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1 Paulus ápostul skrivaði til samkomuna í Róm: „Mær leingist at síggja tykkum, fyri at eg kann lata tykkum fáa part í onkrari andaligari náðigávu, so tit kunnu styrkjast — eg meini við: At eg hjá tykkum kann verða lívgaður saman við tykkum við felags trúgv okkara, tykkara og míni.“
1 The apostle Paul wrote to the congregation in Rome: “I am longing to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift to you in order for you to be made firm; or, rather, that there may be an interchange of encouragement among you, by each one through the other’s faith, both yours and mine.”jw2019 jw2019
Sært tú tað? Hann er fangi í Róm.
Paul is a prisoner in Rome.jw2019 jw2019
1 Við orðunum omanfyri lýsti Paulus tvær ídnar systrar í samkomuni í Róm, nevniliga Trýfenu og Trýfosu.
1 With the above words, Paul described Tryphaena and Tryphosa, two hardworking sisters in the Rome congregation.jw2019 jw2019
Vit mugu hava næmingin í huga, tá vit lesa tilfarið, nevndu skriftstøðini og møguliga leggja dent á høvuðspunktini. — Róm.
Review the material, including the cited scriptures, with the student in mind, and perhaps underline key points. —Rom.jw2019 jw2019
13:17) Tá vit halda okkum tætt at brøðrunum, kunnu vit saman lívga og styrkja hvør annan til at halda út. — Róm.
13:17) Our drawing close to our brothers results in an interchange of encouragement, strengthening us to persevere.—Rom.jw2019 jw2019
Vit mugu vera til reiðar at brúka eitt og hvørt hóskandi høvi til at geva øðrum lut í góðu tíðindunum, meðan tíð er. — Róm.
We should be ready to take advantage of every appropriate opportunity to share the Kingdom good news with others while there is yet time. —Rom.jw2019 jw2019
(Róm 14:13-15) Og at enda kunnu vit vera skjót at fyrigeva, um onkur syndar ímóti okkum.
(Ro 14:13-15) Finally, if someone sins against us, we can be quick to forgive.jw2019 jw2019
Róm 3:4 – Hvussu kunnu vit lata ’Gud vera sannorðaðan’?
Ro 3:4 —How do we “let God be found true”?jw2019 jw2019
Maria Anna Madia, betri kend sum Marianna Madia, (fødd 5. september 1980 í Róm ) er ein italskur politikari, limur í Demokratiska Flokkinum (Partito Democratico) og limur í italska tinginum, í deputerkamarinum, síðan 2008.
Maria Anna "Marianna" Madia (Italian pronunciation: ; born 5 September 1980) is an Italian politician of the Democratic Party and a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies since 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sum bókin Ápostlasøgan vísir, kom boðanin skjótt út um alt Miðjarðarhavsøkið, úr Bábylon og Norðurafrika til Róm og møguliga Spania. — Rómbrævið 15:18-29; Kolossebrævið 1:23; 1 Pætur 5:13.
As recorded in the book of Acts, the preaching soon spread throughout the Mediterranean area, from Babylon and North Africa to Rome and perhaps Spain.—Romans 15:18-29; Colossians 1:23; 1 Peter 5:13.jw2019 jw2019
(Sí eisini Róm.
(See also Rom.jw2019 jw2019
Men seinni verður hann aftur fangi í Róm.
But later Paul is made a prisoner in Rome again.jw2019 jw2019
Ein slík sonn og felags upplívan verður uttan iva øllum til signingar. — Róm.
This interchange of genuine encouragement will prove to be a blessing to all. —Rom.jw2019 jw2019
Bispurin í Róm (pávin), ið verður roknaður sum eftirfylgjari Pæturs, ápostul, er sjónliga tekinið um einleika kirkjunnar.
Every other bishop is charged with the care of his particular flock, the Roman pontiff with that of the whole Church.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Róm 8:6 – Hvør munur er á „tráan holdsins“ og „tráan Andans“?
Ro 8:6 —What is the difference between “setting the mind on the flesh” and “setting the mind on the spirit”?jw2019 jw2019
Lat ikki førleikar ella framíhjárættindi gera teg stoltan. – Róm 12:3
Do not allow skills or privileges to inflate your ego. —Ro 12:3jw2019 jw2019
18. apríl - Joan D'Arc verður viðurkend sum halgimenni í Róm í Italia.
18 April - Joan of Arc is beatified in Rome.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Róm 6:3-5 – Hvat merkir tað at verða doyptur „til Kristus Jesus“ og at verða doyptur „til deyða Hansara“?
Ro 6:3-5 —What is meant by baptism “into Christ Jesus” and baptism “into his death”?jw2019 jw2019
3:9) Men um okkara samvitska nívir okkum, eiga vit at hugsa um, hvat vit kunnu gera betur. — Róm.
3:9) If, however, our conscience bears witness against us, then we should consider what we can do to improve. —Rom.jw2019 jw2019
Harumframt verður lesturin av Guds orði gjøllari og meiri trúarstyrkjandi, um mann nýtir meiri tíð til hann. — Róm.
Moreover, having a longer study period will allow for a more thorough, faith-strengthening consideration of God’s Word. —Rom.jw2019 jw2019
Hann veit at sigur hann: ’Nei, tað er ikki loyviligt ella rætt at lata henda skatt,’ so eggjar hann til uppreistur móti Róm.
He realizes that if he says, ‘No, it is not lawful or right to pay this tax,’ he will be guilty of sedition against Rome.jw2019 jw2019
(Róm 1:20) Steðga vit á og hugsa um tað, vit síggja, hjálpir tað okkum at skilja Guds kraft, kærleika, vísdóm og rættvísi, og eisini hansara gávumildi. – Slm 104:24.
(Ro 1:20) By pausing to reflect on what we see with our eyes, we are able to perceive God’s power, love, wisdom, and justice, as well as his generosity. —Ps 104:24.jw2019 jw2019
2: Hvussu vísa vit, at vit bert tilbiðja Jehova? — Róm. 6:16, 17 (5 min.)
2: How We Show That We Worship Jehovah Alone —Rom. 6:16, 17 (5 min.)jw2019 jw2019
(Ef. 4:16b) Hetta er samstundis Jehova, ’Gudi friðarins’, til heiðurs. — Róm.
(Eph. 4:16b) Moreover, it glorifies Jehovah, “the God who gives peace.” —Rom.jw2019 jw2019
(Lukas 2:8-12) Fólk valdu at halda Jesu føðingardag 25. desember tí, sum The World Book Encyclopedia greiðir frá, „fólk í Róm longu tann dagin hildu saturnaliuveitsluna, føðingardag sólarinnar“.
(Luke 2:8-12) Actually December 25 was chosen as the date to celebrate Jesus’ birth because, as The World Book Encyclopedia explains: “The people of Rome already observed it as the Feast of Saturn, celebrating the birthday of the sun.”jw2019 jw2019
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