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Tó er best hjá bróðurinum, áðrenn henda avgerð verður tikin, at tosa við elstaráðið og umhugsa tað, sum teir skjóta upp.
Before making this decision, however, it would be wise for the brother to consult with the body of elders and give consideration to what they may recommend.jw2019 jw2019
Er líkt til, at hann kemur innan stutta tíð, kunnu teir elstu taka avgerð um at leggja fyri við vakttornslestrinum, og tann almenni fyrilesturin kann so verða hildin aftaná.
If there is reason to believe that he will arrive shortly, the elders may decide to go ahead with the Watchtower Study; the Public Meeting could follow afterward.jw2019 jw2019
Forsætisráðharrin Tony Abott var ímóti hesi avgerð.
Liberal leader Tony Abbott distanced himself from the comments.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
13 Deildarskrivstovan sendir tær nyttuligar upplýsingar um landið, sum kunnu hjálpa tær at taka eina avgerð, men hon kann ikki geva tær fíggjarligan tryggleika, hjálpa við uppihaldsloyvi, innfararloyvi og líknandi pappírum ella finna tær ein bústað.
13 The branch office will send you helpful information about the country to help you make decisions, but it is not in a position to provide sponsorship letters or to supply residency, visa, or other legal forms or to locate accommodations for you.jw2019 jw2019
Tað mást tú vita fyri at kunna taka eina upplýsta avgerð viðvíkjandi læknaviðgerð og harvið eisini skurðviðgerð.
You need to know so that you can make informed decisions involving medical treatment and surgery.jw2019 jw2019
9-11. (a) Hvørja avgerð tóku No’omi, Rutt og Orpa?
9-11. (a) What decision did Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah make?jw2019 jw2019
(b) Hvat fer at vísa hvørja avgerð tú hevur tikið?
(b) What will show the decision that you have made?jw2019 jw2019
Tað var Vágs býráð sum í 1956 tók avgerð um at gera viðarlund har á staðnum.
An association has existed since 1961 to carry out restoration work on the fort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hann má taka eina fasta avgerð, um tað skal eydnast honum at fáa til vana at lesa í Bíbliuni hvønn dag, men tað er ómakin vert. – Sl.
Developing the habit of reading the Bible daily will require determination, but the effort will be worthwhile. —Ps.jw2019 jw2019
Øll hava sannan javnrætt till rættvísa og almenna rættarviðgerð fyri æheftum og ævildigum dæmstæli , sum skal tka avgerð um rættindi teirra og skyldur , og um øll revsimál , ið verða reist .
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal , in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2013 - ES avgerð at seta í verk boykott móti innflutningi av føroyskari sild.
As of 2011, a gondola lift has been in operation to allow an easy ascent to visit the Millennium Cross.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Um syndarin ikki vil gera eftir hesi avgerð, sigur Jesus at enda, „skal hann vera tær sum heidningur og tollari“.
If the sinner will not abide by their decision, Jesus concludes, “let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.”jw2019 jw2019
Hevði tú lurtað eftir, tá hann fortaldi, at Gud hevði tikið avgerð um at leggja býin í oyði?
Would you have listened when he told you that God had determined to bring the city of Sodom to ruin?jw2019 jw2019
(13) Hvussu hevur hesin filmurin styrkt tína avgerð um íðin at halda á at boða hóast forðingar?
(13) How has this video strengthened your determination to continue zealously preaching despite obstacles?jw2019 jw2019
(13) Hvussu hevur filmurin styrkt tína avgerð um íðin at halda á at boða hóast forðingar?
(13) How has this video strengthened your determination to continue zealously preaching despite obstacles?jw2019 jw2019
„Um tú kundi tikið avgerð um, hvør ið skuldi ráða heiminum, hvønn hevði tú so valt?
“If you could pick someone to rule the world, whom would you choose?jw2019 jw2019
Vís tí at tú heldur orð við at halda fast við avgerð ella vígslu tína, so leingi tú livir.
So prove that you are a person of your word by sticking to this decision, or dedication, as long as you live.jw2019 jw2019
Vís í einari sýning, hvussu ein boðari svarar einum spurningi frá einum bíbliulestrarnæmingi, sum skal taka eina persónliga avgerð.
Include a demonstration of a publisher answering a Bible student who has to make a personal decision.jw2019 jw2019
’Hvat fekk teg at taka hesa avgerð?
‘What influenced your decision to do so?jw2019 jw2019
Ein gift kvinna segði: „Eg vildi ynskt, at øll ung í sannleikanum sóu hann og tóku fasta avgerð í hjartanum.“
A married adult watched it and said: “How I wish every young person in the truth would see this video and be moved to make the truth his own!”jw2019 jw2019
So ber til hjá tær at taka skilagóða avgerð um, hvussu tú skalt brúka lív títt! — Præd.
That will help you make a wise decision about what you should do with your life. —Eccl.jw2019 jw2019
Teir viðgjørdu ein spurning um umskering, og sendu avgerð sína út fyri at allar samkomurnar kundu gera eftir henni.
They handled a dispute about circumcision, sending out their decision for all congregations to observe.jw2019 jw2019
11:6) Møtini kunnu hjálpa tær at styrkja kristnu sannføring og avgerð tína um at skýggja tað ónda.
11:6) Attending congregation meetings will help you strengthen your Christian conviction and determination to avoid what is bad.jw2019 jw2019
Konan og børnini hildu kortini fast við avgerð sína um at tæna Jehova og regluliga vera við í boðanini.
His wife and children, however, stood firm in their decision to serve Jehovah and to have a regular share in the ministry.jw2019 jw2019
„Uttan at gera mær tað greitt tók eg óavvitandi avgerð um at liva lív mítt víðari,“ sigur hon.
“Without realizing it, I unconsciously made the decision to go on with my life,” she says.jw2019 jw2019
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