car oor Engels


naamwoord, bywoordmanlike

Vertalings in die woordeboek Skotse Gallies - Engels


economic role for which a person is paid


movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation


sudden bend (or short series of bends) in a road, path, etc

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bit · quite · somewhat · trick · turn, twist, trick, fraud : an caraibh a chéile, wrestling : car mar char

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Ach chuir na h‐àrd-shagartan agus na seanairean impidh air a’ phoball gun iarradh iad Barabas, agus gum milleadh iad Iosa.
No, Victor was the smartest guy I knewlangbot langbot
Agus chuir an Tighearna Nàtan a dh’ionnsaigh Dhaibhidh; agus nuair a thàinig e da ionnsaigh, thubhairt e ris, Bha dithis fhear ann an aon bhaile, fear dhiubh beartach, agus am fear eile bochd.
In fact, it was said, the very concept of distinctively Canadian was difficult to capture in children's animation.langbot langbot
Agus nuair a dh’èirich Samuel gu moch a choinneachadh Shauil anns a’ mhadainn, dh’innseadh do Shamuel, ag ràdh, Thàinig Saul gu Carmel, agus, feuch, chuir e suas dha fhèin clach-chuimhneachain, agus dh’imich e mun cuairt, agus ghabh e air aghaidh, agus chaidh e sìos gu Gilgal.
Morning.Early bird gets the worm, eh?langbot langbot
Agus mar an ceudna Maachah a mhàthair, chuir e eadhon ise o bhith na bànrighinn, a chionn gun do rinn i dealbh uamhasach ann an doire: agus sgrios Asa a dealbh uamhasach, agus loisg e e aig sruth Chidroin.
Dreamworld, kid!langbot langbot
Sgapaidh mi iad mar an ceudna am measg nan cinneach, air nach robh aon chuid iad fhèin no an athraichean eòlach; agus cuiridh mi an claidheamh air an tòir, gus an cuir mi as dhaibh.
Oh...I can' t go on like thislangbot langbot
v i 1 bi snìochdaíl [b̥i ˈʃɴ’[ĩɑ]xkil’]. I’m creeping out of the car, tha mi snìochdaíl a-mach ás a’ chàr 2, also creep about v phr (a) fèathláith [f[iɑ]ʟ̥hɑj], vn fèathládh [f[iɑ]ʟ̥hɑ], [f[iɑ]ʟɑ]. He was creeping about, bha e fèathládh timcheall. He was
Which means we thought about God once a week for an hourlangbot langbot
A thuilleadh air seo, gabh thugad aghann iarainn, agus suidhich e mar bhalla iarainn, eadar thu agus am baile, agus cuir do ghnùis na aghaidh, agus bidh e air a theannachadh, agus cuiridh tu camp na aghaidh: bidh seo na chomharradh do thaigh Israeil.
So it is constructed, by chance- I didn' t know it- like a Greek tragedylangbot langbot
Agus chuir iad aig casan nan abstol e; agus roinneadh e air gach neach a rèir a fheuma.
In the event of decentralised management, in accordance with Article #, the national IPA coordinator shall establish a sectoral monitoring committee for the transition assistance and institution building component, hereinafter referred to as the TAIB committeelangbot langbot
pr n (of Alligin) a’ Ruigh Chuilinn [ə ʀi ˈxuliɴ’], gen also a’ Ruigh Chuilinn. The people of Rechullin, muinntir a’ Ruigh Chuilinn. He lives in Rechullin, tha e fuireach a’s a’ Ruigh Chuilinn. We went to Rechullin, char sinn ’n a’ Ruigh Chuilinn. We’ve
I would have done anything for tina...' cause all I ever wanted was for her to like me... but I let her down when she needed me the mostlangbot langbot
a 1 expressed with cus [kus] m. Their charge for it was excessive, bha aid a’ cuir cus ma choinneimh 2 (of price) gàbhaidh [g̊ɑːvi]. His prices are just excessive, tha na prìsean aige dìreach gàbhaidh. He wasn’t excessive with them, cha robh e gàbhaidh l
All fixed capital goods (i.e. products) are the subject of consumption of fixed capital (although some flexibility is required in specific cases cflangbot langbot
Agus thug e leis an tarbh airson na h‐ìobairt-pheacaidh, agus chuir Aaron agus a mhic an làmhan air ceann an tairbh airson na h‐ìobairt-pheacaidh.
I have the otherslangbot langbot
Is e an Tighearna mo charraig agus mo dhaingneach agus m’fhear-saoraidh; mo Dhia, mo chreag anns an cuir mi mo dhòchas; mo sgiath agus adharc mo shlàinte, mo thùr àrd.
Disinfection of the implantation site should be undertaken prior to implantation to avoid introduction of infectionlangbot langbot
n (fun trip, e.g. in bus or car, or on foot) splaidh’d [spʟ[ɤi]t] (perhaps occasionally heard as [spl[ɤi]t]). (This might just as well be spelt splaigh’d, sploidh’d, or sploigh’d). We’re going on a jaunt, tha sinn a’ dul air splaidh’d. We’re off on a jau
