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[ˈjæːnːø̞sˌlo̞puke̞x] naamwoord

Vertalings in die woordeboek Fins - Engels

(phonetics) In Finnish language, the phenomenon where the first consonant of the following word becomes geminated. If the next word begins with a vowel, there is a double glottal stop between the words. This phenomenon occurs only in some words or word forms and is caused by a lost final letter which is sometimes marked with [x] in IPA.
(nowadays called rajakahdennus) gemination; in the Finnish language, the phenomenon in which the first consonant of the following word becomes geminated. If the next word begins with a vowel, there is a double glottal stop between the words. The tendency of a word to cause gemination in the following word is sometimes marked with [x] or [(ʔ)] in IPA and the actual gemination of a consonant may be marked with [ː] or by doubling the consonant (see purje, vene, purjevene).

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