se retenir de oor Engels

se retenir de

Vertalings in die woordeboek Frans - Engels

keep from

Personne ne peut se retenir de crier quand la terreur est trop grande.
I don't think anybody could keep from screaming if they were really terrified.

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se retenir de faire qc
to hold back from doing sth · to restrain oneself from doing sth
je me retiens de rire
TNTL · Trying Not To Laugh


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Elle dut se retenir de rire, il avait l'air si ridicule.
She had to keep herself from laughing out loud, he looked so ridiculous.Literature Literature
Le ton familier de reproche était tellement bienvenu que Faris avait du mal à se retenir de rire.
The familiar tone of censure was so welcome that Faris could hardly keep from laughing.Literature Literature
Il était si furieux contre lui-même qu’il put à peine se retenir de crier.
He was so angry with himself that he could barely keep from screaming.Literature Literature
Mais le gosse était revenu à lui suffisamment pour crier – pas assez pour se retenir de crier.
But the kid had revived enough to scream — not enough to keep from screaming.Literature Literature
Elle doit se retenir de pleurer pour ne pas l’alarmer.
She has to fight back tears so as not to alarm him.Literature Literature
Robbie ne put se retenir de lui demander : « À qui est-elle adressée ?
Robbie could not prevent himself asking, “Who’s it addressed to?”Literature Literature
C’est tout ce qu’il pouvait faire pour se retenir de l’étrangler.
It was all he could do to stop himself from throttling her.Literature Literature
Il chancela littéralement derrière son arbre, et dut se retenir de la main.
He literally staggered behind his tree, and had to steady himself with his hand.Literature Literature
Elle arrivait à proximité du musée, et dut se retenir de regarder à nouveau autour d’elle
She was on the Mall itself now, and she had to restrain herself from looking around again.Literature Literature
Gunnar dut se retenir de glisser directement la clé dans la serrure
Gunnar had to restrain himself from immediately putting the key in the lock.Literature Literature
Elle ne put se retenir de rire.
She couldn't keep herself from laughing.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Cela lui parut si affreusement pompeux qu’il dut se retenir de rire de sa propre emphase.
It all sounded so terribly self-important he had to fight to keep from laughing at his own pomposity.Literature Literature
» Pour se retenir de rire, Jones dut presque se mordre la lèvre inférieure
To keep from laughing, Jones nearly bit through his bottom lip.Literature Literature
L’amour signifie suspendre la réponse, ou se retenir de poser la question.
Love means suspending the answer, or refraining from asking the question.Literature Literature
Aya sentit un sourire se dessiner sur son visage, et dut se retenir de s'incliner
Aya felt a smile spreading across her face, and she had to remind herself not to bow.Literature Literature
LaJoie ne put se retenir de répéter la chose le soir même à son club.
LaJoie couldn’t stop himself repeating the story that very evening at his club.Literature Literature
Lily dut se retenir de rire malgré le danger.
Lily had to keep from laughing in spite of the dangerous situation.Literature Literature
Elle ferma les yeux comme pour se retenir de pleurer, il se détourna dans un mouvement de colère
She shut her eyes, as if trying not to cry, and he turned away in anger.Literature Literature
Mais elle ne put se retenir de dire : « Encore un, Gwen !
Still, she couldn’t help saying, “Another one, Gwen?Literature Literature
Cette fois, Paige ne put se retenir de rire.
This time Paige did laugh out loud.Literature Literature
– Je crains que March, parfois, ne puisse se retenir de dire la première chose qui lui traverse l’esprit
‘I am afraid that March tends to say the first thing that flits through her head.’Literature Literature
L’ingénieur ne put se retenir de rire.
The engineer couldn’t help but laugh.Literature Literature
Bridget sourit, et Cyd dut se retenir de lui faire ravaler illico cet air niais.
Bridget smiled and Cyd had to suppress the urge to tell her to wipe the smile off her face.Literature Literature
Eileen essaya de lire, mais elle ne put se retenir de la regarder avec un étonnement embarrassé.
Eileen tried to read but couldn’t stop looking over in embarrassed amazement.Literature Literature
Brock Kimble ne put se retenir de les suivre des yeux l’espace d’un instant. — C’est mon blog.
Brock Kimble couldn’t keep himself from following them for just a bit.Literature Literature
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