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Penny Pitou
Penny Pitou


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Pitou n’ayant pas faim à huit heures du matin, c’était un dérangement dans l’équilibre de la nature
For Pitou not to be hungry at eight o’clock in the morning indicated a decided derangement in the equilibrium of nature.Literature Literature
Allons, Pitou, macte animo, Pitou !
Come now, Pitou; macte animo, Pitou.Literature Literature
Pitou, en sortant de l’Hôtel du Dauphin, vit donc de nouveau son casque et son sabre attirer l’attention publique.
Pitou, on leaving the Dauphin Hotel, again found that his helmet and sabre attracted public attention.Literature Literature
– Cela fera du mal à votre cher petit Isidor, de ne pas sortir, dit Pitou
It will be very bad for your little Isidore if you don’t go out, insisted Pitou.Literature Literature
En conséquence, le jeudi matin, Pitou se rendit à Villers-Cotterêts, dans le but de faire une seconde visite à la tante.
So, on Thursday morning, Pitou went to Villers-Cotterets to pay his aunt another visit.Literature Literature
Mais le valet ne fut pas rassuré ; le sourire bienveillant de Pitou était resté enseveli sous son casque.
But the boy was by no means reassured; Pitou's benevolent smile had remained concealed beneath his helmet.Literature Literature
– Monsieur Boniface, répliqua Pitou, vous parlez de ces choses-là sans les connaître.
“Monsieur Boniface,” replied Pitou, “you are speaking of things without understanding them.Literature Literature
Mlle Catherine, s’cria Pitou, rpondant sa propre pense et non l’interrogation de la jeune fille.
cried Pitou, replying rather to his own thoughts than to the question of the young girl.Literature Literature
En effet, si le lapereau de Pitou eût été un lièvre, Pitou ne l’eût pas mangé, mais vendu.
But, in fact, had the rabbit been really a hare, Pitou would not have eaten, but would have sold it.Literature Literature
– Lisez l’autre papier, dit Pitou.
“ “Read the other paper,” said Pitou.Literature Literature
La brave femme supposait que pendant ses douze jours d’absence Pitou avait eu le temps de se corrompre.
The worthy woman imagined that during twelve days' absence Pitou had had time enough to be corrupted.Literature Literature
Catherine était bonne fille ; elle accueillit Pitou en vieille connaissance.
Catherine was a good, kind-hearted girl, and she welcomed Pitou as an old acquaintance.Literature Literature
– Chef d’une troupe d’hommes libres, dit Pitou
“Chief of a troop of freemen,” said Pitou.Literature Literature
Le père Billot avait dit vrai : Pitou commençait à être un homme – il souffrait.
Father Billot had spoken truly: Pitou was beginning to be a man,—he was suffering.Literature Literature
– Oui, oui, il y a le feu là-bas, dit Pitou qui venait de se hausser sur la croupe de Margot.
"""Yes, yes; there is a fire out yonder,"" said Pitou, who had raised himself on Margot's back."Literature Literature
Mais, hâtons-nous de le dire, aucun calcul de ce genre ne ternissait la pureté des sentiments de l’honnête Pitou.
But we hasten to say that no such calculation tarnished the purity of Pitou's sentiments.Literature Literature
Cela suffit, dit Pitou; je la trouverai.
"""That is straight enough,"" said Pitou; ""I can find it."""Literature Literature
Pitou avait frapp assez fort pour tranquilliser sa conscience, assez doucement pour qu’on n’entendt point de la maison.
Pitou had knocked loud enough to satisfy his conscience, but gently enough not to be heard from the house.Literature Literature
Aussi Pitou, qui avait lu Le Petit Chaperon rouge, hésita-t-il à entrer.
Pitou, who had read “Little Red Riding-Hood,” hesitated whether he should go in or not.Literature Literature
Mais je ne dis pas cela, s’écria Pitou, commençant à s’épouvanter de la tournure que prenait la discussion.
“Why, I did not say that,” cried Pitou, beginning to be alarmed at the turn the conversation was taking.Literature Literature
– Et cependant, dit Pitou, le cerveau qui ne mange pas se nourrit tout de même
"""And yet,"" said Pitou, ""the brain, though it does not eat, still feeds itself."""Literature Literature
Quel bonheur que Pitou ait été si pauvre, que le temps ait été si froid, et que le fauteuil ait été si vieux !
What a lucky thing that Pitou was so poor, the weather was so cold, and the old chair so rotten!Literature Literature
– Mais, lui dit-on, tu vois bien, mon cher Pitou, que la porte de ta tante est fermée
‘But.’ said they to him ‘you see, dear Pitou, that your aunt’s door is locked.’Literature Literature
Ce n’était plus pour voir simplement Catherine que Pitou la suivait : c’était pour la surveiller.
It was no longer merely for the purpose of seeing Catherine that Pitou followed her; it was to watch her!Literature Literature
Pitou leva non seulement les mains, mais la tête, et il aper-
Pitou not only held up his hands but his head, and heLiterature Literature
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