enfonçâtes oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Frans - Engels

second-person plural past historic of enfoncer

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

trou enfoncé
couche de neige de dureté très élevée (on peut y enfoncer un couteau)
knife-hard layer
enfoncer la proue
cale de montage en applique réglable avec goujons à enfoncer
surface-mounted adjustable mounting plate with spigots


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Qu’on en enfonçât un autre et les grappins se rétractaient en douceur, laissant le véhicule sur le câble.
Punch out another, and the grapples gently released themselves as they set the vehicle onto the cable itself.Literature Literature
Le temps d’une seconde il se revit couché sur son ventre, attendant que la baïonnette japonaise s’enfonçât dans son dos.
For an instant he had a picture again of lying on his stomach waiting for the Japanese bayonet to strike into his back.Literature Literature
Il faudrait qu'Ève triomphât de cette résistance et qu'elle s'enfonçât jusqu'au cœur de la pièce.
Eve would have to triumph over this resistance and enter all the way into the heart of the room.Literature Literature
Suzanne exigeait que May lui enfonçât le chausson rouge entre les jambes.
Suzanne demanded that May force the red shoe between her legs.Literature Literature
Roland craignait que pour peu qu’elle enfonçât encore son doigt dans son nez, elle ne puisse plus le ressortir.
Roland feared that if she got her finger any farther up her nose, she might never retrieve it.Literature Literature
La prudence exigeait qu’il ne s’enfonçât point davantage dans la grande plaine.
Caution dictated that he go no deeper into the great plain.Literature Literature
Elle aurait voulu que quelque chose, en ce moment, s’y enfonçât.
She wished something would penetrate it now.Literature Literature
Si personne ne faisait rien, ces deux-là ne bougeraient pas jusqu’à ce que Rorne s’enfonçât sous la mer.
If someone didn't do something, those two would be standing there until Rorn sank into the sea.Literature Literature
Tout cela pour qu’une brute y enfonçât sa botte, en un instant.
All for some thug to put his boot through, in a moment.Literature Literature
Le cheval peinait ; Vladimir ruisselait de sueur, bien qu’à tout moment il enfonçât dans la neige jusqu’à mi-corps.
The horse began to tire, and the sweat poured from Vladimir, despite the fact that he was constantly waist-deep in snow.Literature Literature
Il ferma les yeux un instant, comme pour éviter que ce regard ne s’enfonçât plus avant...
He closed his eyes for a moment, as if to prevent this gaze from going any deeper into him.Literature Literature
La route d’Irkoutsk était la seule qui s’enfonçât dans l’est.
The road to Irkutsk was the only one which penetrated towards the east.Literature Literature
De sorte qu'elle s'enfonçât davantage sur cette obélisque brûlante sur laquelle elle était en balance délicate.
Down over that burning obelisk on which she caught in a delicate balance.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour attirer Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
She came to a halt, stood still for a moment, and then Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Elle s’immobilisa, resta figée un instant, puis repartit trouver Grete. Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
She came Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
She came to a halt, stood still for a moment, and then went back to Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
Mais himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour attirer Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
She came to a halt, stood still for a moment, and then went back Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
La route d'Irkoutsk était la seule qui s'enfonçât dans l'est, il n'y avait pas à se tromper.
The road to Irkutsk was the only one which penetrated towards the east. It could not be mistaken.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
Mais himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
Und so ließ sie sich von ihrem Entschlusse durch die Mutter Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
[1208] over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour attirer Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela suffit pour Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
[1208] over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cela Quoiqu’il se dît sans cesse qu’il ne se passait rien d’extraordinaire, qu’on déplaçait juste quelques meubles, Gregor dut bientôt s’avouer que les allées et venues des deux femmes, leurs petites exclamations, le raclement des meubles sur le sol avaient sur lui l’effet d’un grand chambardement qui l’assaillait de toutes parts ; et bien qu’il rentrât la tête et les pattes, et enfonçât presque son corps dans le sol, il se dit qu’immanquablement il n’allait pas pouvoir supporter tout cela longtemps.
She came to a Although Gregor kept repeating to himself over and over that really nothing unusual was going on, that only a few pieces of furniture were being rearranged, he soon had to admit to himself that the movements of the women to and fro, their quiet conversations, the scratching of the furniture on the floor affected him like a great swollen commotion on all sides, and, so firmly was he pulling in his head and legs and pressing his body into the floor, he had to tell himself unequivocally that he wouldn't be able to endure all this much longer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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