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Fonda fekk sítt gjøgnumbrot sum motorsúkklukoyrandi hippie i kultfilminum Easy Rider frá 1969.
The video was inspired as an homage to the cult 1969 road film Easy Rider.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ein onnur mamma hevur sagt frá hvussu hon kendi tað tá hon fekk boðini um at seks ára gamli sonur hennara knappliga var deyður av einum viðføddum hjartabreki.
Another mother expressed her feelings when told that her six-year-old son had suddenly died because of a congenital heart problem.jw2019 jw2019
Kina og Suðurkorea fekk hjálp frá USA.
China dismissed the official scenario presented by South Korea and the United States as not credible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seinni, tá herur ísraelsmanna fór inn í Kána’an og skuldi taka Jeriko, fekk Jehova við einum undri múrarnar í býnum at rapla.
Later, when the Israelites entered Canaan and came against Jericho, Jehovah miraculously caused the collapse of Jericho’s walls.jw2019 jw2019
prísa tí Gudi, sum alt fekk í lag.
We sing his praise, and his name we confess.jw2019 jw2019
16, 17. (a) Hvørji nýggj boð fekk Nóa, tá ið hann var 600 ára gamal?
16, 17. (a) Noah received what new message in his 600th year?jw2019 jw2019
Men hvussu kundi hann lata allar hesar menninar doyggja, tá ið hann visti, at hann fekk bjargað teimum?
But how could he send all these men to such a death when he knew he could save them?jw2019 jw2019
Hann vann gylta skógvin, sum hann fekk handaðan á samkomu á matstovuni Hvonn í Havn.
He destroyed the single wooden bowl he possessed on seeing a peasant boy drink from the hollow of his hands.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Samverjin syrgdi fyri, at maðurin slapp at verða har og fekk alt, sum honum tørvaði.
There the Samaritan got a place for the man to stay, and he took good care of him.jw2019 jw2019
Hesir vóru so teir 11 synirnir Jákup fekk meðan hann búði hjá Labani, pápa Rakul.
These were the 11 sons that were born to Jacob when he lived with Rachel’s father Laʹban.jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu fekk ein maður styrki til at halda uppat at roykja?
How did a man receive strength to break free from the smoking habit?jw2019 jw2019
„Eg fekk hópin av kenslum — eg var skelkað, noktandi, brigslaði mær sjálvari og var ill við mann mín og læknan tí teir ikki høvdu skilt hvussu álvarslig støðan var hjá honum.“
“I went through a series of reactions —numbness, disbelief, guilt, and anger toward my husband and the doctor for not realizing how serious his condition was.”jw2019 jw2019
Hann fekk eina uppgávu frá Jehova, sum hann helt vera sera torføra.
He received an assignment from Jehovah that he found to be extremely difficult.jw2019 jw2019
Jovisa pápi, Tony Bongiovi átti plátustudio the Power Station, har hann fekk arbeiði sum sting-í-rendan-drong.
Jon Strader, guitarist of the band No Trigger, worked at the Shrewsbury location.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dániel fekk eisini eina aðra spennandi og nágreiniliga frágreiðing um Messiasríkið — kongurin skuldi hava onnur at ráða saman við sær, ein bólk, ið nevnist „hini heiløgu hins Hægsta“. — Dániel 7:13, 14, 27.
Daniel learned another thrilling detail about the Messianic Kingdom —the King would share his rulership with others, a group referred to as “the holy ones of the Supreme One.” —Daniel 7:13, 14, 27.jw2019 jw2019
Tá ið hann spurdi fólk har á staðnum, um hvat tað merkti, so fekk hann ikki nakað svar.
When asked by another guest what he called the dish, he replied it did not have a name.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Móses fekk ikki einsamallur havt umsjón við milliónatals fólkum, sum ferðaðust saman í eini vandamiklari oyðimørk.
Moses alone could not oversee millions of people traveling together in a dangerous wilderness.jw2019 jw2019
17 Havisjúkan og sjálvgóðskan hjá synum Sámuels fekk nógv størri avleiðingar, enn teir nakrantíð kundu havt ímyndað sær.
17 Samuel’s sons could not have imagined how far the effects of their greed and selfishness would reach.jw2019 jw2019
Nær fekk griksk filosofi fótin fastan í kristindóminum?
When did Greek philosophy begin making inroads into Christianity?jw2019 jw2019
Og hvussu hevði tað verið, um Elias fekk at vita, at hansara uppgáva ikki var at beina fyri óndum ba’alsprofetum, meðan hann royndi at tæna Jehova undir einum óndum og fráfalnum kongi, men friðarliga at vitja fólk og bera teimum ein uggandi og vónríkan boðskap?
And what if Elijah had been told that his work involved, not executing wicked Baal prophets while he was trying to serve Jehovah under the rule of a wicked apostate king, but peacefully visiting people to deliver a message of comfort and hope?jw2019 jw2019
Endin varð at hon boðaði fyri mekanikaranum í ein tíma og hann fekk ’Páradísbókina’.
As it turned out, she witnessed to the serviceman for an hour and placed the Live Forever book with him.jw2019 jw2019
Hvørja signing fekk Abigajil eisini, og hvussu vísti hon, at nýggju útlitini ikki broyttu hana?
What further blessing came to Abigail, and how did she show that her new prospects did not change her?jw2019 jw2019
Bókin fekk heitið Kom upp á fjallatind.
Newly introduced were the arrivals on mountain peaks.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
15 Tá ið tíðin kom til, at Ester skuldi fara inn til kongin, slapp hon at taka tað við sær, sum hon møguliga fekk brúk fyri, kanska okkurt sum gjørdi hana enn vakrari.
15 When the time came for Esther to be presented to the king, she was given the liberty to select any items that she thought she might need, perhaps to beautify herself further.jw2019 jw2019
Eg var mamma at barninum og fekk eg gjørt nakað sum helst sum kundi bjargað tí, hevði eg gjørt tað.“
I was the mother; I would have done anything to save my baby.”jw2019 jw2019
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