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16 Jesus var kendur sum „Meistari“ ella lærari.
16 Jesus was well-known as “Teacher.”jw2019 jw2019
Teir spyrja: „Letur meistari tykkara ikki [tempul]skattin?“
Perhaps attempting to involve Jesus in some breach of accepted custom, they ask: “Does your teacher not pay the two drachmas [temple] tax?”jw2019 jw2019
(C) Meistari; (R) Flutti niður.
(C) Champion; (R) Relegated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gino Bartali, Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI (føddur 18. juli 1914, deyður 5. mai 2000), kelinavn: Gino the Pious og (í Italia) Ginettaccio, var ein meistari innan vegsúkklukappingar.
Gino Bartali, Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI (Italian pronunciation: ; 18 July 1914 – 5 May 2000), nicknamed Gino the Pious and (in Italy) Ginettaccio, was a champion road cyclist.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Um so ikki er, so er tað mín fasta trúgv, at hetta er fyrigykling og sjónarvilling hjá Djevlinum, sum í sær sjálvum er ein sannur meistari í slíkum.
It is of little importance to point out that they are quite wrong in their calculations as to the effect, and that the other sex, so far from admiring a waist of extreme tenuity, shudder at it as something unnatural, and inconsistent with true beauty.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í samband við tænastuna hjá hinum 70 sigur Matthew Henry’s Commentary: „Hvar teir so vitjaðu, boðaðu teir hús úr húsi, eins og Meistari teirra.“
Regarding the activity of the 70, Matthew Henry’s Commentary reports: “Like their Master, wherever they visited, they preached from house to house.”jw2019 jw2019
Ein maður sum er kønur í Móselóg kemur nú til Jesus og spyr hann: „Meistari! Hvat skal eg gera, fyri at eg kann arva ævigt lív?“
A man who is an expert on the Law of Moses approaches him with a question, asking: “Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?”jw2019 jw2019
Men tey, sum elska sannleikan í Bíbliuni, mugu halda fram at ’rannsaka, hvat Harranum toknast’, tí Satan er ein meistari í sviki. – Efesusbrævið 5:10; Opinberingin 12:9.
Lovers of Bible truth, however, must “keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord,” for Satan is a master of deception. —Ephesians 5:10; Revelation 12:9.jw2019 jw2019
Hann vegleiðir tí: „Men tit skulu ikki lata tykkum kalla rabbi; tí ein er meistari tykkara, og tit eru allir brøður.
So he counsels: “But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers.jw2019 jw2019
Ein skriftlærdur teirra millum vil royna hann uppaftur meir og spyr tí: „Meistari! Hvat er hitt stóra boðið í lógini?“
To test him further, one scribe among them asks: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”jw2019 jw2019
Sum teir nú ganga eftir vegnum, sigur ein skriftlærdur við Jesus: „Meistari! Eg skal fylgja Tær, hvar Tú so fert.“
As they are walking along the road, a scribe says to Jesus: “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you are about to go.”jw2019 jw2019
(C) Meistari; (O) Play-off vinnari; (R) Flutti niður.
(C) Champion; (O) Play-off winner; (R) Relegated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pætur talar at: ’Meistari, fólkið troðkar og treingir Teg, og tú sigur: „Hvør nam við Meg?“’
‘Instructor,’ Peter protests, ‘the crowds are hemming you in and closely pressing you, and do you say, “Who touched me?”’jw2019 jw2019
Satan, sum stjórnar hesum heimi, er ein meistari í at fáa fólk at geva eftir fyri neiligum tonkum, svartskygni, misáliti og vónloysi.
Satan, the ruler of this world, is a master at getting people to give in to negative thinking, pessimism, distrust, and despair.jw2019 jw2019
Leicester City er forsvarandi meistari.
"Leicester City are Premier League champions!".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Satan, sum er ein meistari í sviki, hevur í fleiri túsund ár „blindað hugsanir hinna vantrúgvandi“.
Satan, a master of deception, has “blinded the minds of the unbelievers” for thousands of years now.jw2019 jw2019
Tá saddukeararnir, sum siga at eingin uppreisn er, síggja at tað ikki eydnast farisearunum at finna nakað at skuldseta Jesus fyri, koma teir til hansara og spyrja: „Meistari! Móses hevur sagt: „Táið ein doyr og eingi børn hevur, skal bróðir hansara giftast við konu hansara og reisa bróður sínum upp avkom.“
Seeing the failure of the Pharisees to get something against Jesus, the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, approach him and ask: “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If any man dies without having children, his brother must take his wife in marriage and raise up offspring for his brother.’jw2019 jw2019
(C) = Meistari; (R) = Niðurflyting; (P) = Uppflyting; (E) = Úti úr kappingini; (O) = Play-off winner; (A) = Advances to a further round.
(C) = Champion; (R) = Relegated; (P) = Promoted; (E) = Eliminated; (O) = Play-off winner; (A) = Advances to a further round.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tá fariseararnir síggja Jesus í veitslu við slíkum fólki, spyrja teir lærisveinar hansara: „Hví etur meistari tykkara við tollarum og syndarum!“
Observing Jesus at the feast with such persons, the Pharisees ask his disciples: “Why is it that your teacher eats with tax collectors and sinners?”jw2019 jw2019
EB/Streymur var forsvarandi meistari.
EB/Streymur were the defending champions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hóast allar kraftargerðirnar Jesus hevur gjørt, siga hinir skriftlærdu og fariseararnir: „Meistari! Okkum hevði dámt at sæð tekin frá Tær.“
Despite all of Jesus’ powerful works, the scribes and Pharisees request: “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.”jw2019 jw2019
Bayern München var forsvarandi meistari, eftir at teir vunnu teirra 24.
Les Verts were playing against Bayern Munich, a team that was hoping to win a third consecutive European Cup.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
USA er forsvarandi meistari.
The American team is the defending champion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
3: Hví hevði Jesus at einum manni, ið rópti hann „góði Meistari“? — Mark. 10:17, 18 (5 min.)
3: Why Jesus Corrected a Man for Calling Him “Good Teacher” —Mark 10:17, 18 (5 min.)jw2019 jw2019
Hann er sannur meistari í svikaráðum.
He is a master at fooling people.jw2019 jw2019
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