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José Antonio Aguirre
José Antonio Aguirre
Esperanza Aguirre
Esperanza Aguirre


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E grande parte da escuadra xa se encontraba na bacía do Prata, onde actuara, baixo o comando do marqués de Tamandaré, na intervención contra Aguirre.
A great part of the squadron already met in the River Plate basin, where it had acted, under the Marquis of Tamandaré, in the intervention against Aguirre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anos máis tarde chegou a Chile acompañando o grupo dirixido polo conquistador castelán Francisco de Aguirre, que se uniu en Atacama.
A year later, he accompanied a group led by the conquistador Francisco de Aguirre as they made their way to Chile.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mark Aguirre liderou aos Mavericks en anotación facendo medias de 24,4 puntos por partido, sexto na NBA.
Mark Aguirre led the 1982–83 Mavericks with 24.4 points per game, finishing sixth in the NBA.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tanto o asasino de Johana Márquez coma o de Lucía Aguirre suicidáronse deixando mensaxes semellantes.
Both Johana Márquez’s and Lucía Aguirre’s killers took their own lives and left behind identical messages.’Literature Literature
Mark Aguirre e James Donaldson xogaron o All-Star Game de 1988, o equipo logrou a por entón mellor serie da súa historia con 11 vitorias consecutivas, e Blackman anotou o punto 10.000 na súa carreira.
Mark Aguirre and James Donaldson both played in the 1988 NBA All-Star Game, the Mavericks rattled off a franchise-best 11-game winning streak, and Rolando Blackman scored his 10,000th career point.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (en galego Aguirre, a ira de Deus) é unha película de 1972 do cineasta alemán Werner Herzog.
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (German: Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes), known in the UK as Aguirre, Wrath of God, is a 1972 West German epic historical drama film written and directed by Werner Herzog.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rodolfo Sancho Aguirre, nado en Madrid o 14 de xaneiro de 1975, é un actor español.
Rodolfo Sancho Aguirre (born January 14, 1975) is a Spanish actor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dixo que tomara coca e éxtase, ademais de alcohol —Aguirre sorriu—, e inclínome a crelo.
He told me he’d been drinking and had also taken cocaine and ecstasy, and I’m inclined to believe him,’ Aguirre smiled.Literature Literature
Ese mesmo día chega ao pobo Héctor Aguirre (Rodolfo Sancho), sarxento da Garda Civil e xefe da Policía Xudicial.
The same day, Héctor Aguirre (Rodolfo Sancho), sergeant of the Civil Guard and chief of the Judicial Police, happens to arrive in Campoamargo and begins the crime investigation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina é unha serie de televisión sobrenatural desenvolvida por Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa para Netflix, está baseado na serie de banada deseñada homónima.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is an American supernatural horror web television series developed by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa for Netflix, based on the Archie comic book series of the same name.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Daquela, que facía a necrolóxica de Lucía Aguirre nunha vila de Baztán?
So, why was Lucía Aguirre’s death notice posted in a village in Baztán?Literature Literature
O 1 de decembro de 2005 sufriu un accidente de helicóptero na praza de touros de Móstoles, xunto coa presidenta da Comunidade de Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, do que saíu practicamente ileso.
On 1 December 2005, Rajoy survived a helicopter accident, along with Madrid Regional Government President Esperanza Aguirre; he broke a finger in the accident.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os New Jersey Nets seleccionárono na terceira posición do Draft de 1981, xusto por detrás dos propios Aguirre e Thomas.
The New Jersey Nets selected him third overall in the 1981 NBA draft, behind Olympic teammates Aguirre and Thomas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aguirre liderou por sexto ano consecutivo ao equipo en anotación, con 25.1, e Roy Tarpley gañou o Mellor Sexto Home con 13,5 puntos e 11,8 rebotes de media.
Aguirre led the team in scoring for the sixth consecutive year with 25.1 points per game, and Roy Tarpley won the NBA Sixth Man Award with averages of 13.5 points and 11.8 rebounds.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os partidarios do colorado Venancio Flores, que contaba tamén co apoio da Arxentina, uniranse ás tropas brasileiras para depor a Aguirre.
The followers of the Colorado Venancio Flores, who had the support of Argentina, united with the Brazilian troops and deposed Aguirre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No verán de 1963, Ennis del Mar e Jack Twist coñécense tras seren contratados por Joe Aguirre (Randy Quaid) para coidar das súas ovellas na montaña Brokeback en Wyoming, Estados Unidos.
In 1963, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist are hired by Joe Aguirre to herd his sheep through the summer in the Wyoming mountains.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O filme narra a viaxe do conquistador español Lope de Aguirre pola cunca do río Amazonas en busca da cidade de ouro dos incas coñecida como El Dorado.
The story follows the travels of Spanish soldier Lope de Aguirre, who leads a group of conquistadores down the Amazon River in South America in search of the legendary city of gold, El Dorado.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1980 foi seleccionado para disputar os Xogos Olímpicos xunto cos posteriormente campións da NBA Isiah Thomas e Mark Aguirre; con todo nunca defendeu as cores da selección en Moscova debido ao boicot norteamericano.
National recognition of his performances came when he was selected to the 1980 USA Olympic basketball team, alongside such players as later two-time NBA champions Isiah Thomas and Mark Aguirre; he, however, never got to represent the national colors in Moscow due to the United States’ boycott.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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