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produktuaren identifikazio; produktua identifikatze
product identification
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Biktima identifikatu dugu.
We've got an ident on the victim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Produktu berriak metal alkalinoaren propietate kimikoak zituen (hala nola, koprezipitazioa zesio gatzekin), beraz, Pereyk identifikatu zuen 87. elementua zela, aktinio-227 alfa desintegrazioaren kausa izanik.
The new product exhibited chemical properties of an alkali metal (such as coprecipitating with caesium salts), which led Perey to believe that it was element 87, produced by the alpha decay of actinium-227.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1923an, Winlockek, tebastar nekropoli honetako beranduagoko beste indusketa batzuetan antzeko hobiak aurkitu zituena, KV54a ez zuen errege hilobi bezala identifikatu, baltsamatze putzu bezala baizik, faraoiaren momifikazioan erabilitako gaien hondarrak gordetzen zituena, bere hilobia baino gehiago.
In 1923, Winlock, who had subsequently found similar contents in other excavations throughout the Theban necropolis, instead identified the contents of KV54 not as an actual tomb, but an embalming cache, representing the refuse left over from the mummification of the pharaoh, rather than his "tomb".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Berak pentsatu zuen deskonposaketa honen kausa aurretik identifikatu gabeko produktu batena izan zitekeela, hau da, purifikazio bidez banandutako produktu bat, baina berriro ere aktinio-227 purutik birsortu zena.
Perey thought this decay activity might have been caused by a previously unidentified decay product, one which was separated during purification, but emerged again out of the pure actinium-227.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Susmagarria Sunil Tripathi gisa identifikatu dute. "
Suspect identified as Sunil Tripathi. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Baina atzo, 17:00etn, " Post " ek ostegunean azalean bi errugabe estatuaren etsai gisa identifikatu izanari erantzunez FBIak benetako susmagarrien argazki hauek argitaratu zituen.
Now, yesterday at 5:00 P.M. in response to Thursday's Post front page misidentifying two innocent people as enemies of the state, the FBI issued these photos of the actual suspects.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zure senartzat identifikatu dute.
He's been identified as your husband.Literature Literature
& Identifikatu pantaila guztiakNAME OF TRANSLATORS
& Identify All DisplaysKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Sloan identifikatu dute eta ihes egin du.
Nick Sloan has been identified and is on the run.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Host gailuak komando broadcasta egingo lieke txartel guztiei eta komandoari erantzuten dion txartela beronen serie zenbaki bakarraren bitartez identifikatu.
The host device would broadcast commands to all cards and identify the card to respond to the command using its unique serial number.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bost operazio humanitariorik handienak Sahel Afrikako Mendebaldeko eskualdean identifikatu zituen, Mali (82 milioi €), Sudan eta Hego Sudan (80 milioi €), Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoa (54 milioi €),Pakistan (42 milioi €) eta Somaliako (40 milioi €) gatazken erantzun zabala barne.
It identified the five largest humanitarian operations as the Sahel region of West Africa, including further response to the conflict in Mali (€82 million), Sudan and South Sudan (€80 million), the Democratic Republic of Congo (€54 million), Pakistan (€42 million) and Somalia (€40 million).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Esate baterako, Cayston farmakoa (aztreonam), Gilead Sciences-ek merkataratua fibrosi kistikorako, IR eta Raman espektroskopia bidez identifikatu eta karakterizateu daiteke.
For example, the drug Cayston (aztreonam), marketed by Gilead Sciences for cystic fibrosis, can be identified and characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Identifikatu ondoren, barrura sartzeko baimena eman.
There was a requirement to show ID to enter the area.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aitzitik, CALL-en tipologiara bideratu beharrean, hiru CALL fase historiko identifikatu zituzten, beren planteamendu pedagogiko eta metodologikoen arabera sailkatuta: Behavioristic CALL: 1950eko hamarkadan sortu zen eta 1960ko eta 1970eko hamarkadan inplementatu zen.
Rather than focusing on the typology of CALL, they identified three historical phases of CALL, classified according to their underlying pedagogical and methodological approaches: Behavioristic CALL: conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and 1970s.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indarkeriaren lehen seinaleak identifikatu eta kontzienteki esku hartu, intentsitatea gutxitu, biktimei bide segurua erakutsi.
Recognize the early signs of violence and conscientiously intervene, deescalate it, show victims a safe way out.ted2019 ted2019
Abdol-Aziz Mirza Farmanfarmaian irandar arkitektoaren eta Victor Gruen Associates AEBtako enpresak osatutako elkarteak hiriaren arazo nagusiak identifikatu zituzten: dentsitate altuko aldiriak, airearen eta uraren kutsadura, azpiegitura ez-eraginkorrak, langabezia eta landa-hiriko migrazioa.
The consortium of Iranian architect Abd-ol-Aziz Farmanfarmaian and the American firm of Victor Gruen Associates identified the main problems blighting the city to be high density suburbs, air and water pollution, inefficient infrastructure, unemployment, and rural-urban migration.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Corrado Melfi historialariak Akrillai aurkitu eta Antonio Di Vita arkeologoak identifikatu zuen, (Katamotz Akademia Nazionalaren kide bat) eta hainbat indusketa-kanpainak gauzatu zituen.
Akrillai was discovered by the historian Corrado Melfi and identified by the archaeologist Antonio Di Vita, an academic of the Lincei, who conducted several campaigns of excavation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Batzuek, hau, aurreko morrena bezala identifikatu dute.
Now, most people know it, as well as era names.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2004an Voyager 1 zunda heliopausa gisa identifikatu zen talka batetik igaro zen.
In December 2004, the Voyager 1 probe passed through a shock front that is thought to be part of the heliopause.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chris Kubecka zibersegurtasun ikertzaileak, hurrengo erabilera kasuak identifikatu zituen, zeinak 28C3 (Chaos Communication Congress) konferentzian aurkeztu zituen: Zero eguneko kalteberatasunak hauteman eta ikusarazi dezake.
Computer security researcher Chris Kubecka identified the following SIEM use cases, presented at the hacking conference 28C3 (Chaos Communication Congress).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1938. urtean, Gert Terrblanchek Raymond Darti Kromdraai inguruko garezur baten zatiak eraman zizkion, gero Paranthropus robustus gisa identifikatu zirenak.
In 1938, a young schoolboy, Gert Terrblanche, brought Raymond Dart fragments of a skull from nearby Kromdraai which later were identified as Paranthropus robustus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Salmenten eta sarreren unitateko prezioen aldaketak identifikatu behar ditugu eta irabazien inpaktuak kalkulatu (hau da, unitatearen prezioaren aldaketa x kantitatea).
We have to identify the unit price changes of outputs and inputs and calculate their profit impacts (i.e. unit price change x quantity).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Host jakin batean ataka irekiak identifikatu, probetarako prestatuz.
Identifying open ports on a target host in preparation for auditing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aitortzeko ahalmena: bere balioa erraz identifikatu behar da.
Cognizability: its value must be easily identified.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Begiratu bi pantailak eta identifikatu sekuentziaren figura hau.
Look at the two screens and identify the next figure in the sequence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
135 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.