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Vertalings in die woordeboek Faroees - Engels


to incur a charge, a price
to cost

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Kosta Rika
Costa Rica


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Ólíkt øðrum miðamerikanskum londum hevur friður valdað í Kosta Rika.
Whoever controlled Sungai Linggi would gain wealth simply through taxes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Henda sjúka er mett at kosta vinnuni um 100 millionir $ um árið.
An Epidemic of Wage Theft Is Costing Workers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hesar sendistovurnar kosta áleið 12,5 milliónir krónur at reka árliga.
Holographic sensors have been proposed for detecting concentrations up to 12.5% in volume.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Avgerðirnar, ið hann tók, komu eisini at kosta honum lívið.
Rani, who has been looking after him, has fallen in love with him.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
„Tí hvør tykkara,“ byrjar hann, „sum ætlar at byggja torn, setur seg ikki fyrst niður og roknar út, hvussu mikið tað fer at kosta, um hann hevur nóg mikið at fullføra tað fyri!
“For example,” he says, “who of you that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough to complete it?jw2019 jw2019
Hóast kommunur fáa nógv skattapening, kosta allar uppgávurnar nógv.
The Utah State Treasurer assigns a numerical precious metal value to these coins each week based on the spot metal prices.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kundi Gud á nakran hátt gera menniskjum greitt, hvussu nógv hetta ofrið fór at kosta honum?
Could God convey to mankind just how dearly that death would cost him?jw2019 jw2019
Legg til merkis, hvussu tað at ganga ov høgt upp í tað materiella kom at kosta Nahami og Abital lívið.
Notice how undue attachment to material things became a deadly snare to Naham and Abital.jw2019 jw2019
Sendistovan fer at kosta góðar 3,25 milliónir krónur.
Parakou Shipping has Estimated Turnover is $3.25M.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hartil koma krabbasjúkur, hjartasjúkur og aðrar sjúkur, sum á hvørjum ári kosta nógvum menniskjum lívið.
And there are cancer, heart disease, and other sicknesses that kill many thousands of people every year.jw2019 jw2019
BÍBLIAN SIGUR: „Hvør tykkara, sum ætlar at byggja torn, setur seg ikki fyrst niður og roknar út, hvussu mikið tað fer at kosta, um hann hevur nóg mikið at fullføra tað fyri!“
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Who of you wanting to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense to see if he has enough to complete it?”jw2019 jw2019
Nógv slík tiltøk miseydnast og kosta teimum, sum eru uppií, nógvan pening.
Many of these ventures fail, costing participants huge sums of money.jw2019 jw2019
6 Jesus visti fullvæl, at kostnaðurin í samband við at gera Guds vilja, var sera stórur, ja, at tað skuldi kosta honum lívið.
6 Jesus fully realized that doing Jehovah’s will would be very costly—that it would even cost him his life.jw2019 jw2019
Sagt verður, at sjúkur, ið stava frá strongd, kosta amerikanska búskapinum 200 milliardir dollarar um árið.
It is said that stress-related diseases cost the U.S. economy $200 billion a year.jw2019 jw2019
Vatnorkuverkið kom at kosta umleið 500 milliónir.
The facility costed ₱500 million.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jesus er til reiðar at verða sannleikanum trúgvur, um tað so skal kosta honum lívið.
Jesus is prepared to be faithful to that truth even if it costs him his life.jw2019 jw2019
Nikaragua-veitin er mett at kosta umleið 40 milliardir dollarar .
Damage in South Carolina reached about $40 million.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tosað hevur verið um at lata Havnará upp aftur, men tað fer at kosta mikið stríð at reinsa hana, so hon verður snøgg á at líta aftur.
They decide to press it for him, and this causes Faar to rise back to the surface, so that now the haulers are able to get out.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lat ongan lokka teg at gera nakað, sum kann koma at kosta tær ta sonnu og varandi lukkuna.
Do not be misled into a course of action that will rob you of true and lasting happiness.jw2019 jw2019
1992 - Eldur tekur seg upp í Windsor Castle í Onglandi, Slottið tekur stóran skaða, ið verður mettur at kosta 50 milliónir pund.
1992 – In England, a fire breaks out in Windsor Castle, badly damaging the castle and causing over £50 million worth of damage.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1 Í februar mánaði er tilboðið tvær av eldru bókum okkara sum kosta 2,50 krónur.
1 During February, we are featuring any 192- page book published in 1983 or earlier or the Worldwide Security book.jw2019 jw2019
21 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.