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Ireki eta tutoretza zentroa atzean dago.
It opens and then this is the tutoring center in the back.QED QED
Horregatik oraindik tutore gehiago ditugu erabiltzeko.
So then we still had more tutors to use.QED QED
Tutoretza hau KGoldrunner-en arauak erakusteko maila errazen bilduma bat da. Maila bakoitzak azalpen motz bat du eta ondoren maila jokatzen duzu..... Maila aurreratuagoetara mugitzen zarenean, KGoldrunner-ek, ekintza estrategia eta puzzleen ebazpena nahasten duela. Eta guztia joko berdinean
This tutorial is a collection of easy levels that teaches you the rules of KGoldrunner and helps you develop the skills you need to get started. It uses the Traditional set of rules, similar to those used on early home-computers. Each level has a brief explanation, then you play... When you move on to play more advanced levels, you will find that KGoldrunner combines action, strategy and puzzle solving---all in one gameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Gurekin lan egiten duten tutoreek eta gehiena ezberdina da irakasleentzat -- zer egin behar dugun esaten digute.
The teachers that we work with -- and everything is different to teachers -- they tell us what to do.QED QED
Erromatar gizarte arkaikoan, emakume apaiz hauek gizonezko legezko tutoreen menpe egon behar ez zuten emakume bakarrak izan ziren: honen ordez, Pontifex Maximusaren aurrean zuzenean eta bakarrik erantzun behar zuten.
In archaic Roman society, these priestesses were the only women not required to be under the legal guardianship of a man, instead answering directly and only to the Pontifex Maximus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hasi tutoretza
Start TutorialKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Tutore jesuita hainbat ere eduki zituen.
Probabiliorism was also held by many Jesuits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tutoretza aurreratua
Advanced TutorialKDE40.1 KDE40.1
5) Tutoretzapekoaren arerio edo etsai denak, nahiz harekiko interes kontrajarriak dituenak.
Karma: Each enemy killed is either good or bad, even though all enemies will attack you.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Hurrengo bost igandetarako 12 tutore behar ditut.
" I need 12 tutors for the next five Sundays.QED QED
Augustoren agintepean, ius liberorum lortu zuen emakumea ere (hiru seme-alaba izan ondoren pribilegio jakin batzuetarako eskubide legalak) tutoretzaz libratzen zen eta Klaudio enperadoreak tutoretza agnatiziarra debekatu zuen.
Under Augustus, a woman who had gained the ius liberorum, the legal right to certain privileges after bearing three children, was also released from guardianship, and the emperor Claudius banned agnatic guardianship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tutore eta ondareen administratzaile ez zelako.
Bypassed... except as his son's guardian, and therefore trustee of the estate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hau zure lehen KGoldrunner saioa bada, hautatu tutoretza-jokoa edo klikatu " Utzi " eta klikatu Jokoa edo Laguntza menuan. Tutoretze-jokoak argibideak emango dizkizu jokoan zehar. Bestela, klikatu joko baten izenean (zerrenda-laukian) eta # mailan hasteko, klikatu beheko botoi nagusian. Jokoa sagua mugitu edo tekla bat sakatzen duzunean hasiko da
If this is your first time in KGoldrunner, select the tutorial game or click " Cancel " and click that item in the Game or Help menu. The tutorial game gives you hints as you go. Otherwise, just click on the name of a game (in the list box), then, to start at level #, click on the main button at the bottom. Play begins when you move the mouse or press a keyKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Lucrezia eta Pierok ziurtatu ziren beren seme-alabek literatur kulturaren eta arte ederren gustu ona eskuratu zutela eta, gainera, tutore batzuk kontratatu zituzten, hala nola filosofia, enpresa eta kontabilitatea eta politikaren inguruan.
Lucrezia and Piero made sure that their children acquired good taste in literary culture and the fine arts and also hired tutors to educate them in such subjects as philosophy, business and accounting, and politics.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uste dut 170 tutore eduki genituela liburu honetan lanean umeekin eta ondorioz oso ongi atera zen.
I think we had about 170 tutors that worked on this book with them and so this worked out incredibly well.QED QED
Errege gaztearen tutorea Errege zenduak bere testamentuan izendaturiko pertsona izango da, adin nagusikoa izanik eta jaiotzez espainola; izendatu ez baldin bazuen, aita edo ama, alargun diren bitartean, tutore izango dira.
The guardian of the King during his minority shall be the person appointed in the will of the deceased King, provided that he or she is of age and Spaniard by birth. If a guardian has not been appointed, the father or the mother shall be guardian, as long as they remain widowed.Lagun Lagun
— Ez, ezin dute horrelakorik egin. Londresko nire idazmahaiari kateatuta nago, ama. Nolanahi ere, zuk ondotxo dakizu zu izendatu zaitugula Samen tutore, guri ezer gertatzekotan.
< Oh no, they couldn’t. I’m chained to my desk in London, Mother. Anyway you know very well we’ve appointed you as guardian if anything ever happened. >Lagun Lagun
Eta haratago -- normalean kate txiki bat egoten da hor -- hortxe atzean, ikasleak tutoretzan ikusten zituzten.
And then right beyond -- there's usually a little chain there -- right beyond, they would see the kids being tutored.QED QED
Tutoreak izan zituen irakasle eta aitak mundu osoko aditu onenak kontratatu zituen, Tamara Karsavina dantzari errusiar ospetsua barne, alaba kirolari ospetsu bihur zedin.
She was educated by tutors, and her father hired the best experts in the world, including the famous Russian ballerina, Tamara Karsavina, to transform his daughter into a sporting celebrity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hau da espazioa tutoretzak dauden orduetan.
( Laughter ) ( Applause ) So this is the space during tutoring hours.QED QED
Gelditu & tutoretza
Stop & TutorialKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Ezin da jokoaren tutoretza-jokoa aurkitu (aurrizkia: % #) % # fitxategietan
Cannot find the tutorial game (file-prefix '%# ') in the '%# ' filesKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Tutoretza " Hasieraketa " jokoaren erdiko mailetan aurki ditzakezun gauzen prestakuntza bat da. Ongi pasa
This tutorial is preparation for some of the things you might find in the middle levels of the 'Initiation ' game. EnjoyKDE40.1 KDE40.1
" Beno, 1400 pertsona ditugu gure tutore- zerrendan.
" Well, we've got 1, 400 people on our tutor roster.QED QED
Ezin duzue tutoretza zentroa soilik eduki. "
You can't just have a tutoring center. "QED QED
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