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Tað er heilt einfalt ein støða í ikkiveru — eitt „stað við ongum deyða“, sum liggur oman fyri tilveru einstaklingsins.
It is simply a state of nonexistence—the “deathless place” beyond individual existence.jw2019 jw2019
Ein líknandi støða var í 1940/41.
A new issue of notes appeared in 1940-41.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hvussu er støða teirra deyðu, og hvørji skriftorð vísa tað?
What is the condition of the dead, and what scriptures reveal this?jw2019 jw2019
At enda verður ein støða sýnd, har ein boðari skundisliga roynir at gera seg kláran til ein bíbliulestur.
At the end of the discussion, have a demonstration of a publisher who hastily tries to get ready to conduct a Bible study.jw2019 jw2019
Hvørjar eru ’yvirvøldirnar’, og hvørja støða hava tær í mun til Guds myndugleika?
Who are “the superior authorities,” and how does their position relate to God’s authority?jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu líkist okkara støða í dag tí hjá Ezekieli profeti, og hvussu kunnu vit halda okkum í kærleika Guds?
In what way is our situation today similar to that of the prophet Ezekiel, and how can we keep ourselves in God’s love?jw2019 jw2019
Hvussu er okkara støða øðrvísi enn tann hjá einum bókstavligum hermanni?
How does our situation differ from that of a literal soldier?jw2019 jw2019
Bíblian vísir tó at tað er hóskandi at okkara støða vísir eyðmýkt, við at vit til dømis boyggja høvdið ella falla á knæ.
However, the Bible shows that a position of humility, such as bowing the head or kneeling, is appropriate.jw2019 jw2019
Nýggj granskingarúrslit benda á, at okkara andaliga støða eisini ávirkar vælveru okkara.
However, recent studies suggest that our well-being is also affected by our spirituality.jw2019 jw2019
Henda merkisverda støða ger, at stóðu vit á Merkur, so gingu 176 jarðarsamdøgur millum hvørt sólarris.
While the Sedan mated a fabric-covered fuselage to all-metal wings, the contemporary Cessna 170 mated an all-metal fuselage to fabric-covered wings.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Til dømis segði Jesus við tey kristnu í Laodikea, at tey hildu seg vera rík, meðan tey í roynd og veru vóru andaliga ’fátæk, blind og nakin’ – av sonnum ein syrgilig støða.
For instance, Jesus told the Christians in Laodicea that they had fooled themselves into thinking that they were rich when, in fact, they were “poor and blind and naked” spiritually —a truly pitiable state.jw2019 jw2019
Teir reistu m.a. sakarmál ímóti honum, men støða teirra var ikki mætari enn so, at hann eisini kundi stevna teimum fyri lógarbrot.
Go Man Go certainly qualified under the performance criteria, but his conformation was such that he resembled a Thoroughbred more than he resembled a Quarter Horse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nirvana er hvørki ein støða í ævigari sælu ella at gerast eitt við Hægsta Veruleikan.
Nirvana is a state neither of eternal bliss nor of becoming one with the ultimate reality.jw2019 jw2019
Henda støða helt sær, til miðsavnanin í landinum av álvara fór at gera vart við seg.
Thomas's iron works was extremely successful, even though the iron industry in the rest of the Lehigh Valley had begun to decline.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fólksins støða tók Jesus fyri hjartað, og hann legði seg serstakliga eftir at hjálpa teimum andaliga.
The condition of the people moved him deeply, and he especially wanted to help them spiritually.jw2019 jw2019
Hví kann okkara støða samanberast við støðuna, sum Habakkuk var í?
Why may we be able to relate to the prophet Habakkuk?jw2019 jw2019
Hetta var besta støða teirra til 1966, tá Lill Lindfors og Svante Thuresson endaðu á øðrum plássi.
This remained the country's best result until 1966, when Lill Lindfors and Svante Thuresson were second.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uranmálmur er eisini at finna í Grønlandi, men enn er støða ikki tikin til, um hann skal verða høgdur.
Her gravestone is still visible in Norwichtown Burying Grounds, yet no one knows who paid for it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nirvana verður lýst sum „eitt stað ella ein støða, har stúran, pína ella ytri veruleikin eru burturgloymd.“
Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines “Nirvana” as “a place or state of oblivion to care, pain, or external reality.”jw2019 jw2019
Hann skilti, at eingin støða er so trupul og einki vónbrot so stórt, at Jehova ikki fær gjørt tað gott aftur, ella enntá vent tí til eina signing.
He saw that no disappointment is too great for Jehovah to heal, to resolve, or even to turn into a blessing.jw2019 jw2019
Hvør er støða hansara í Guds ætlan?
What is his role in Jehovah’s purpose?jw2019 jw2019
Men Bíblian greiðir frá, at orsøkin er tann, at vit vórðu fødd syndig — ein støða, vit fingu í arv frá fyrstu foreldrum okkara.
The Bible, however, explains that we die because we are born sinful, having inherited this condition from our first human parents.jw2019 jw2019
4 Ein positiv støða er grundarlagið um vit skulu gerast betri før fyri at koma í samband við fólk.
4 It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude in speaking with people in order to be truly skillful in our work.jw2019 jw2019
Hansara vantandi sjálvsálit og hansara kúgaða støða heima gera, at hann er misnøgdur við sín egna samleika, hann sær seg sjálvan við pápans eygum.
Fussy, pompous, and openly influenced in his official dealings with his form by his own private likes and dislikes, he makes himself unpopular in the school with his unfair treatment of those outside his own house.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seinri er bygdarinnar støða viknað, og søgnin sigur eisini, at seinasta kirkjan varð flutt til Porkeris um trúbótarleitið.
The holy building was desecrated when the farmer bulldozed the east window to make way for his vehicles and the church including the burial aisle was used as a barn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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