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16 Kærleikin til onnur skal ikki avmarkast til tey, sum búgva tætt við.
16 Our showing love to others is not limited to those who may live in our vicinity.jw2019 jw2019
1 Tú veitst sikkurt, at nógvir hinduistar búgva í ymiskum londum, um ikki her á landi.
1 As you may know, there are many Hindus living in various lands, including this country.jw2019 jw2019
„Úlvurin [skal] búgva hjá lambinum og pantarin liggja í felagi við geitarlambinum, kálvar, ungljón og alidjór ganga saman, og ein smádrongur skal gæta tey.“ — Jesaja 11:6; 65:25.
“The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.”—Isaiah 11:6; Isaiah 65:25.jw2019 jw2019
Her er tað Marta, Maria og bróðir teirra Lazarus búgva.
This is where Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus live.jw2019 jw2019
Enn á okkara døgum búgva summir mongolar í jurtum.
A few years later, Orangists blew up his monument in Goor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hvar fólk so búgva, fáa tey høvi at vísa, um tey leggja nakað í, hvør skapti himmalin og jørðina, og um tey vilja virða hansara lógir og elska sín næsta. — Lukas 10:25-27; Opinberingin 4:11.
People everywhere are being given an opportunity to show whether they care who created the heavens and the earth and whether they will show respect for his laws and demonstrate love for their fellowman. —Luke 10:25-27; Revelation 4:11.jw2019 jw2019
Hagar sum tú fert, fari eg. Og har sum tú býrt, vil eg búgva.
Where you go I will go, and where you live I will live.jw2019 jw2019
Men hesir ídnu Guds ríkis boðarar royna á ongan hátt at máa støðið undan stjórnini í londunum, teir búgva í.
But these zealous proclaimers of God’s Kingdom are by no means subversive to the governments under which they live.jw2019 jw2019
Hjálp teimum at koma at kenna nakrar av boðarunum í økinum og lat tey hitta onnur áhugað sum búgva í grannalagnum hjá teimum.
Help them get acquainted with local publishers and introduce them to any interested persons who may live near their home.jw2019 jw2019
Skulu vit sleppa at búgva í lívd Jehova í dag, mugu vit víga okkum til hansara og lata okkum doypa
Today, dedication and baptism are required for us to dwell in Jehovah’s secret placejw2019 jw2019
Depil er ein bygd á eystursíðuni á Borðoynni og har búgva 2 fólk.
The tomb is a square-shaped building with a dome and containing two rooms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jehova Vitni eru sostatt sannførd um at jørðin aldri verður oyðiløgd, men at tað fer at ganga sum Bíblian lovar: „Hini rættvísu arva landið og búgva í tí allar tíðir.“ — Sálmur 37:29; 104:5.
Thus Jehovah’s Witnesses are firmly convinced that the earth will never be destroyed and that the Bible’s promise will be fulfilled: “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Psalm 37:29; 104:5.jw2019 jw2019
Bíblian lovar: „Hini rættvísu arva landið og búgva í tí allar ævir.“ — Sálmur 37:29.
The Bible promises: “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will [live] forever upon it.” —Psalm 37:29.jw2019 jw2019
Hóast vitnini telja milliónir og búgva í meira enn 200 londum, eru tey knýtt saman av einum óslítandi bandi.
While the Witnesses number into the millions and live in over 200 lands, they are bound together as one in an unbreakable bond.jw2019 jw2019
Hann og familjan búgva í dag á Teigi í vesturbýnum í Havn.
He and his family are currently living near the Jets' facilities in New Jersey.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bara umleið 2000 fólk búgva innanfyri ringmúrin.
A crowd of more than two thousand people gathered outside the building.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(b) Hvat hevði hesin bardagin at týða fyri tey sum eru í himlinum og tey sum búgva á jørðini?
(b) What was its result to those in heaven, and to those on earth?jw2019 jw2019
17 Men uttan mun til hvussu vakurt vit búgva, hvussu vinalig og góð menniskjuni eru og hvussu friðarlig djórini eru, verður framvegis sorg og neyð um ikki sjúka, elli og deyði heldur uppat.
17 Yet no matter how beautiful the homes and gardens, how kind and loving the people, or how friendly the animals, if we got sick, grew old and died there would still be sadness.jw2019 jw2019
Í Betania búgva, sum tú kanska minnist, Lazarus og systrar hansara.
Bethany, you may recall, is the home of Lazarus and his sisters.jw2019 jw2019
Trúgvandi familja, elstar í økinum og onnur í samkomuni eiga at kenna sær ábyrgd av at veita øllum teimum eldru brøðrunum og systrunum, sum búgva á røktarheimi, andaligan stuðul, serliga um ein átrúnaðarligur felagsskapur rekur heimið.
Believing family members, local elders, and others in the congregation should responsibly care for the spiritual needs of any elderly brothers and sisters who live in nursing homes, particularly when operated by a religious organization.jw2019 jw2019
Hann spyr: „Ella hinir átjan, sum tornið í Siloam datt oman yvir og drap — halda tit, at teir vóru sekir fram um øll menniskju, sum í Jerúsalem búgva?“
He asks: “Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, thereby killing them, do you imagine that they were proved greater debtors than all other men inhabiting Jerusalem?”jw2019 jw2019
Og sigið at hann skal koma higar at búgva.’
And tell him to come and live here.’jw2019 jw2019
Umleið 3.134 fólk búgva í Hoyvík.
There are 3741 households in Maur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sjálvandi meinar hann ikki, at tú skalt búgva á sjálvum pappírslepanum; hann meinar, at skjalið er so løgfrøðiliga bindandi, at eigur tú skjalið, eigur tú húsini.
Of course, he does not mean that you will live on that piece of paper; he means that the document is so legally binding that for all practical purposes, it is the house itself.jw2019 jw2019
Hugsa um tey, sum búgva á røktarheimi
Remember Those in Nursing Homesjw2019 jw2019
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