arrachâtes oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Frans - Engels

second-person plural past historic of arracher

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Soortgelyke frases

arracher d'un coup sec
ball joint extractor · ball joint puller
Puller, Nail
snout puller
fil arraché
bushing puller


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Certains d’entre eux restaient là, immobiles, jusqu’à ce que le palet leur arrachât le papier des mains.
Some of them would stay like that, unmoving, until the quoit brushed the paper from their fingers.Literature Literature
Bien que Jéhovah Dieu arrachât alors Josaphat au danger, il le reprit en ces termes: “Fallait- il porter secours au méchant, et aimerais- tu ceux qui haïssent Jéhovah?” — II Chron.
Though Jehovah God intervened to spare him, Jehoshaphat was reproved with the words: “Is it to the wicked that help is to be given, and is it for those hating Jehovah that you should have love?” —2 Chron.jw2019 jw2019
Il fourra le mouchoir contre sa poitrine, comme s’il craignait qu’on le lui arrachât.
He pressed the handkerchief to his chest as if he feared that it would be torn away from him.Literature Literature
Jusqu’à ce qu’enfin, elle arrachât les esclaves à leur banc de travail.
And finally, she took the slaves from their workbench.Literature Literature
Il fallut que Vatard s'en mêlât et, entre deux bouffées de pipe, les lui arrachât.
Vatard had to give her a hand, and, between two puffs of his pipe, he pulled them off for her.Literature Literature
Bien que le vent lui arrachât les paroles des lèvres, elles venaient de la poitrine d’un géant.
Though the wind hurled his words away from his lips, they came from the chest of a giant.Literature Literature
La harpie lui hurla de se taire, s’il ne voulait pas qu’on lui arrachât les yeux.
The Harpy screamed at him to keep quiet, unless he wanted his eyes torn out.Literature Literature
Je ne voulais pas que l’on m’arrachât à l’institut.
I did not want to be taken from the Institute.Literature Literature
— On dit qu'il est mort à Mexico, répéta Adeline en arrachat une touffe d'herbe.
” “’Tis said he died in Mexico,” said Adeline, plucking a handful of grass.Literature Literature
Tenez, Aramis, j’aimerais presque autant, je vous le jure, qu’on me l’arrachât de la poitrine.
I would almost prefer, I swear to you, that my heart should be plucked from my breast.Literature Literature
Son fils l’enlaça avec force, lui imposant silence et le retenant comme s’il craignait que quelqu’un ne le lui arrachât.
His son put his arms around him, hushing him and holding him tight, as if he feared something might snatch him away.Literature Literature
J'écoutais séparément ces trois personnes. Je gardais leurs secrets avec la plus grande fidélité, sans qu'aucune des trois m'en arrachât jamais aucun de ceux des deux autres, et sans dissimuler à chacune des deux femmes mon attachement pour sa rivale.
I listened to these three persons separately; I kept all their secrets so faithfully that not one of the three ever drew from me those of the two others, and this, without concealing from either of the women my attachment to each of them.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Il y a longtemps déjà, Silfax, dont la cervelle, je vous l’ai dit, a toujours été dérangée, prétendait avoir des droits sur l’ancienne Aberfoyle. Aussi son humeur devenait-elle de plus en plus farouche à mesure que la fosse Dochart, — sa fosse! — s’épuisait! Il semblait que ce fussent ses propres entrailles que chaque coup de pic lui arrachât du corps! — Tu dois te. souvenir de cela, Madge?
“Ah! there it is,” replied Simon; “for a long time it had been a fancy of his — I told you his mind was deranged — that he had a right to the mine of Aberfoyle; so he became more and more savage in temper the deeper the Dochart pit — his pit! — was worked out. It just seemed as if it was his own body that suffered from every blow of the pickax.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
J’écoutais séparément ces trois personnes; je gardais leurs secrets avec la plus grande fidélité, sans qu’aucune des trois m’en arrachât jamais aucun de ceux des deux autres, et sans dissimuler à chacune des deux femmes mon attachement pour sa rivale.
I listened to these three persons separately; I kept all their secrets so faithfully that not one of the three ever drew from me those of the two others, and this, without concealing from either of the women my attachment to each of them.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Or, Lénine exigeait que l'avant-garde prolétarienne s'arrachât à cette alliance.
Lenin was demanding that the proletarian vanguard break away from this union.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Je priais que l’on m’arrachât au long sommeil des Hommes, que l’on m’offrît amour et vérité, conjugués à l’éternel présent.
I prayed to be torn from Man’s long sleep, to be offered love and truth blended with the eternal present.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cet homme est mon père nourricier, Christemio m’adore et mourrait pour moi dans les tourments sans qu’on lui arrachât une parole contre moi.
That man is my foster-father. Cristemio worships me, and would die in torments for me before they could extract one word against me from him.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
17 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.