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Rokna tað ikki sum eina sjálvfylgju, at tey, sum vísa áhuga, vita, at tú fegin vilt lesa Bíbliuna við teimum.
Do not assume that interested ones you call on know that you give Bible lessons.jw2019 jw2019
(b) Hví mugu vit rokna við at hansara ráðagerðir ofta fara at tykjast meinaleysar, kanska enntá góðar og gagnligar?
(b) Why could we expect that often his schemes would appear innocent, even beneficial?jw2019 jw2019
Hav fjalir 71 % av jarðarknøttinum, og alt tað, vit rokna sum hav, hongur meira ella minni saman.
With oceanic water covering 71% of its surface, Earth is the only planet known to have stable bodies of liquid water on its surface, and liquid water is essential to all known life forms on Earth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Paulus minnir tey í Filippi á ’í eyðmjúkleika at rokna hvørt annað hægri enn seg sjálv’.
The Philippians were urged: “In humility, let each esteem others better than themselves.”jw2019 jw2019
(c) Hví rokna vit hvønn dag fyri eitt ár?
(c) Why do we count a day for a year?jw2019 jw2019
Um móttakarin fær frástøðuna frá 4 fylgisveinum, kann hann eisini rokna hæddina.
If the caller holds all the cards of the Atout suit, he may declare a Herrenschnapser.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Um GPS-móttakarin fær frástøðuna til 3 fylgisveinar, kann hann rokna positiónina á jararyvirflatanum.
Brushes on the slip rings allow for external three-phase resistors to be connected in series to the rotor windings for providing speed control.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tey rokna við at Jesus fylgist við øðrum í ferðalagnum.
They think that Jesus is with others traveling along.jw2019 jw2019
Vit eiga ikki at fara lætt um boðanarmøtini ella rokna tey fyri minni týðandi enn onnur møti í samkomuni
Meetings for field service should not be taken lightly or viewed as less important than other congregation meetingsjw2019 jw2019
Fylgja vit nú bíbilsku regluni um at rokna hvønn dag fyri eitt ár, koma vit til tað úrslitið at tær ’sjey tíðirnar’ eru 2520 ár. — 4 Mósebók 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6.
Now if we count a day for a year, according to a Bible rule, the “seven times” equal 2,520 years.—Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6.jw2019 jw2019
Skipað skúlagongd við egnum lærara var í Nólsoy, tá hon var smágenta, og her lærdi hon at lesa, skriva og rokna og so hin kristna barnalærdómin.
He used the opportunity he had at the mission school to teach the adults and children how to read and write, and the fundamentals of Christianity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Og ídag kunnu teldur rokna π við meiri enn 1 millión desimálum.
Overall, the Certified Crack Mixtape Series has had over 1 million downloads.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 Tey forrættindini, Jehova gevur okkum, ríka okkara lív; gævi vit ongantíð rokna tey sum eina sjálvfylgju.
5 Privileges from Jehovah make our life rich.jw2019 jw2019
Tað er jú soleiðis, vit lurta eftir Gudi, heldur tú ikki? — Og tá vit eru á kristnum møtum, rokna vit við at hoyra, hvat Gud sigur, gera vit ikki? — Men um nøkur nú siga, at vit ikki endiliga skulu liva soleiðis, sum Bíblian sigur?
That is how we listen to God, isn’t it?— And at Christian meetings we would expect to hear what God says, wouldn’t we?— But what if people say that you do not have to live the way the Bible says?jw2019 jw2019
Eftir vegleiðandi fólkaatkvøðu í Funningi í 2006, har meirilutin av bygdarfólkinum gjørdi av, at um kommunan skuldi leggja saman við aðrari kommunu, skuldi hetta vera við Runavíkar kommunu, fóru partarnir til borðið, og í 2008 varð kunngjørt, at Funnings og Runavíkar kommunur skuldu leggja saman frá 1. januar 2009 at rokna.
After several years of growing success and a positive reputation among musicians in the area, the group began closing down their original locations and made arrangements to buy the former Quantum Sound Studios in 1998; on February 2, 1999 the building was officially purchased.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
6 Eingin kann rokna alt tað upp sum Jehova hevur gjørt og fer at gera fyri okkum, og vit kunnu ikki gjalda honum afturfyri allar signingarnar.
6 We cannot begin to enumerate all the things that Jehovah has already done and will yet do for us.jw2019 jw2019
Eitt skipskronometur er ein serliga neyv klokka, ið kann nýtast til at rokna navigatión eftir.
Another secondary payload is the miniaturized Deep Space Atomic Clock that is expected to facilitate autonomous navigation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dagurin er vikuligur halgidagur hjá eitt nú jødum og adventistum, ið rokna hann sum 7. dagin í vikuni.
Days are counted by a system that lists the week and day that they are on, for example, 7-3 for week 7 day 3.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So vit kunnu gott rokna við, at allir einglarnir eisini hava hvør sítt navn.
So we can be sure that all the angels have names too.jw2019 jw2019
Trupulleikar kunnu standast av at læra at skriva, rokna ella lesa.
How the brain learns to read, Corwin Press.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hví kunnu vit rokna við, at Jehova hjálpir okkum persónliga í tænastuni?
Why can we expect Jehovah to help us personally in the ministry?jw2019 jw2019
Tá vit hugsa um, hvussu nógv Jehova avrikar, fær tað okkum at taka undir við sálmaskaldinum, ið segði: „Stór eru undrini, ið Tú hevur gjørt, [Jehova] Gud mín, og mangir tankarnir, ið Tú hugsaði fyri okkum — ikki stendur til at rokna teir upp fyri Tær.“
As we reflect on what Jehovah is accomplishing, we are moved to echo these sentiments of the psalmist: “Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you.”jw2019 jw2019
Men rokna vit profetiina í Dániels bók eftir regluni „eitt ár fyri hvønn dag“, so vit telja 2520 ár fram frá 607 f.o.t., koma vit til árið 1914. — 4 Mósebók 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6.
By applying “a day for a year” to Daniel’s prophecy and counting 2,520 years from 607 B.C.E., however, we arrive at the year 1914 C.E.—Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6.jw2019 jw2019
Hví eiga vit ikki at rokna boðanarmøti fyri minni týðandi enn onnur møti?
Why should meetings for field service not be viewed as less important than other meetings?jw2019 jw2019
(Áps. 16:4, 5) Eingin av okkum má rokna samkomuna sum nakað sjálvsagt ella meta hana sum eitt vanligt felag.
(Acts 16:4, 5) None of us should take the congregation for granted or feel that it is simply a means to bring us together physically.jw2019 jw2019
40 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.