For the application of Article # and the third subparagraph of Article # of that Directive, Member States are recommended to consider that, a management or investment company should generally be prevented from using financial derivative instruments based on a self-composed index with the intent to circumvent the issuer concentration limits of Articlelangbot langbot
Do nach b’àill le ar n‐athraichean a bhith umhail, ach chuir iad uapa e, agus nan cridhe thill iad air an ais don Eiphit,
That is the moral imperative of which the leader of the Reform Party spoke this afternoonlangbot langbot
Cha chuir sibh a’ bheag ris an fhacal a tha mise ag àithneadh dhuibh, cha mhò a bheir sibh nì sam bith uaithe, a‐chum is gun glèidh sibh àitheantan an Tighearna ur Dia, a tha mise ag àithneadh dhuibh.
Presently 6% of applications are filed by e-commerce.langbot langbot
Agus nuair a chunnaic clann Amoin gun do rinn iad iad fhèin gràineil do Dhaibhidh, chuir Hanun agus clann Amoin mìle tàlann airgid a thuarasdalachadh charbad agus marc-shluaigh dhaibh à Mesopotamia, agus à Siria-maachah, agus à Sobah.
Article # of the Euratom Treaty: implementation of directives, including in particular in the medical field (field C: Council Directives #/#/Euratom of # May # laying down basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionising radiation (OJ L #, #.#.#, p. #) and #/#/Euratom of # June # on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionising radiations in relation to medical exposure, and repealing Directive #/#/Euratom (OJ L #, #.#.#, p. #) and of Council Directive #/#/Euratom of # December # on the control of high-activity sealed radioactive sources and orphan sources (OJ L #, #.#.#, p. #) (control of radioactivity, particularly of high-activity sealed sourceslangbot langbot
A‐rìs, nuair a thilleas an t‐aingidh air falbh o a aingidheachd a chuir e an gnìomh, agus a nì e an nì a tha dligheach agus ceart, gleidhidh e a anam beò.
Verona, you motherfucker!langbot langbot
Is e an nàmhaid a chuir iad an diabhal: is e am fogharadh deireadh an t‐saoghail: agus is iad na buanaichean na h‐aingil.
Anybody got some antibacterial gel?langbot langbot
Ach is aithne dhutsa mise, O Thighearna; chunnaic thu mi, agus dhearbh thu mo chridhe, gu bheil e leat: tarraing iad a‐mach mar chaoraich airson a’ chasgraidh, agus cuir air leth iad fa chomhair là a’ mharbhaidh.
I rather have a fool than Johnlangbot langbot
Agus chuir e iad gu Betlehem, agus thubhairt e, Imichibh, agus iarraibh gu dìcheallach an naoidhean; agus an dèidh dhuibh fhaotainn, innsibh dhòmhsa e, a‐chum gun tèid mise fhèin, agus gun dèan mi adhradh dha.
My very first clientlangbot langbot
n breath [b̥r’ɛh] m & f, pl breathan [b̥r’ɛhən] and breathachan [b̥r’ɛhɔxən]. Put another layer on it, cuir breath eil’ air. You’d put a layer on it around at the edge, bha thu cuir breath air timcheall aig an oir. A thick layer, breath tiugh. Layer upon
You know, in some states, you get arrested for thatlangbot langbot
Oir chuir e na h‐uile nithean fo a chasan. Ach nuair a tha e ag ràdh gun do chuir e na h‐uile nithean fodha, is nì follaiseach gu bheil esan a chuir na h‐uile nithean fodha, an leth a‐muigh dheth seo.
I' m overworked.I need you in my firmlangbot langbot
Chuir iad cruithneachd, ach buainidh iad droigheann: shaothraich iad, ach cha bhuannaich iad; mar sin maslaichear sibh a‐thaobh ur cinneis, do bhrìgh lasair fearg an Tighearna.
Little help?langbot langbot
Tha i cosmhail ri gràinne de shìol mustaird a ghabh duine, agus a chuir e na ghàrradh: agus dh’fhàs e, agus rinneadh craobh mhòr dheth; agus rinn eunlaith an adhair nid na geugan.
In determining the number of whole or cut ribs referred to in paragraph # A, only those attached to the backbone shall be taken into considerationlangbot langbot
n show (or pay) respect to, have respect for, v phr 1 (a) cuir an t-urram air [khur̆’ ə ˈɴd̥huʀəm er’]. Respect was shown to the minister on Sunday, as he was above other people, bha ’n t-urram air a chuir air a’ mhinisteár latha na Sàboid, on a bha e fo
do we have an arrangement?langbot langbot
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