ânonnait oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Frans - Engels

third-person singular imperfect indicative of ânonner

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J'ai la carphologie, dit-il en se servant d'un terme qui annonait combien son intelligence tait encore nette et prcise.
I have carphologia,” he said, using the term to show that his mind was still clear and precise.Literature Literature
Une troisime attaque s’annonait, et les soldats commenaient s’avancer le long des maisons.
A third attack was pending, and the soldiers began to advance by the side of the houses.Literature Literature
Lord Byron commenait poindre; une note d’un pome de Millevoye l’annonait la France en ces termes: un certain lord Baron.
Lord Byron was beginning to dawn; a note to a poem of Millevoye introduced him to France as a certain Lord Baron.Literature Literature
Serpillière à la main, elle se rappelait un cours d’anglais récent et l’ânonnait en regardant le sol.
Mop in hand, she’d recall a recent English class, and chant it into the floor.Literature Literature
La dpche annonait qu’un armistice tait conclu.
The dispatch announced that an armistice was arranged.Literature Literature
Il ne pouvait plus émettre le moindre son, mais Bill savait qu’il ânonnait, encore et encore : Fumier !
"He couldn't make a sound, but Bill knew he was saying, over and over, ""Cocksucker."Literature Literature
Lorsqu’on lui demandait d’épeler son propre nom, il ânonnait péniblement la réponse.
When the interrogators asked him to spell his own name, he would garble the answer.Literature Literature
Les yeux de la préceptrice étaient toujours vitreux et elle ânonnait des paroles qu’elle seule pouvait comprendre
The preceptor’s eyes were still glazed, her lips mouthing something only she could hear.Literature Literature
La mairesse avait profondment mdit cette phrase, qui, selon elle, annonait un esprit fort.
The Mayoress had elaborately worked up this speech, which, in her opinion, showed strong judgment.Literature Literature
Elle avait espr plus de fortune que n'en annonait Dumay.
She had hoped her father would bring back a much larger fortune than Dumay had mentioned.Literature Literature
A l'aspect d'Andrea, dont toute la tenue annonait une grande aisance, il signor Giardini s'inclina respectueusement.
On seeing Andrea, whose attire bespoke considerable affluence, Signor Giardini bowed respectfully.Literature Literature
... Timbo ne comprenait rien à cette saga en lambeaux qu’il ânonnait péniblement sous la poussée des délires.
The people of Timbo couldn’t make anything of the disjointed pieces of the saga he mumbled in the throes of delirium.Literature Literature
La partie s'annonait trs bien, pas une bosse tout avaler, mais un brin de rigolade, quelque chose de gentil et d'honnte.
Altogether, it promised to be a fine day, not an extravagant feast, but a bit of fun, something decent and agreeable.Literature Literature
Pour cette raison, jamais Rawlings n’annonait un de ses coups l’avance, et ne prvenait jamais de son passage.
That was why Rawlings never preannounced one of his jobs, and always arrived unheralded.Literature Literature
Elle tendait le doigt vers des choses qu’elle était la seule à voir et ânonnait des paroles sans queue ni tête.
She had begun pointing to things nobody could see and speaking absolute gibberish.Literature Literature
Et quand elle s’en souvenait, elle les ânonnait d’une voix à peine audible.
And when she remembered she delivered them in a flat and barely audible voice.Literature Literature
«Ne vous inquiétez pas», ânonnait Bright comme sil se faisait fort de remédier à cette injustice en quelques jours.
“Don’t worry,” Bright said, waving them off as if he could remedy this injustice in a matter of days.Literature Literature
En juillet 1969, Neil Armstrong mettait le pied sur la Lune, ânonnait sa phrase célèbre et écrivait l’histoire.
In April 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped down on to the surface of the Moon, fluffed his lines, and made history.Literature Literature
—«...des ténèbres couvrirent toute la terre jusqu’à la neuvième heure, ânonnait Mme Meager.
“‘And there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour,’” Mrs.Literature Literature
Le gps ânonnait ses instructions.
The GPS burbled out its instructions.Literature Literature
Le sourire de cette femme annonait une haute conscience de sa valeur.
The smile of this woman proclaimed a high sense of her own value.Literature Literature
L’un des witan aux cheveux argentés était debout, et ânonnait son avis sur la formulation d’une clause
One of the silver-haired witan was on his feet, droning out an appraisal of the wording.Literature Literature
Tandis qu’il ânonnait son texte, j’étudiai la nuque de Sarah Pennington.
While he stammered, I studied the nape of Sarah Pennington’s neck beneath her braid.Literature Literature
Ça suffisait à le faire courir à sa cellule, où il ânonnait cent Notre Père pour s’en remettre.
That’s all it took to make him run back to his cell, where he intoned a hundred Our Fathers to recover.Literature Literature
Il apportait les mmes nouvelles et annonait d’autres arrestations faites dans la nuit.
He brought the same news, and announced further arrests which had been made during the night.Literature Literature
43 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.