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(b) Hvørjar aðrar signingar gav Jehova Hannu?
(b) How did Jehovah further bless Hannah?jw2019 jw2019
3 Sjálvsrannsókn: Jesus gav eisini hesa ávaringina: „Gevið gætur eftir tykkum sjálvum.“
3 Examining Ourselves: Jesus also warned: “Pay attention to yourselves.”jw2019 jw2019
Hvat merkir teknið, Jesus gav, og hvat skuldi eyðkenna teknið?
What is the meaning of the sign that Jesus gave, and what were to be features of this sign?jw2019 jw2019
Tað var kilenski ríkisákærin, sum í januar 2011 gav boð um, at líkið av Allende skuldi kannast.
As the name Ceylon still appears in the names of a number of organisations, the Sri Lankan government announced in 2011 a plan to rename all those over which it has authority.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sum menniskja tænti hann ósjálvsøkin øðrum og gav sítt lív fyri mannaættina.
As a human, he selflessly ministered to others and then gave his life in behalf of mankind.jw2019 jw2019
2 Nøkur ár aftur í tíðina var boðanin øðrvísi í nógvum londum, tí tey flestu livdu eitt lív í friði og náðum og tað gav eina ávísa trygd.
2 Years ago, in many lands the witness work was different because, for the most part, people lived more tranquil lives, and they felt secure.jw2019 jw2019
Hann gav teimum eisini møguleikan.
He also gave them the opportunity to do so.jw2019 jw2019
Okkurt, sum eyðkennir sterkar familjur, er, at „eingin leggur seg á kvøldi, illur við ein annan“, sigur tann, sum stóð fyri kanningini.6 Og fyri meira enn 1900 árum síðani gav Bíblian hesi ráð: „Verða tit ill, so syndið ikki, latið ikki sólina seta yvir vreiði tykkara.“
A common policy found in healthy families is that “nobody goes to bed angry at another,” noted the author of the survey.6 Yet, over 1,900 years ago, the Bible advised: “Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state.”jw2019 jw2019
Eisini gav hann eftirkomarunum hjá Nóa boð um at spjaðast á jørðini, men nøkur av teimum vóru ólýðin.
He also commanded Noah’s descendants to spread abroad in the earth, but some of them disobeyed.jw2019 jw2019
3 Hámet kærleika Jesu Krists: Vit eiga eisini at vísa at vit av sonnum hámeta Jesus Kristus, ið gav sál sína sum loysigjald í býti fyri mong.
3 Appreciate Jesus Christ’s Love: Likewise, it is fitting that we show deep appreciation for Jesus Christ, who gave his soul as a ransom for many.jw2019 jw2019
(Jóhannes 10:11, Ny Verden-Oversættelsen) Jesus gav sál sína, ella lív sítt, fyri mannaættina.
(John 10:11) Jesus gave his soul, or life, in behalf of mankind.jw2019 jw2019
Seinni gav hon eisini Ádami, og hann át.
Afterward, she gave some to Adam, and he ate it.jw2019 jw2019
13:11-14) Man ein sjálvsrannsókn í Bíbliunnar ljósi vísa at vit veruliga eru vakin, sum Jesus gav okkum boð um at vera?
13:11-14) When we examine ourselves in the light of the Scriptures, are we truly on the watch as Jesus instructed?jw2019 jw2019
Gud gav mær vin fyri lívið,
God has provided a partner,jw2019 jw2019
6:33) Ray, ið byrjaði sum pionerur beint eftir studentaskúlan, sigur: „Mamma segði altíð, at hon helt, at pionertænastan gav tað allarmest nøktandi lívið.“
6:33) Ray, who started pioneering when finishing high school, recalls: “My mom always felt that pioneering results in a most satisfying way of life.”jw2019 jw2019
Hann skapti tey bæði fyrstu menniskjuni, Ádam og Evu, setti tey í eitt paradís á jørðini ið varð nevnt Eden, og gav teimum boð um at fáa børn og víðka paradísiska heimið hjá sær til tað fevndi um alla jørðina.
He created the first human pair Adam and Eve, placed them in an earthly paradise called Eden, and instructed them to have children and extend their Paradise home earth wide.jw2019 jw2019
Sum vit hava lært vísti Jesus hvussu frálíkur kongur hann skuldi blíva; hann gav teimum svongu mat, grøddi tey sjúku, og vakti eisini deyð upp.
As we have learned, Jesus showed what a wonderful king he will be by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and even raising the dead to life!jw2019 jw2019
Orsøkin til, at vit menniskju doyggja, er, at Ádam gav syndigu støðu sína og sostatt eisini deyðan víðari til sínar eftirkomarar.
The reason we die is that Adam’s sinful condition as well as death was passed on to all of his descendants.jw2019 jw2019
Fólkið hjá Jehova, afturímóti, fær andaliga hjálp, tí Gud gav teimum lyftið: „Eg skal seta yvir [seyðin] hirðar, ið skulu røkta hann; hann skal ikki óttast longur og ikki ræðast, og eingin skal saknast av honum.“ — Jeremias 23:4.
But Jehovah’s people do have spiritual assistance, for he promised: “I will raise up over them shepherds who will actually shepherd them; and they will be afraid no more, neither will they be struck with any terror, and none will be missing.”—Jeremiah 23:4.jw2019 jw2019
▪ „Eg gav tær ein faldara fyri kortum, hann æt ’Nýggja túsundárið — Hvussu verður framtíðin hjá tær?’
▪ “I left a folder entitled ‘The New Millennium —What Does the Future Hold for You?’jw2019 jw2019
Stutt áðrenn Jesus doyði, gav hann teimum tí eina áminning, sum teir ongantíð fóru at gloyma.
So shortly before he died, Jesus taught them a lesson that they would never forget.jw2019 jw2019
Fleiri túsund ár fyrr enn læknavísindini lærdu, hvussu sjúkur spjaðast, gav Bíblian skilagóð verjuráð, sum byrgdu fyri sjúkum.
Thousands of years before medical science learned about the ways in which disease spreads, the Bible prescribed reasonable preventive measures as safeguards against disease.jw2019 jw2019
Hvat fyridømi gav Jesus viðvíkjandi gávumildi, og hvussu kunnu vit vera gávumild?
How did Jesus set a fine example of generosity, and how can we be generous?jw2019 jw2019
Hvørja vón gav Gud, tá hann kravdi uppreistrarfólkini til svars fyri gerðir teirra?
When calling the rebels to account for their actions, what basis for hope did God provide?jw2019 jw2019
Mt 16:19 – Hvat vóru „lyklar Himmiríkis“, sum Jesus gav Pæturi?
Mt 16:19 —What were “the keys of the Kingdom of the heavens” that Jesus gave to Peter?jw2019 jw2019
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