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[ˈdɛijɪ] naamwoordmanlike

Vertalings in die woordeboek Faroees - Engels


cessation of life


event of death

case of death

The death of a person.

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Og tað er ikki vist at henda pínan hvørvur tí vit fáa at vita at hin deyði er uppi í himli.
That pain is not necessarily erased by being told that your loved one is up in heaven.jw2019 jw2019
(Sálmur 146:4, NW) Hugsa vit eitt sindur um støðuna, skilja vit eisini at tað ikki kundi vera hin deyði Sámuel sum tosaði.
(Psalm 146:4) A little thinking on the matter further shows that the voice was not really that of dead Samuel.jw2019 jw2019
98 Lærisveinarnir kjakast meðan deyði Jesusar nærkast
98 The Disciples Argue as Jesus’ Death Nearsjw2019 jw2019
ei pína, sorg og deyði finnast man.
No sorrowing nor any dying;jw2019 jw2019
Tí „lønin, ið syndin gevur, er deyði“.
Because “the wages sin pays is death.”jw2019 jw2019
17 Men uttan mun til hvussu vakurt vit búgva, hvussu vinalig og góð menniskjuni eru og hvussu friðarlig djórini eru, verður framvegis sorg og neyð um ikki sjúka, elli og deyði heldur uppat.
17 Yet no matter how beautiful the homes and gardens, how kind and loving the people, or how friendly the animals, if we got sick, grew old and died there would still be sadness.jw2019 jw2019
Nú verður eingin sjúka longur, eingi ellibrek og eingin deyði.
Then there will be no more sickness, old age, and death.jw2019 jw2019
2 Minningarhøgtíðin undirstrikar týdningin deyði Kristusar hevur í samband við at Jehova fremur sína ætlan.
2 The Memorial underscores the significance of the death of Christ in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose.jw2019 jw2019
Ivast ikki í at brúka orðið „deyður“ og „deyði“.
Do not hesitate to use the real words, such as “dead” and “death.”jw2019 jw2019
6 Jesus vildi ikki, at fólk bara skuldu meta hann sum ein, ið útvegaði teimum bókstaviligan mat, men sum eina andaliga gávu frá Gudi, ja, tann, hvørs lív og deyði sum menniskja fór at geva øðrum møguleika fyri at fáa ævigt lív.
6 Jesus wanted those people to see him, not as a source of mere physical food, but as a spiritual provision from God, as the one whose life and death as a man would make eternal life possible for others.jw2019 jw2019
Um tann deyði hevði gott umdømi í samfelagnum, kann ein bróður kanska halda eina uggandi bíbilska talu í heiminum hjá teimum avvarðandi, í kapellinum ella á grøvini.
If the deceased had a good reputation in the community, a brother might give a comforting Bible talk at the funeral home or graveside.jw2019 jw2019
(Hebrearabrævið 13:22) Tú kanst siga at tú hevur samkenslu og at tú hevur nógv minni um hin deyða, ella tú kanst skriva um hvussu tann deyði hevur ávirkað títt lív.
(Hebrews 13:22) It can say that you care and that you share a special memory about the deceased, or it can show how your life was touched by the person who died.jw2019 jw2019
Úrslitið verður, at synd og deyði koma inn í heimin
As a result, sin and death enter the worldjw2019 jw2019
Ver eisini varin við at siga fyri smáum børnum at hin deyði svevur.
Be careful, too, with young children, about saying that the departed one has gone to sleep.jw2019 jw2019
Tað nyttar einki at siga at hin deyði er farin út á eina langa ferð.
It is not helpful to say that the deceased has gone on a long journey.jw2019 jw2019
4 Hygg fram ímóti tí týdningarmestu hendingini í 1997 við djúpum takksemi fyri alt tað, Jesu deyði hevur at týða fyri okkum.
4 Approach this greatest event of 1997 with deep appreciation for all that Jesus’ death means for us.jw2019 jw2019
Har verður einki kríggj, ongar brotsgerðir, eingin sjúka og eingin deyði.
There will be no more wars, or crime, or sickness, or even death.jw2019 jw2019
Ein bíbilskur fyrilestur verður hildin, sum greiðir frá, hvussu hansara deyði er okkum at gagni.
A free Bible talk will be given that explains how his death helps us.jw2019 jw2019
Bíblian setir henda mótsetningin upp: „Tí lønin, ið syndin gevur, er deyði, men náðigáva Guds er ævigt lív.“
The Bible draws the contrast: “The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life.”jw2019 jw2019
Tann 3. apríl fara milliónir um allan heimin at savnast fyri at minnast Jesu deyða og hoyra ein fyrilestur um, hvussu hansara deyði gagnar okkum.
On April 3, millions around the world will gather to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ and to hear a free discourse about how his death benefits us.jw2019 jw2019
Summi minnast henda dagin, tí tey meta, at deyði Jesusar hevur stóran týdning.
Some will commemorate the occasion because they feel that his death was important.jw2019 jw2019
Deyði hansara er á ongan hátt ein ósigur, tí við honum skal hann draga onnur til sín so tey kunnu fáa ævigt lív.
His death is in no way a defeat, for by means of it, he will draw others to himself so that they may enjoy everlasting life.jw2019 jw2019
75 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.