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4:12) Aðrar tíðir kunnu tit hyggja eftir og tosa um ein av filmunum, sum samskipanin hevur givið út.
4:12) On other occasions, you might watch and discuss one of the videos produced by the organization.jw2019 jw2019
Ein listi eigur at verða hongdur upp, so vit kunnu hyggja eftir, hvat vit skulu gera.
A list of things that need to be done should be posted where the workers can consult it for direction.jw2019 jw2019
17 Ven teg at hyggja eftir tí góða í øðrum og rósa teimum.
17 Train yourself to look for the good in others, and then give voice to the positive.jw2019 jw2019
(2) Hvørjum skalt tú hyggja eftir, tá ið tú velur tær vinir?
(2) What should you look for in a potential friend?jw2019 jw2019
* (Rómbrævið 12:2) Ver sum sálmaskaldið, ið bað til Jehova: „Vend eygum mínum burtur frá at hyggja eftir fáfongd.“ – Sálmur 119:37.
* (Romans 12:2) Be like the psalmist who prayed to Jehovah: “Turn my eyes away from looking at what is worthless.” —Psalm 119:37.jw2019 jw2019
Hesar sendingar eru samantvinnaðar soleiðis, at flest øll kunnu hyggja eftir teimum.
Crews of striking enterprises were very determined, and what they needed most were news updates.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1 „Longu áðrenn sonurin hjá okkum dugdi at ganga, fór hann at hyggja eftir sjónbandinum.
1 “Our son has been watching the video since before he could walk.jw2019 jw2019
3 Vitjanin verður fyrireikað: Undan vitjunarvikuni eigur tænastuumsjónarmaðurin at hyggja eftir skrásetingarkortunum hjá boðarunum í bólkinum.
3 Preparation for the Visit: Prior to the week of this visit, the service overseer should check the Congregation’s Publisher Record cards for those associated with the group.jw2019 jw2019
Nógv børn sita bara og hyggja eftir sjónvarpi ella spæla videospøl.
Many children just sit and watch TV or play video games.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus fortaldi tí lærisveinum sínum um nakað, sum teir skuldu hyggja eftir her á jørðini.
So Jesus told about things his disciples should watch for here on earth.jw2019 jw2019
Eitt sálmaskald vísti sama hugburð, tá ið hann bað: „Vend eygum mínum burtur frá at hyggja eftir fáfongd!“ – Sálmur 119:37.
Showing the same mind, a psalmist prayed: “Turn my eyes away from looking at what is worthless.” —Psalm 119:37.jw2019 jw2019
Sambært einari kanning brúkar ein vaksin amerikanari í miðal meiri enn 30 tímar um vikuna til at hyggja eftir sjónvarpi.
One survey revealed that the average adult in the United States spends more than 30 hours a week watching TV!jw2019 jw2019
Teir hyggja eftir eginleikum hansara, um hann er álítandi, nærlagdur, lítillátin, beinasamur, og um hann er førur fyri at samarbeiða við onnur.
They will look for the qualities of dependability, punctuality, diligence, modesty, a willing spirit, and an ability to get along well with others.jw2019 jw2019
Tað hevur stóran týdning, tí Jehova hevur sagt at Gideon bert skal velja sær teir menninar ið hyggja eftir meðan teir drekka.
This is important, for Jehovah told Gidʹe·on to choose only the men who keep watching while they drink.jw2019 jw2019
Hvør er tað, ið vil hava okkum at lurta og hyggja eftir tí, sum er skeivt? — Ja, Satan og teir illu andarnir.
Who do you think wants us to listen to and watch bad things?— Yes, Satan and his demons do.jw2019 jw2019
(Sálmur 1:1, 2; 97:10) Tað hevði verið nógv betri at tikið eftir hugburðinum hjá sálmaskaldinum, sum bað: „Vend eygum mínum burtur frá at hyggja eftir fáfongd.“ – Sálmur 119:37.
(Psalm 1:1, 2; 97:10) How much better to imitate the attitude of the psalmist who prayed: “Turn my eyes away from looking at what is worthless”! —Psalm 119:37.jw2019 jw2019
Tá tú lesur ígjøgnum uppskotini í Ríkisins Tænastu, kanst tú hyggja eftir hugskotum, áhugaverdum orðingum ella høvuðsheitum, sum tú kundi tikið við í tíni framløgu.
As you review the suggestions offered in Our Kingdom Ministry, look for interesting points that you may wish to work into your presentation.jw2019 jw2019
Og hvat skulu tú og eg so gera? — Vit skulu lurta og hyggja eftir øllum tí, sum er gott, og sum hjálpir okkum at tæna Jehova.
So, what do you and I need to do?— We need to read, listen to, and watch things that are good for us and that will help us to serve Jehovah.jw2019 jw2019
Fert tú so at hyggja eftir onkrum í sjónvarpinum ella á alnótini, sum tú veitst, ikki hevði dámt Jesusi? — Minst til, Jesus livir og sær alt, sum vit gera!
Will you watch TV programs or perhaps look at things on the Internet that you know would not please Jesus?— Remember, Jesus is now alive, and he can see everything we do!jw2019 jw2019
Bert at hyggja eftir ábendingum, fráboðanum ella ’hómingum’ um eina tríeind av persónum í [Gamla Testamenti], er at ganga út um orð og ætlanir hjá teimum heilagu rithøvundunum.“ — Okkara skákstaving.
Even to see in [the “Old Testament”] suggestions or foreshadowings or ‘veiled signs’ of the trinity of persons, is to go beyond the words and intent of the sacred writers.”—Italics ours.jw2019 jw2019
Áðrenn tú fert á afturvitjan eigur tú at hyggja eftir tí tú hevur skrivað upp viðvíkjandi tí tit tosaðu um seinast, so tú kanst fara longri við evninum sum fangaði áhuga teirra.
Before making the return visit, review what you said on the initial call so that you can more effectively develop the subject that captured their interest.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus Kristus segði frammanundan frá nógvum hendingum sum lærusveinar hansara seinni í tíðini áttu at hyggja eftir, og sum skuldu verða tekin um at Gud skjótt fór at gera enda á heiminum.
Jesus Christ foretold many things that his future followers should watch for so that they would know it was God’s time to bring an end to the world.jw2019 jw2019
Ofta setur hann nevið niður í sjógvin, til at hyggja sær eftir onkrum etandi.
He regularly belittles Jay in front of his peers, and does not take him seriously regarding his sexual exploits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eins og ein plógfora verður skeiv um maðurin sum pløgir ikki hyggur beint fram, fer ein og hvør sum vendir sær á at hyggja eftir gomlu heimsskipanini, lættliga burtur av vegnum sum førir til ævigt lív.
Just as a furrow likely will become crooked if the plowman does not keep looking straight ahead, so anyone who looks behind at this old system of things may well stumble off the road leading to eternal life.jw2019 jw2019
Øll eygu hyggja spent eftir honum.
All eyes are intently fixed upon him.jw2019 jw2019
36 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.