main sur le front oor Engels

main sur le front

Vertalings in die woordeboek Frans - Engels


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bring the palm of the hand to the face

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se taper la main sur le front


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Delphine l’arrêta, lui posa une main sur le front.
Delphine stopped him, put a hand on his forehead.Literature Literature
Le médecin pose une main sur le front.
The doctor places a hand on your forehead.Literature Literature
Martha maugréa sans lever les yeux en posant la main sur le front d'Elliott, puis elle acquiesça, soulagée
Martha mumbled but didn’t look up as she laid a hand on Elliott’s forehead and then nodded, as if relieved.Literature Literature
Doucement, il posa ses pieds au sol et s’assit, les mains sur le front.
Slowly he swung his feet to the floor and then sat with his hands clasping his forehead.Literature Literature
Il lui posa une main sur le front
He put a hand on her forehead.Literature Literature
Margali posa ses mains sur le front d’Aliciane qui sentit un calme apaisant en irradier.
Margali laid her hands on Aliciane’s forehead and she felt soothing calm radiating out from them.Literature Literature
Il a une main sur le front, il écarte le téléphone de son oreille et le regarde fixement.
He’s got one hand on his forehead and he’s holding the phone away from himself and staring into it.Literature Literature
La main sur le front du garçon.
The hand on the boy's forehead.Literature Literature
Je n’ai que maintenant. » « Mais l’éternité est là. » Il lui posa la main sur le front.
I have only now. But this is eternity. He stroked her forehead.Literature Literature
Tombant à genoux, je lui ai doucement posé la main sur le front.
I dropped to my knees and rested my hand gently on his forehead.Literature Literature
S’agenouillant entre les lits jumeaux, elle posa la main sur le front de chacune de ses filles.
Kneeling between the twin beds, she was able to put a hand on each girl's forehead.Literature Literature
Tris posa doucement la main sur le front de Sotérius et laissa sa magie spirite s’ouvrir aux ténèbres.
Tris laid his hand gently on Soterius’s forehead and let his summoning magic reach out in the darkness.Literature Literature
Marguerite posa la main sur le front de sa fille.
Marguerite put a hand on her daughter’s forehead.Literature Literature
Il posa la main sur le front plat de Julia ; elle ne réagit pas
He laid his hand on Julia’s flat brow; she did not react.Literature Literature
Gwydion posa la main sur le front de l’agonisante et ferma les yeux pour chercher les Couleurs.
Gwydion placed his hand on the dying woman’s brow, closing his eyes and seeking the Colours.Literature Literature
Irma posa la main sur le front de sa fille, mais Mary lui dit qu’elle se sentait bien.
Her mother put a hand to her daughter’s forehead, but Mary assured Irma that she felt fine.Literature Literature
L’un des hommes tentait de se relever, une main sur le front, et semblait avoir mal.
One of the men was trying to rise, a hand to his head, and seemed to be in pain.Literature Literature
Il posa une main sur le front brûlant et moite de Skylene.
He lay one hand on Skylene’s hot, moist forehead.Literature Literature
Au lieu de quoi, se balançant lamentablement, une main sur le front, elle chuchota: Pourquoi êtes-vous venu?
Instead, swaying miserably, hand at her forehead, she whispered, “Why did you come here?”Literature Literature
Tom posa la main sur le front de son père.
Tom laid a hand on his father’s forehead.Literature Literature
« Pourquoi avez-vous posé la main sur le front et le ventre de l'enfant?
"""Why did you hold your hand on the boy's forehead and stomach?"""Literature Literature
» L’Espagnol se passa la main sur le front et murmura : « Oh !
The Spaniard put his hand to his forehead and murmured: “Oh!Literature Literature
Elle demanda aux garçons d’installer Becca sur le lit et lui posa une main sur le front.
She told the boys to set Becca down on the narrow bed and she put her hand on Becca’s forehead.Literature Literature
Tyltyl hésite, se passe la main sur le front, cherche en vain dans ses souvenirs.
(TYLTYL hesitates, passes his hand over his forehead, vainly searches his memory.)Literature Literature
Je posai une main sur le front de Rabbie MacNab.
I laid a hand on Rabbie MacNab’s head.Literature Literature
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