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Fyrireikið eisini ein spurning, sum kann verða settur seinast í vitjanini og vera støði undir næstu vitjanini.
In addition, prepare a question that can be raised at the conclusion of the discussion to lay the groundwork for the next visit.jw2019 jw2019
Seinast vit tosaðu saman vísti eg tær permuna á hesum heftinum, og vit lósu eitt skriftstað úr Bíbliuni sum vísir at Gud við sínum ríki fer at útvega øllum bústað og arbeiði.
The last time we spoke, I showed you the cover of this brochure, and we read a scripture from the Bible to prove that, through his Kingdom, God will provide housing and employment for everyone.jw2019 jw2019
Ein týðandi partur av lestrinum verður umrøðan av tí, sum stendur í frálærurammuni seinast í hvørjum kapitli.
An important feature of the study will be a discussion of the material in the teaching box at the conclusion of each chapter.jw2019 jw2019
Áðrenn tú fert á afturvitjan eigur tú at hyggja eftir tí tú hevur skrivað upp viðvíkjandi tí tit tosaðu um seinast, so tú kanst fara longri við evninum sum fangaði áhuga teirra.
Before making the return visit, review what you said on the initial call so that you can more effectively develop the subject that captured their interest.jw2019 jw2019
Seinast í sekstandu øldini f.o.t. vóru eftirkomarar Jákups, ella Ísraels, ið var abbasonur Ábrahams, vorðnir til tólv ættir sum livdu í trældómi í Egyptalandi.
Near the end of the 16th century B.C.E., the offspring of Abraham’s grandson Jacob, or Israel, had become 12 tribes living in slavery in Egypt.jw2019 jw2019
Tá vit koma aftur, kunnu vit siga: „Tá vit vóru her seinast, vart tú ikki heima, so vit koyrdu henda faldaran í postkassan hjá tær.
When returning you could say: “When we were here before, you were not at home, so we left this tract in your door.jw2019 jw2019
Seinast í november 1903 stóð kirkjan liðug at taka í nýtslu.
In November 1907 the hull for the new Mascot was nearing completion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eftir at hava heilsað tí vitjaða kundi hann sagt: „Mær dámdi so væl samrøðuna, vit høvdu seinast, og eg eri komin aftur at vísa tær eitt sindur meira úr Bíbliuni um [nevn evnið].“
After greeting the householder, he might say: “I enjoyed our previous conversation, and I have returned to share further Bible information on [mention the topic].”jw2019 jw2019
Kirkjuleiðararnir sum búðu í Alexandria seinast í triðju og fyrst í fjórðu øld, sum til dømis Athanasius, vístu at teir vóru ávirkaðir av hesum tá teir orðaðu hugsanirnar ið førdu til tríeindarlæruna.
Thus, in Alexandria, Egypt, churchmen of the late third and early fourth centuries, such as Athanasius, reflected this influence as they formulated ideas that led to the Trinity.jw2019 jw2019
Tá ið vit koma aftur, kunnu vit siga, at vit eru komin fyri at svara spurninginum, vit settu seinast.
When we see him again, we can explain that we returned to answer the question that we raised on the last visit and then proceed.jw2019 jw2019
Afturvitjan: (4 min. ella minni) hf – Tann vitjaði fekk heftið seinast.
Return Visit: (4 min. or less) hf —The brochure was placed on the preceding visit.jw2019 jw2019
Onkur nýtir nakrir fáir minuttir seinast í familjulestrinum til hetta.
Some use a few minutes at the end of the family study to do this.jw2019 jw2019
Seinast á fyrrapartsskránni stendur dópsfyrilesturin.
The morning session will conclude with the baptism talk.jw2019 jw2019
Tað verður eisini nýtt seinast í síðsta leikpartinum av operuni hjá Verdi „Nebukadnezar“.
It is also used at the end of the last scene of Verdi’s opera “Nabucco.”jw2019 jw2019
▪ „Seinast eg var her tosaðu vit um at Bíblian kann svara spurningum sum menniskju ikki eru før fyri at svara.
▪ “I would like to show you something else that illustrates the practical value of Bible counsel.jw2019 jw2019
▪ „Seinast vit tosaðu saman, vóru vit samdir um, at samfelagið á nógvum økjum er versnað, samanborið við hvussu var fyri bert nøkrum fáum árum síðani.
▪ “When we last talked, we agreed that in many ways modern society has changed for the worse compared with what life was like just a few years ago.jw2019 jw2019
Seinast í lestrinum verður ramman við endurtøkuspurningum umrødd, so tað verður lættari at minnast høvuðstankarnar.
Briefly discussing the review box at the conclusion of each study will assist those present to retain the key points.jw2019 jw2019
Long tíð var liðin síðan leikurin var sýndur seinast og leikbólkurin valdi at samla pening inn til uttanlandsferðina við at sýna leikin seinastu ferð í Føroyum.
The event, which lasted three days, allowed select players to test Link's Awakening in a timed race to complete the game.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hann varð valdur inn á Føroya Løgting fleiri ferðir, seinast til Løgtingsvalið 19. januar 2008.
He made one further appearance, impressing after coming on as a substitute against Hearts on 13 May 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seinast av øllum doyði konan.
Last of all the woman died.jw2019 jw2019
Tað verður sagt, at tað var av praktiskum orsøkum, at kristna jólahátíðin var løgd til seinast í desember mánaði.
Criticisms raised included that it would weaken home-based religious education, that it might be a desecration of the Sabbath, and that Christians should not be employed on the Sabbath.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seinast í 1970-árunum bar til at keypa IKEA-vørur í Føroyum.
The development of semiconductor electronics in the 1970s allowed the commutator and brushes to be eliminated in DC motors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
▪ „Tá vit seinast tosaðu saman, komu vit inn á spurningin um hví vit verða gomul og doyggja.
▪ “When we last spoke, we discussed why a God of love permits so much wickedness today.jw2019 jw2019
▪ „Seinast eg var her lósu vit í Jóhannes 17:3 at kunnskapur um Gud kann føra til ævigt lív.
▪ “The last time I was here, we read at John 17:3 that taking in knowledge about God can lead to everlasting life.jw2019 jw2019
Nær hevur tú seinast gjørt tað?
Have you shown the videos Why Study the Bible?jw2019 jw2019
90 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.