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Flestu ferðafólkini eru úr Bretlandi, tí at Gambia er gamalt bretskt hjáland, og mangir gambiar duga enskt.
A variety of communities live here because Jatani has been a very important railway station since the British rule.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mangir felagsskapir eru settir á stovn við eittans endamáli - náttúruvernd.
Many Umbrisols are under a natural or near-natural vegetation cover.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Um somu tíð búsettu mangir indarar seg í Kenja og fóru at fáast við handilsvinnu.
Within just a few minutes many had landed on the hand sickle and were crawling over it with interest.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Har eru mangir býir og nógv gistingarhús.
Many residents rent and there is a large social housing sector.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í frásøguni sigur sonurin við seg sjálvan: „Hvussu mangir daglønamenn hjá faðir hava ikki yvirflóð av breyði — og her doyggi eg í hungri!
Continuing his story, Jesus explains: “He said [to himself], ‘How many hired men of my father are abounding with bread, while I am perishing here from famine!jw2019 jw2019
Mangir nazistiskir krígsbrotsmenn flýddu.
Survived several Nazi concentration camps.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Síðan oljuvinnan tók seg upp, eru eisini mangir útlendingar komnir til Libya at arbeiða í oljuvinnuni.
As all followers of Christianity in Libya are foreigners who came to the country under work permits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mangir vóru teir, sum hættaðu sær inn í landið, ið ongantíð komu út aftur haðandi.
Some people believed there was some sort of historical reenactment happening, and moved towards the area.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seinastu árini eru mangir albanar farnir til Grikkalands og Italia at arbeiða.
Like many towns in Albania many young people leave for Italy and Greece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í 1857 gjørdu indiskir hermenn uppreistur, tí at mangir indarar hildu, at bretska yvirvaldið ætlaði at noyða kristindómin upp á teir.
A soldier attempted to assassinate Ferdinand in 1856, and many believe that the infection he received from the soldier's bayonet led to his ultimate demise.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mangir halda enn fast við gamlan sið og egna mentan.
It is necessary to give back the revived person his old mind, his personality.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tí sanniliga, sigi Eg tykkum: Mangir profetar og rættvísir tráaðu eftir at síggja tað, sum tit síggja, og sóu tað ikki, og at hoyra tað, sum tit hoyra, og hoyrdu tað ikki.“
For I truly say to you, Many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things you are beholding and did not see them, and to hear the things you are hearing and did not hear them.”jw2019 jw2019
Nýggir stásiligir býir eru bygdir, og mangir fremmandir verkamenn eru komnir hagar at arbeiða.
Retirement communities tend to house large numbers of elderly people who have left the workforce.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fleiri enn 250 milliónir kinverjar búgva í smáum og stórum býum; mangir teirra eru ógvuliga fjølbygdir.
In the wild, goats live in herds of up to 500 individuals; males are solitary.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mangir eru farnir suðureftir at fáa mat og arbeiði.
They had to walk westward without being given food or water.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mangir vísindamenn halda, at homonidarnir hildu til í flokki at verja seg fyri ránsdýrum.
Many argue that skinny models are teaching young women to loathe their own bodies.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fujiyama verur mett at vera tjóðarmerki landsins og tí hava mangir japanar mynd ella málning av Fujiyama uppi á bróstinum í húsum sínum.
Yamashiro mounted hers on the mainmast, while Fusō was the only Japanese battleship to mount radar on her funnel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í gomlum døgum varð ofta søkt at alavitum; men nú eru mangir vorðnir ríkir og máttmiklir.
Complications, sometimes serious, have been reported following STARR, but the procedure is now considered safe and effective.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seinastu árini eru bygdir mangir frítíðarstaðir, og hevur tað givið nógv arbeiði.
Along the coast lie a string of small seaside towns (balnearios), from which more prosperous employees had also begun to commute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tá vit hugsa um, hvussu nógv Jehova avrikar, fær tað okkum at taka undir við sálmaskaldinum, ið segði: „Stór eru undrini, ið Tú hevur gjørt, [Jehova] Gud mín, og mangir tankarnir, ið Tú hugsaði fyri okkum — ikki stendur til at rokna teir upp fyri Tær.“
As we reflect on what Jehovah is accomplishing, we are moved to echo these sentiments of the psalmist: “Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you.”jw2019 jw2019
Nógvu eiturormarnir gjørdu sítt til, at so mangir hermenn doyði.
Some newts secrete enough toxins to kill several adult humans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í Ukraina er nógv til bæði av jarni og koli, og har eru mangir stórir ídnaðarbýir.
It is popular in both Ukraine and her diaspora, where many embroidery clubs exist.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fyrst í 20. øld komu mangir japanskir tilflytarar higar, tí at grøðin í Japan varð miseydnað.
In the first decade of the 20th century, a large number of Japanese immigrants came as workers contracted to companies doing business in the country which needed skilled labor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fyrr doyðu so mangir nýðføðingar í Vjetnam, stutt eftir at teir vórðu føddir, at foreldrini hátíðarhildu ikki, at barnið var føtt, men bíðaðu, til tað var fýra vikur gamalt.
She was almost twenty years his senior and their union was childless, although some sources assert the existence of a child who was either stillborn or died shortly after the birth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uttan um býirnar búðu mangir bøndur.
Before the war many of the properties in the village were occupied by people working on the farms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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