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Tað er eisini neyðugt at taka stig til at menna áhugan.
Initiative is also needed to follow up on the interest that you find.jw2019 jw2019
Við at koma skjótt aftur kunnu vit lættari menna áhugan, ið var vístur á fyrstu vitjanini, áðrenn tað eydnast øðrum at sløkkja fyrsta áhuganeistan.
Returning quickly enables us to build on our earlier discussion before others succeed in putting out the spark of interest.jw2019 jw2019
Tað hevði verið ein stór hjálp, tá deildarskrivstovan skal leita eftir einum boðara, ið kann menna áhugan.
This will be helpful when the branch office is looking for a publisher to cultivate the interest.jw2019 jw2019
Annars kunnu eginleikar sum til dømis sjálvgleði og stoltleiki menna seg.
Otherwise, it may breed vanity, pride, and other ugly traits of the heart.jw2019 jw2019
Regluliga luttøka foreldranna í boðanini hjálpir børnunum at menna virðing og íðinskap fyri boðanini.
The parents’ regular involvement in the witness work helps their children develop appreciation and zeal for the ministry.jw2019 jw2019
4:13, 15) Kanska eru nógv ár liðin síðani, tú fyrstu ferð vart við í boðanini, men halt ongantíð uppat at menna tín førleika.
4:13, 15) Though it may be that it has been years since your first time in the ministry, you should never stop trying to improve your skills.jw2019 jw2019
Hon fær okkum at menna eina djúpa virðismeting av andaliga arvi okkara.
It develops within us a keen appreciation for our spiritual heritage.jw2019 jw2019
Nú verður roynt at menna annan ídnað, so at landið hevur fleiri stuðlar at standa á búskaparliga.
There is evidence that the birds move about to some degree when circumstances require it, for example when they need to change mates in isolated breeding areas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Størsta bragd hennara var, at hon helt fram við aðalsetningi Pæturs Mikla at menna Russland til máttmikið ríki.
Having a strong engineering profession was seen by many Russian rulers as a vital means of maintaining Russia's status as a great power.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Soleiðis menna vit eina nýggja hugsanarrás og fáa somu áskoðan sum Gud og Kristus.
Then, a new pattern of thinking develops, and the person sees things from the viewpoint of God and Christ.jw2019 jw2019
3 Ger boðanina til ein góðan vana: Tey árini, ið børnini menna sína persónmensku, kann mann læra tey tann góða vanan at boða tey góðu tíðindini um Guds Ríki regluliga.
3 Make Field Service a Habit: A useful habit to be instilled during a child’s formative years is that of regularly preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom.jw2019 jw2019
2:2) Hvussu kunnu vit menna hann?
2:2) How can we develop such a longing?jw2019 jw2019
Nógv, sum eru vøkur í útsjónd, gloyma at menna eginleikar sum vit, skyn, dirvi og trúgv.
All too often, a person blessed with outward beauty fails to see the need to develop such qualities as discretion, wisdom, courage, or faith.jw2019 jw2019
Tú kanst framvegis menna áhugan.
You can continue to cultivate the interest.jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu hjálpir bøn okkum at menna eyðmjúkleika?
How does prayer help us to cultivate humility?jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu kunnu vit menna áhugan fyri teimum góðu tíðindunum?
How might we be able to stimulate interest in the good news?jw2019 jw2019
Greið frá at ein gransking av Bíbliuni hjálpir okkum at menna kærleika til onnur, nøkta okkara andaliga tørv og fáa eina uggandi framtíðarvón.
Explain that a study of the Bible teaches us how to love others, show respect for God, and find a comforting hope for the future.jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu kunnu vit menna kærleika?
How can we cultivate love?jw2019 jw2019
4 Lykilin er regluligar afturvitjanir: Í økjum har tað tykist, sum bara fá fólk lurta eftir boðskapi okkara, mugu vit leggja okkum eftir at menna allan áhuga, vit finna, antin vit lata lesnað ella ikki.
4 The Key Is to Make Regular Return Visits: In territories where it seems that few people listen to our message, we need to concentrate on developing whatever interest we do find, whether we place literature or not.jw2019 jw2019
Tryggja fría kapping, sum skal menna vinnuna og gera landið bíligari og betri at liva í.
The breed's increased need to have Caesarean sections when calving means increased cost and added work, and can become a welfare issue.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Men hitta vit onkran hús úr húsi, ið tosar eitt annað mál, og eingin samkoma ella bólkur nærhendis tosar tað ávísa málið, mugu vit sjálvi royna at boða fyri viðkomandi og eftir førimuni menna áhugan.
11:14) However, if someone who speaks another language is encountered while going from door to door and there are no congregations of that language nearby, the publisher should endeavor to give a witness and to care for the interest.jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu kunnu vit menna tann sama eyðmjúkleikan í okkum, ið profeturin Dániel hevði, og hvussu er tað okkum at gagni?
How can we cultivate the kind of humility displayed by the prophet Daniel, and how will we benefit from doing so?jw2019 jw2019
Menna vit trúnna á Guds lyfti nú, verður tað somuleiðis ein trygd, tá royndarstormarnir raka okkum.
Similarly, building faith in God’s promises now will stabilize us when storms of trouble occur.jw2019 jw2019
Umhugsa, hvussu tú kanst menna áhugan og byrja ein bíbliulestur.
Think of how to develop the person’s interest into a home Bible study.jw2019 jw2019
Skal tað menna seg sálarliga, kensluliga, siðiliga og andaliga, má tað fáa hjálp.
They need help to develop mentally, emotionally, morally, and spiritually.jw2019 jw2019
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