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Elizabethek ahalik eta gutxiena entzuten zuen, baina ez zegoen itzuri egiterik Wickhamen behin eta berriroko aipamenari.
Elizabeth listened as little as she could, but there was no escaping the frequent mention of Wickhams name.Literature Literature
— Alde hemendik! bota zuen emakume gazteak jauzi batean zutiturik. — Emma!... Ama!... Zioen ozenki Charlesek bakeak egin nahiez. Baina emakumeak itzuriak ziren biak ere beren suminduran.
< Leave the room! > said the young woman, springing up with a bound. < Emma! Mamma! > cried Charles, trying to reconcile them. But both had fled in their exasperation.Lagun Lagun
Neskato hura ez dela ezkontzeko egina, itzuri egingo diola edozein ezkontza-konturi, utzi egin beharko duela, ahaztu, itzuli egin beharko diela zuriei, bere nebei.
That she’s not the marrying kind, she’ll run away from any marriage, he must give her up, forget her, give her back to the whites, to her brothers.Lagun Lagun
Albo batera egin zuen tabernariari bidea utziz bezala, eta gainera oldartu zitzaidan. Ozta-ozta itzuri nuen baina mahaiarekin estropezu egin nuen.
He stepped to one side as though to make way for the waiter and slashed out at me. I just avoided him, but stumbled against the table.Lagun Lagun
Sekula ez zitzaidan burutik pasa matematikako oposaketei itzuri egiterik izango nuenik, geroko uztearekin ni kontent. Beti ikusi izan dut ama egunero bere seme-alaben etorkizuna antolatzen, baita berea ere.
It never crossed my mind I might escape the mathematics degree, I was glad to give her that hope. Every day I saw her planning her own and her children’s future.Lagun Lagun
Beren bizien zaintzeko baliatzen zaienaren defendatzearren, ezin itzurizko gudukaldietan hiltzea irriskatuz ere, zer egiten dute, naturalezako egoeran ere maizago eta irrisku handiagoak harturik ez legiketenik?
What are they doing that they would not do more often and with greater danger in the state of nature, in which they would inevitably have to fight battles at the peril of their lives in defence of that which is the means of their preservation?Lagun Lagun
Gela hartatik, eta etxe hartatik, ikaraz itzuri nintzen.
From that chamber, and from that mansion, I fled aghast.Literature Literature
Sakabanatu egin ziren, korrika, jauzika, makurka, itzurika, soinuaren terrore hegalariari iheska.
They broke and ran, they leaped, they crouched, they swerved, they dodged the flying terror of the sound.”Literature Literature
Neure familia aurkeztuko diodala esan eta itzuri egin nahi du, eta nik barre egin dut.
I tell him I’m going to introduce him to my family. He wants to run away. I laugh.Lagun Lagun
Itzuri zait.
Just slipped out.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hiletan, Malloryk zuzendu zuen bilaketa, baina gailurrerako bideak itzuri egiten zion.
For months, Mallory led the search, but the route to the summit eluded him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Haatik, ohartu behar da handik hara nahimen orokorrari gero eta gutiago jarraikiz hasten dela gorputz interesa indar publikoaren gidatzen, eta beste joera ezin itzurizko batek kentzen diela legeei potentzia exekutiboaren parte bat.
But it must not be forgotten that corporate interest here begins to direct the public power less under the regulation of the general will, and that a further inevitable propensity takes away from the laws part of the executive power.Lagun Lagun
Gizon koldarra naiz; ez nion nire helbiderik utzi, gutunen zain egotearen larriari itzuri beharrez.
I am a coward; to avoid the anguish of waiting for her letters, I did not give her my address.Literature Literature
Halakoa da hobekienik eraturik dauden gobernamenduen joera berezko eta ezin itzurizkoa. Sparta eta Erroma hil badira, zein Estatuk izan dezake beti irauteko esperantza?
Such is the natural and inevitable tendency of the best constituted governments. If Sparta and Rome perished, what State can hope to endure for ever?Lagun Lagun
Ez nabil ibilaldiari itzuri egiten.
I do not wish to avoid the walk.Literature Literature
Baina makurra ezin itzurizkoa bada, ondorioa ote da batere zuzendu behar ez dela? Preseski beren berezko oldeaz gauzek berdintasunaren hausteko joera dutelakotz zaindu beharra du hura legearen indarrak.
But if its abuse is inevitable, does it follow that we should not at least make regulations concerning it? It is precisely because the force of circumstances tends continually to destroy equality that the force of legislation should always tend to its maintenance.Lagun Lagun
16 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.