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I, you, he, she, it laid, singular past tense form of leggja (to lay)
I, you, he, she, it laid, singular past tense form of leggja (to lay)

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2:12) Ein kvinna legði til merkis, at ein arbeiðsfelagi, ið var Jehova Vitni, var blíður og beinasamur og ikki nýtti ljót orð ella flenti at ónærisligum skemtisøgum.
2:12) One woman observed that a Witness coworker was kind and helpful and did not use foul language or laugh at unclean jokes.jw2019 jw2019
Tá lærisveinurin Jákup eggjaði lesarum sínum til at nærkast Gudi, legði hann aftrat: „Tváið hendurnar, tit syndarar, reinsið hjørtuni, tit tvísintu!“
When the disciple James encouraged others to draw close to God, he added: “Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones.”jw2019 jw2019
Fyritøkan legði saman við aðrari størri fyritøku og er ikki til longur.
Moreover the old route faces too much congestion and is little bit lengthy which results in delay.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
3 Heldur enn at taka lut í politikki legði Jesus dent á at boða um Guds ríki, framtíðar stjórnina í himli, sum hann skuldi verða kongur í.
3 Instead of participating in the politics of his day, Jesus focused on preaching about God’s Kingdom, the future heavenly government of which he was the prospective King.jw2019 jw2019
Eingilin legði aftrat, at sonurin, hon bar, ’skuldi frelsa fólk sítt frá syndum teirra’.
The angel added that the son she bore would “save his people from their sins.”jw2019 jw2019
Tá eitt herviligt átrúnaðarligt kjak hevði vart í tveir mánaðir, legði hesin heidni politikarin uppí og avgjørdi málið til frama fyri teir ið søgdu at Jesus var Gud.
After two months of furious religious debate, this pagan politician intervened and decided in favor of those who said that Jesus was God.jw2019 jw2019
Og meðan eg lá og svav, legði hon tað deyða barnið yvir til mín og tók barnið hjá mær.
But while I was asleep, she put her dead child next to me and took my baby.jw2019 jw2019
(Lukas 2:3) Maria átti undir fátæksligum viðurskiftum í einum fjósi og legði barnið í eina krubbu.
(Luke 2:3) Mary gave birth in a humble stable, laying the baby in a manger.jw2019 jw2019
(b) Hvørja lóg legði Jesus serligan dent á?
(b) What law did Jesus stress?jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu legði Gud í Móselógini dent á, hvussu lívið skal metast?
In the Mosaic Law, how did God stress the proper view of life?jw2019 jw2019
Eftir at hava tænt á Betel eitt áramál gleðir hesin bróðirin seg um at hann í uppvøkstrinum legði doyin á at fylgja fyrimynd Kristusar.
After enjoying Bethel service for years now, he is thankful that as he was growing up, he made the effort to imitate Christ’s example.jw2019 jw2019
Ein vitjandi, sum var á einum møti hjá okkum, legði til merkis, hvussu skjótt ein lítil genta fann skriftstøðini í síni egnu bíbliu, og hvussu væl hon fylgdi við, meðan lisið varð.
A visitor at one of our meetings observed how quickly a small girl was able to find a cited verse in her own Bible and how attentively she followed the reading.jw2019 jw2019
Hendan lóg var aftur viðurkend tann 22. juni 2009, tá franski forsetin, Nicolas Sarkozy segði at burka er "ikki vælkomin" í Fraklandi, og legði afturat at "Í okkara landi kunna vit ikki góðtaka at kvinnur eru fangaðar aftanfyri eitt slør, avskornar frá øllum sosialum lívi, og rændar sínum samleika".
This was followed on 22 June 2009, when the president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, said that burqas are "not welcome" in France, commenting that "In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í Vetrarmorgun sást hon ikki, har legði hon rødd til mammuna, og gjørdi senografi.
Unfortunately, as soon as he had copied the text, he upset the ink-stand and poured ink all over the manuscript.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Umframt at vera nýskapandi yrkjari og framúr góður týðari, var hann málfrøðingurin, ið legði dygga grund undir føroyskt orðabókaarbeiði.
For a man who had dreamed of performing professionally but had settled on being a record producer, this was a period of particularly good fortune that launched a succession of chart-topping records.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í 1859 gav Charles Darwin bókina On the Origin of Species út og legði harvið lunnar undir læruna um lívmenningina.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hon legði dent á, at kvinnurnar eisini vóru virknar bæði innan- og uttanfloks.
Gale sees Stern as asserting that women need the opportunity to find fulfillment in both the public and private spheres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Henda systirin fekk eitt positivt árin á lívið hjá tveimum øðrum fólkum, orsakað av at hon legði seg eftir at halda lyfti síni dag eftir dag.
This sister touched two other lives in a positive way because of following through in fulfilling her vow day after day.jw2019 jw2019
20 Sámuel legði dent á teir góðu eginleikarnar hjá manninum, sum Jehova hevði valt, ikki teir ringu.
20 Samuel focused, not on faults, but on the good in the man whom Jehovah had chosen.jw2019 jw2019
Minst eisini til at Sanhedrinið, eftir at Jesus hevði uppreist Lazarus, legði ráð upp um at drepa hann.
Recall also that after Jesus resurrected Lazarus, the Sanhedrin laid plans to have Jesus killed.jw2019 jw2019
Hann helt av órøttum, at Gud ikki legði í, um hann varð verandi trúfastur
He mistakenly concluded that God did not care if he remained faithfuljw2019 jw2019
3 Hvussu vit nøkta andaliga tørvin hjá fólki: Paulus legði Timoteusi eina við ikki at svíkja „hinar heiløgu skriftir, sum kunnu gera [ein] vísan til frelsu,“ og tí álegði hann álvarsliga Timoteusi at „prædika orðið“ fyri øðrum.
3 How to Satisfy People’s Spiritual Need: Paul exhorted Timothy to stick with “the holy writings, which are able to make [one] wise for salvation,” and he therefore solemnly charged him to “preach the word” to others.jw2019 jw2019
Paulus ápostul setti boðanina av gleðiboðskapinum í sama bólk tá hann legði eina við: „Latið okkum . . . altíð bera Gudi fram lovoffur.“
The apostle Paul put preaching the good news in a similar category when he urged: “Let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise.”jw2019 jw2019
Mús bispur legði høgar skattir á føroyingar til tess at gjalda fyri kirkjuna, sum tá var í gerð í Kirkjubø.
The bishops consecrated by Duarte Costa went on to consecrate dozens of additional bishops, many of whom had only tenuous relationships with the Brazilian Church.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Og løgmaður galt peningin alt fyri eitt og legði seksti dálar fram á borðið, men tjóvurin varð hongdur.
The Tsar then ordered him to drink forty casks of wine, with forty gallons each, but the thirsty man drank them all.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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