traverser lentement oor Engels

traverser lentement

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J’ai remercié la femme et j’ai traversé lentement le stationnement glacé jusqu’à la vieille Buick.
I thanked her and walked slowly across the icy parking lot to the old Buick.Literature Literature
Je traverse lentement le champ jusqu’à trouver un creux entre deux bosses.
Slowly, I march across the field til there’s a dip between two mounds.Literature Literature
Il poussa sa monture dans l’eau et commença à traverser lentement.
He walked his mount into the water and slowly began to traverse the stream.Literature Literature
Il referme le portail sur lui, traverse lentement la pelouse, en direction du perron.
He shuts the gate behind him, slowly crosses the lawn to the steps leading to the house.Literature Literature
La musique la traverse lentement et s’insinue dans la pièce, la peignant de la couleur sombre du regret.
The music slowly moves through her and out into the room, filling it with the somber colors of regret.Literature Literature
Karras la regarda traverser lentement le vestibule puis entrer dans sa propre chambre.
Karras watched her as she turned and walked away down the hall and then into her bedroom.Literature Literature
Ils regardèrent les sept points lumineux traverser lentement le ciel.
The two watched the seven points of light slide slowly across the sky.Literature Literature
Je me mets debout, je marche, je traverse lentement la scène à trois pieds d’altitude.
I stand up and begin to walk, slowly crossing the stage at an altitude of three feet.Literature Literature
Je savais qu’il était immobile près de cette porte, puis je l’entendis bouger, traverser lentement la salle bondée.
I felt his stillness as he just stood in that doorway, and then I felt him move, walking slowly across the crowded room.Literature Literature
Il se retourne, traverse lentement l’église et s’arrête devant le tombeau.
He turns, walks slowly across the church and stands before the tomb.Literature Literature
Alors je traverse lentement la pièce, en quête de signes de vie.
And so I make my way slowly through the home, searching for signs of life.Literature Literature
La camionnette a continué de traverser lentement la forêt de pins à l’allure du pas de course.
The van crept forward, moving at a jogger’s pace through the pine forest.LDS LDS
Il traverse lentement la cour, s’arrête près des marches en me voyant
It comes across the yard slowly, stops by the steps when it sees me.Literature Literature
Car l'Europe traverse lentement, douloureusement, mais sûrement une transformation fondamentale.
For something profound is changing in Europe, slowly, painfully, but surely.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Elle se détourna pour traverser lentement la cabine.
She turned and crossed the cabin slowly.Literature Literature
Tapie derrière une pierre, j’ai vu le car s’avancer sur le pont suspendu et le traverser, lentement.
I ducked down behind a rock and saw the bus head onto and slowly over the hanging bridge.Literature Literature
Les compagnies de guerriers montés commencèrent à traverser lentement le fleuve.
The companies of mounted warriors began to file slowly across the river.Literature Literature
Quelqu’un était en train de traverser, lentement.
Someone was going through, but very slowly.Literature Literature
La vieille femme traverse lentement la maison sans s’arrêter pour consulter son défunt mari.
The old woman walks slowly through the new house and doesn’t stop to consult her dead husband.Literature Literature
J'allume la chandelle, et Sasha m'emboîte le pas tandis que je traverse lentement la maison plongée dans l'obscurité.
I light the candle, and Sasha follows as I walk slowly through the darkened house.Literature Literature
Le logo de Freedom Airlines peint sur le côté traverse lentement l’écran.
The Freedom Airlines logo painted on to the side slowly passes by.Literature Literature
Il traverse lentement le lit, puis s’effondre à genoux sur le plancher
He crosses slowly to the bed, then sinks to his knees on the floor.Literature Literature
Elle vit Zschokke traverser lentement le hall, comme dans un rêve, et saisir une lanterne.
She saw Zschokke moving slowly, as if in a dream, across the hall, reaching for a lantern.Literature Literature
Ils le regardèrent traverser lentement la marina.
They watched the truck make a slow pass through the marina area.Literature Literature
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