se couvrir de gloire oor Engels

se couvrir de gloire

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to cover oneself in glory


to cover oneself with glory


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Se couvrir de gloire ou de flanelle?
Whether to cover yourself with glory or with flannel.Literature Literature
C’était une chance de se couvrir de gloire.
This was a chance to claim glory.Literature Literature
Je le croyais en train de se couvrir de gloire dans la capitale
I thought he was winning fame and fortune in the capital.”Literature Literature
Si nous voulons les voir se couvrir de gloire, il nous faut d’abord les nourrir.
“If we want them to win glory, they must be fed.”Literature Literature
Falkenhayn, cependant, considéra qu’un homme était une perte acceptable pour une occasion de se couvrir de gloire.
Falkenhayn, though, considered a single knight an acceptable loss for this chance at glory.Literature Literature
S’il est courageux, il peut se couvrir de gloire plus que tout autre combattant.
With courage he can gain great honor, perhaps more than anyone else in the military.Literature Literature
Portez la hache dans l’administration des prérogatives, et le pays cessera de se couvrir de gloire.
Insert the wedge into the Prerogative Office, and the country would cease to be glorious.Literature Literature
L’Amérique peut-elle se couvrir de gloire quand elle se donne un objectif si ridicule?
Does America gain glory by subduing such a target?’Literature Literature
Il savait qu’il allait se couvrir de gloire et que les récompenses seraient immenses.
He knew that he was going to cover himself in glory and the rewards for his success would be immense.Literature Literature
S’il y avait un affrontement, ce serait l’occasion de se couvrir de gloire.
If there was a fight, it might have meant a chance for glory.Literature Literature
Ils veulent se couvrir de gloire!
They want to cover themselves in glory.""Literature Literature
Et je déteste les jeunes fous qui, comme toi, veulent se couvrir de gloire en ensanglantant le monde.
And I hate young, reckless madmen such as yourself who want to achieve glory by spilling blood all over the world.Literature Literature
Tu vas rester ici, toujours en disgrâce, et regarder tes frères de nid se couvrir de gloire.
So will you remain behind, still in disgrace, to watch while your nest-brothers run forth to the glory of slaughter.Literature Literature
Puisse-t-il se couvrir de gloire au service des dieux !
May he win much honor in the service of the gods!""Literature Literature
En Irak, le Président Bush et le peuple américain espéraient se couvrir de gloire.
Bush and the American people sought glory in Iraq.Giga-fren Giga-fren
On attendait de se couvrir de gloire pour faire passer la grosse boulette?
I'm guessing no one wanted that little cock-up exposed until there was some glory to cover it up with.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pleins d’alcool, certains de se couvrir de gloire, ils n’attendront pas jusqu’à demain.
Full of liquor and glory, they won’t want to wait until morning.Literature Literature
Portez la hache dans l'administration des prérogatives, et le pays cessera de se couvrir de gloire.
Insert the wedge into the Prerogative Office, and the country would cease to be glorious.Literature Literature
Voici l'occasion de se couvrir de gloire.
This is your chance to cover yourself with glory.Literature Literature
De laisser Dominique se couvrir de gloire ; il pouvait prendre le premier hovercraft ou le premier ferry.
Let Dominique cover herself with glory; he could ship out on the first hovercraft or cross-Channel ferry.Literature Literature
Il n’y aura plus de quête conduite par de jeunes héros désireux de se couvrir de gloire.
There will be no more quests by young men seeking glory.Literature Literature
Voici l’occasion de se couvrir de gloire.
This is your chance to cover yourself with glory.Literature Literature
Il n’avait que deux responsabilités : tuer des bisons et se couvrir de gloire.
He had only two responsibilities: to kill buffalo and to gain glory.Literature Literature
Puisse-t-il se couvrir de gloire au service des dieux !
May he win much honor in the service of the gods!”Literature Literature
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