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Livir tað víðari onkustaðni?
Is he still alive somewhere?jw2019 jw2019
Teir fara helst yvir um Jordanánna onkustaðni norðan fyri Galileavatnið og koma inn í Dekapolis, eystaru megin vatnið.
They apparently ford the Jordan somewhere above the Sea of Galilee and enter the region of the Decapolis east of the sea.jw2019 jw2019
Um dagin situr hon onkustaðni, sum hon er samlitt við landið, og so ikki góð at fáa eyga á.
Eventually, he develops feelings for Linda, around whom he feels relatively at ease and does not feel the need to put on the mask.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tí kenna nógv seg sannførd um, at tey deyðu eru á lívi onkustaðni, og at tey, sum sita eftir, kunnu fáa ugga í sorgini við at koma í samband við tey deyðu.
As a result, many people become convinced that the dead are really alive and that contacting them will help the living to endure their grief.jw2019 jw2019
Neyðugt er at fáa fólk at kenna seg heima onkustaðni og geva teimum ein sterkan samleika.
In addition, some students might be uncomfortable asking a question in class and they might feel more comfortable asking someone in a small group.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Í roynd og veru verða øll áhugamál míni viðgjørd onkustaðni í [bløðunum].“
There is hardly a subject that interests me that I do not find discussed somewhere in the pages of one of these [journals].”jw2019 jw2019
Kanska kundi tú og onnur í tínari samkomu sligið tykkum saman um at farið eina viku ella tvær onkustaðni har tørvurin er størri.
There may be others in your congregation who would like to join you in serving for a week or two where the need is greater.jw2019 jw2019
Hevur tú lagt til merkis, at uppreistrarhugur mótvegis foreldrum og ræðandi kensluloysi hava vundið upp á seg, ikki bara onkustaðni, men í øllum heiminum?
Are you aware that disobedience to parents along with a shocking lack of affection has dramatically increased, not only in a few places but around the globe?jw2019 jw2019
12 Marta segði einki um eina ódeyðiliga sál, sum livdi víðari onkustaðni eftir deyðan.
12 Martha expressed no thought about an immortal soul living on elsewhere after death.jw2019 jw2019
Tey siga, at sálin hjá Lazarusi var á lívi onkustaðni.
They say that Lazarus’ soul was alive somewhere.jw2019 jw2019
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible hjá Emanuel Tov sigur: „Við kolevni-14-royndini er 1QIsaa [Esaiasar bók í Deyðahavsrullunum] nú tíðarfest onkustaðni ímillum 202 og 107 f.o.t. (fornskriftardagfesting: 125-100 f.o.t.) . . .
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, by Emanuel Tov, states: “With the aid of the carbon 14 test, 1QIsaa [the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll] is now dated between 202 and 107 BCE (paleographical date: 125-100 BCE) . . .jw2019 jw2019
18 Í fjórðu náttarvøku, ella onkustaðni millum klokkan trý um morgunin og sólarris, gavst Pætur knappliga at rógva og rætti seg upp.
18 During the fourth watch of that night, or sometime between 3:00 a.m. and sunrise, Peter suddenly stopped rowing and sat bolt upright.jw2019 jw2019
Hetta var ein øld við støðugum bardaga, bert avbrotin av fáum, stuttum tíðarskeiðum uttan skipaðar, vápnaðar ósemjur onkustaðni á jørðini.“
It was a century of almost unbroken war, with few and brief periods without organised armed conflict somewhere.”jw2019 jw2019
Summi siga, at Bíblian onkustaðni mótsigur sær sjálvari, men tað er ikki prógvað.
Although some people say that certain parts of the Bible contradict other parts of it, such claims are unfounded.jw2019 jw2019
Henda greinin snýr seg um støðuna hjá teimum deyðu, um tey liva víðari onkustaðni, ella um tey sova og bíða eftir at fáa eina uppreisn.“
This article explains whether the dead are alive somewhere or are asleep awaiting a resurrection.”jw2019 jw2019
Hetta tykist vera onkustaðni sunnanvert Galileavatnið, umleið tvinnar dagsferðir úr Jerúsalem.
This location apparently is not far from the southern shore of the Sea of Galilee, a two-day journey or so from Jerusalem.jw2019 jw2019
Hvørt fimta minutt lættir eitt flogfar hjá MAF onkustaðni í heiminum, so virksemi er umfatandi.
To write a story set more than a century hence, one needs a nuclear war in between ... so that the world remains intelligible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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