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(Matteus 6:8; Sálmur 139:4) Jú, tá vit biðja til Gud, vísa vit, at vit trúgva á hann og meta hann sum Kelduna, haðani „øll góð gáva og øll fullkomin gáva“ kemur.
(Matthew 6:8; Psalm 139:4) Prayer shows that we have faith in God and view him as the Source of “every good gift and every perfect present.”jw2019 jw2019
(1 Mósebók 1:28) Ja, tey kundu nørast og bera fullkomin børn í heim.
(Genesis 1:28) So they would be able to reproduce and bring forth perfect children.jw2019 jw2019
Og um Guds sonur, ið var fullkomin, helt, at hann mátti biðja Gud um hjálp og styrki, hvussu nógv meira mugu vit so ikki gera tað! — 1 Pætur 2:21.
If the perfect Son of God felt the need to pray for divine help and strength, how much more so should we! —1 Peter 2:21.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Mósebók 1:31) Høvdu tey nú verið Gudi lýðin, kundu tey fingið fullkomin børn, og øll jørðin hevði verið eitt paradís, har menniskju livdu æviga í friði og eydnu.
(Genesis 1:31) If they had obeyed God, they would have produced perfect children, and the earth would have become a global paradise, where people would live forever in peace and happiness.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus, sum var eitt fullkomið menniskja, „hin seinni Ádam“, prógvaði at Gud ikki hevði gjørt eitt mistak tá hann skapti fullkomin menniskju. — 1 Korintbræv 15:22, 45; Matteus 4:1-11.
Jesus, a perfect man, the ‘second Adam,’ showed that God was not mistaken in creating perfect humans.—1 Corinthians 15:22, 45; Matthew 4:1-11.jw2019 jw2019
Inniliga bøn okkara er tann, at „tit skulu standa fullkomin og fullvís í øllum vilja Guds“. — Kol.
Our earnest prayer is that every one of you may “stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God.”—Col.jw2019 jw2019
um dóm tín er fullkomin vissa.
Your judgments we find reassuring.jw2019 jw2019
har ið alt verður fullkomin gleði.
And that soon all its blessings will be here.jw2019 jw2019
6 Kærleiki Jesusar til samkomuna av lærisveinum er ein fullkomin fyrimynd hjá giftum monnum.
6 Jesus’ love for his congregation of disciples sets a perfect example for husbands.jw2019 jw2019
Persar, egyptar, tibetanarar, peruanarar og meksikanarar hava allir sagnir um lukku og fullkomin viðurskifti í byrjanini av mannasøguni.
Persians, Egyptians, Tibetans, Peruvians, and Mexicans all have legends about a time of happiness and perfection at the beginning of mankind’s history.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus var okkum ein fullkomin fyrimynd; hann savnaði seg um tað, sum veruliga hevði nakað upp á seg.
Jesus set the perfect example; he kept focused on what was truly important.jw2019 jw2019
Av tí at Jesus var gitin av Guds heilaga anda, var hann føddur fullkomin og noyddist ikki at doyggja.
Because Jesus was conceived by means of God’s holy spirit, he was born perfect, not subject to inherited death.jw2019 jw2019
ÁJØRÐINI var Jesus menniskja, hóast fullkomin, tí Gud hevði flutt lívsmegi hansara til móðurlív Mariu.
WHILE on earth, Jesus was a human, although a perfect one because it was God who transferred the life-force of Jesus to the womb of Mary.jw2019 jw2019
Tann fysiska jørðin og tann fysiski himmalin eru skapt fullkomin, og Bíblian sigur at tey verða um ævir.
The physical earth and heavens were made perfect, and the Bible shows they will remain forever.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Mósebók 3:17-19) Hann samsvaraði ikki Guds reglum; hann var ikki longur fullkomin.
(Genesis 3:17-19) He no longer measured up to God’s standards, so he was not perfect anymore.jw2019 jw2019
Trúfesti og fullkomin friður.
Pace e bene.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hini upprisnu verða, eins og tann stóri skarin, ið kom undan Harmageddon við lívinum, ikki veruliga livandi, fyrr enn tey eru fullkomin og syndleys.
Like the great crowd of Armageddon survivors, the resurrected ones will become fully alive when they reach sinless perfection.jw2019 jw2019
Henda gleði mín er nú vorðin fullkomin.“
Therefore this joy of mine has been made full.”jw2019 jw2019
14 Í viðferð síni av børnum var Jesus ein fullkomin fyrimynd hjá foreldrum.
14 Jesus set a perfect example for parents in the way he treated children.jw2019 jw2019
Sinnið og likamið vóru fullkomin, so teimum nýttist ikki at gerast gomul ella sjúk ella at doyggja — tey kundu havt livað æviga.
They had perfect minds and bodies, so they would not have to get old or get sick or die—they could have lived forever.jw2019 jw2019
Skuldi Jesus gera tað, sum Gud vildi, at hann skuldi gera á jørðini, mátti hann fáa tíð til at blíva ein vaksin, fullkomin maður.
To fulfill God’s will for him on earth, Jesus had to grow up and become a perfect, full-grown man.jw2019 jw2019
Fullkomin menniskju hava ymiska persónmensku og ymisk evni.
Perfect humans will have different personalities and talents.jw2019 jw2019
Tí Jesus var ein fullkomin mynd av Faðir sínum.
Recall that this Son is a perfect reflection of his Father.jw2019 jw2019
Ja, tá vit verða fullkomin, verða vit livandi í orðsins fullu merking, tí tá liva vit soleiðis, sum Gud av fyrstan tíð ætlaði tað.
Yes, when we are perfect, we will be alive in the fullest sense of the word, for we will be living as God originally intended us to live.jw2019 jw2019
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