo zuela. Harry burutik kendu beharrean dago. Argazkiak krema poteen artean ipini nituen. Derrigor ikusi behar zituen.
< Yes. I thought, it’s got to be kill or cure this time. She’s got to get Harry out of her system. I propped the pictures up among the pots of grease. She couldn’t avoid seeing them.Lagun Lagun
Akabatu egingo zaituztet, zu eta puta hori, burutik nago!
I'll shoot you and that bitch,'cause you know I'm crazy!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Txantxak alde batera utzita, mesedez eskatzen dizut hori burutik kentzeko. Eramanezina litzaidake lan hau zu gabe. Eztanda egingo nuke norbait ez banu aldean zernahiz barre egiteko.
He said, < Joking apart, old man, please don’t think of it. I couldn’t stand this job without you. I’d crack up if there wasn’t someone here with whom I could laugh at things.Lagun Lagun
Oroitzapenetarako ere beranduegi da jada. Dagoeneko ez ditut maite. Ez dakit inoiz maite izan ote nituen. Abandonatu egin nituen. Joana da dagoeneko nire burutik haien azalaren perfumea, bai eta nire begietatik haien begien kolorea ere.
For memories too it’s too late. Now I don’t love them any more. I don’t remember if I ever did. I’ve left them. In my head I no longer have the scent of her skin, nor in my eyes the color of her eyes.Lagun Lagun
Arazoa zen edari bakarra zutela – txokolatezko likore gozo bat, tabernariak, eskupeko batekin, koñakarekin hobetzen zuena – baina buruak ematen zidan Martinsek ez ziola inolako edariri muzin egingo, baldin eta oraina eta iragana aldi baterako burutik kentzen laguntzen bazion.
The trouble was too that it really only had one drink – a sweet chocolate liqueur that the waiter improved at a price with cognac – but I got the impression that Martins had no objection to any drink so long as it cast a veil over the present, and the past.Lagun Lagun
Nik harri eta zur begiratzen nion, baina ez nintzen ausartu handik botatzera, eta, hura han zela burutik kendu gabe, etsita, nire txostenari ekin nion. Zeharka bada ere, begiratu egiten nion kulunkaulkian eseri eta puntu eginean hasia zenari.
I stared at her in disbelief, but didn’t have the nerve to throw her out. Finally, unable to forget she was there, I resigned myself to her presence and went back to my report. I kept looking at her out of the corner of my eye, sitting there knitting in the rocking chair.Lagun Lagun
14 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.