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Vertalings in die woordeboek Faroees - Engels


be in horizontal position


to lie (on a bed etc.)

lying down

(be) lying down
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„Úlvurin [skal] búgva hjá lambinum og pantarin liggja í felagi við geitarlambinum, kálvar, ungljón og alidjór ganga saman, og ein smádrongur skal gæta tey.“ — Jesaja 11:6; 65:25.
“The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.”—Isaiah 11:6; Isaiah 65:25.jw2019 jw2019
Tað er tað tætta sambandið, sum er millum ein mann og eina kvinnu, tá tey liggja so tætt, at kynsgøgnini møtast.
Sex relations are when a man and a woman become close in a very special way.jw2019 jw2019
Flestu tindasvín liggja í reiðrinum um dagin, og eru frammi um náttina at leita eftir reyðmøðkum og skordýrum.
Lyrebirds are often seen in the morning and after rain searching for insects and worms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Legg tey ikki á almenn støð, har tey bara koma at liggja og sløðast.
Avoid leaving it in public areas where it will simply get strewn about.jw2019 jw2019
Jehova ’virkaði ikki jørðina til at liggja í oyði, nei til bústað hjá fólki virkaði Hann hana’ — fólki, sum hevur týdningarmikið samband við hann.
Jehovah “did not create [the earth] simply for nothing” but “formed it even to be inhabited” by humans who have a meaningful relationship with him.jw2019 jw2019
Freistingarnar frá Satani liggja sum snerrur ella fellur á eini myrkari gøtu.
Satan’s temptations are like snares strewn across a dark path.jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu lýsir Seinna Kongabók 25:8, 25, 26 nágreiniliga, nær uppfyllingin av teimum hálvfjerðs árunum, Jerusalem skuldi liggja oyðið, skuldi byrja?
How does 2 Kings 25:8, 25, 26 accurately describe the starting point of the fulfillment of the seventy years Jerusalem would lie desolate?jw2019 jw2019
(1) Hvørji trý mál liggja øllum í alheims bróðurskapinum nógv á sinni?
(1) What three activities do we share in common with our worldwide brotherhood?jw2019 jw2019
Hon vísti, at Bábel skuldi liggja oyðið í ævir.
It showed that Babylon would be desolated permanently.jw2019 jw2019
Longst í útsynning liggja Scillyoyggjarnar har ið føroyingar stundum hava luttikið í kappróðri.
In a nice recapitulation of high jump history, flop jumpers sometimes use the scissors when warming up.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ein dagin tá Dina kom at vitja, tók hann Dinu og noyddi hana at liggja hjá sær.
One day when Diʹnah came on a visit, Sheʹchem took Diʹnah and forced her to lie down with him.jw2019 jw2019
Nógvir trúboðarar tæna í økjum ið liggja fleiri túsund kilometrar burtur frá familju og heimi.
Many of these missionaries are assigned thousands of miles away from home and family.jw2019 jw2019
Allir býarpartarnir ið verða nevndir her niðanfyri liggja uttanfyri ringmúrin.
The entrances to the diner are at its ends, each sheltered by an added vestibule.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hon tolir ikki at liggja turr, og tí er hon ikki í sjálvari fjøruni.
Sher was just her ride and they have nothing in common.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
▪ Um onkur ætlar sær at vitja høvuðsskrivstovuna í Brooklyn og/ella Patterson og Wallkill, kunnu vit siga frá, at vit hava fingið serligan avsláttur á hotellunum, ið liggja nærindis okkara bygningum.
▪ Groups of 20 or more planning to visit the United States branch office facilities at Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill should first correspond with the Central Tour Desk at 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, NY 12563-9204, or at fax number (845) 306-0200.jw2019 jw2019
Teir kunnu velja at gera meira burtur úr fjølbygdum økjum innan økismarkið og økjum, ið ikki liggja ov langt burtur.
The congregation is not required to search every neighborhood equally but may choose to focus on the more populated areas within its territory boundary and on those areas that are a reasonable distance away.jw2019 jw2019
Oyggjarnar liggja beint sunnanfyri og í ein útsynning av Athen og Pireus, bert 27 km frá Athen.
He was owned by the bankers Antisthenes and Archestratus, who had a bank at the Piraeus, the harbor five miles out of Athens.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sum tey gingu suðureftir, og tað tók at lýsa í eystri, hugsaði Jósef ivaleyst um, hvat mundi liggja fyri framman.
Heading southward, with the sky beginning to lighten in the east, Joseph likely wondered what lay ahead.jw2019 jw2019
Síðan ger fyrstiføddi sonurin hjá Dávidi, Amnon, seg inn á systur sína Tamar og noyðir hana at liggja hjá sær.
Then David’s firstborn son Amʹnon gets his sister Taʹmar alone and forces his love on her.jw2019 jw2019
Dagin fyri hevði hann alment hartað trúarleiðararnar, og hann skilur at teir liggja honum eftir lívinum.
On the day before, he had rebuked the religious leaders publicly, and he realizes that they are seeking to kill him.jw2019 jw2019
Ringanna Harri var ein stór fíggjarlig suksess og filmarnir liggja sum nr.
Anbu Enge was a successful film, music being one of the factors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Esaias 33:24; 54:13) Eingin skal liggja undir fyri heilsuskaðiligari strongd ella fáa sálarligar ella kensluligar sjúkur.
(Isaiah 33:24; 54:13) No one will be exposed to unhealthful stress or develop emotional and mental disorders.jw2019 jw2019
Morgunin eftir síggja tey nakað hvítt liggja á jørðini, og tey spyrja hvørt annað: ’Hvat man hatta vera?’
The next morning when the Israelites see this white stuff that has fallen, they ask one another: ‘What is it?’jw2019 jw2019
Nógvar vallfløtur eru nú veltar og liggja sum bøur ella beiti hjá fenaðinum.
Supergirl is soon captured and awakens bound and gagged at the feet of Lana, who is now possessed by the Insect Queen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hvat vísir hetta so? — Tað vísir, at tað hevur minni at siga, um vit sita, standa ella liggja, meðan vit biðja.
So, what does this show?— Yes, this shows that the position you are in is not the important thing.jw2019 jw2019
110 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.