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Beda menciona a Ælle como un dos reis anglosaxóns que exerceron o que el chama "imperium" sobre "todas as provincias ao sur do río Humber"; "imperium" adóitase traducir como "señorío".
Bede mentions Ælle as one of the Anglo-Saxon kings who exercised what he calls "imperium" over "all the provinces south of the river Humber"; "imperium" is usually translated as "overlordship".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se algunha vez houbo unha relación amigábel entre Eanfrith e Cadwallon ao principio, non durou por moito tempo xa que Beda reporta que Eanfrith foi até Cadwallon "con só doce soldados escollidos" nun intento de negociar a paz, pero Cadwallon mandouno matar.
If there was a friendly relationship between Eanfrith and Cadwallon at first, however, it must not have lasted, since Bede reports that Eanfrith went to Cadwallon "with only twelve chosen soldiers" in an attempt to negotiate peace, but Cadwallon had him killed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo Beda, Osric foi, do mesmo xeito que Eanfrith, un cristián que se reconverteu ao paganismo despois de tomar o poder.
According to Bede, Osric was, like Eanfrith, a Christian who reverted to paganism upon coming to power.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Melito foi o destinatario dunha famosa carta do papa Gregorio Magno coñecida como Epistola ad Mellitum, preservada nunha obra posterior do cronista medieval Beda, que suxire que a conversión dos anglosaxóns debía emprenderse gradualmente e integrar os costumes e rituais pagáns.
Mellitus was the recipient of a famous letter from Pope Gregory I known as the Epistola ad Mellitum, preserved in a later work by the medieval chronicler Bede, which suggested the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons be undertaken gradually, integrating pagan rituals and customs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda informa que Santa Hilda (nada en 614), membro da familia real de Deira, medrou na corte do rei Ceretic, despois de fuxir do usurpador northumbrio, Æthelfrith de Bernicia.
Bede records that Hilda of Whitby (born 614), a member of the Deiran royal family, was taken to the court of King Ceretic, after fleeing from the Northumbrian usurper, Æthelfrith of Bernicia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para Wessex e Kent, Beda tiña informantes que lle fornecían detalles da historia da igrexa en cada provincia, pero parece que non tivo tal contacto en Mercia, polo que estivo menos informado deste reino.
For Wessex and Kent, Bede had informants who supplied him with details of the church's history in each province, but he appears to have had no such contact in Mercia, about which he is less well-informed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O fervor de Edwin, segundo Beda, levou a que o fillo de Raedwald, Eorpwald tamén se convertese ao cristianismo.
Edwin's zeal, so Bede says, led to Raedwald's son Eorpwald also converting.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda cóntanos que ao principio da batalla o pagán Æthelfrith matou 1200 monxes do mosteiro de Balor-Is-Coed (Balor do bosque baixo) porque, como dixo, loitan contra nós cos seus rezos.
At the commencement of the battle, Bede tells us that the pagan Æthelfrith slaughtered 1200 monks from the important monastery of Bangor-on-Dee in Maelor because, he said, "they fight against us, because they oppose us by their prayers".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda nomea a Aethelberht como o terceiro na lista, despois de Ælle de Sussex e Ceawlin de Wessex.
Bede names Æthelberht as the third on the list, after Ælle of Sussex and Ceawlin of Wessex.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha das interpretacións que se suxeriron é que, dado que Beda escribiu durante o reinado de Aethelbald, os sete reis orixinais que listou eran esencialmente aqueles reis que poderían ser vistos como prototipos de Aethelbald no seu dominio da parte de Inglaterra ao sur do río Humber.
One suggested interpretation is that since Bede was writing during Æthelbald's reign, the original seven he listed were essentially those kings who could be seen as prototypes of Æthelbald in their domination of England south of the Humber.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como Aethelberht foi o primeiro rei anglosaxón convertido ao cristianismo, Beda proporciona información máis substancial sobre el que sobre calquera rei anterior.
Since Æthelberht was the first Anglo-Saxon king to convert to Christianity, Bede provides more substantial information about him than about any earlier king.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na súa Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, Beda listou sete reis que gobernaron as provincias do sur de Inglaterra, con reinados que van desde finais do século V a finais do século VII.
Earlier in Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People chronicle, he lists seven kings who governed the southern provinces of the English, with reigns dating from the late fifth to the late seventh century.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O medievalista francés Joseph Bédier afirma que todas as versións da lenda teñen a súa orixe nun poema bretón ou córnico adaptado por Tomé de Inglaterra ao francés do que se conservan oito fragmentos.
The French medievalist Joseph Bédier thought all the Tristan legends could be traced to a single original poem, adapted by Thomas of Brittany into French from an original Cornish or Breton source.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Naquel tempo, tanto Wessex como Kent estaban gobernados por reis poderosos, pero transcorridos quince anos, o cronista contemporáneo Beda describiu a Aethelbald como gobernante de toda a parte de Inglaterra situada ao sur do río Humber.
When Æthelbald came to the throne, both Wessex and Kent were ruled by stronger kings, but within fifteen years the contemporary chronicler Bede describes Æthelbald as ruling all England south of the river Humber.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na obra de Beda Oswiu aparece nunha listaxe como o sétimo e último rei en manter imperium (ou bretwalda na linguaxe da Crónica anglosaxoa) sobre o resto de reinos anglosaxóns.
Bede lists Oswiu as the seventh and last king to hold imperium (or bretwalda in the language of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) over the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tamén coñécese outro membro da familia de Aethelberht: a súa irmá, Ricole, rexistrada tanto por Beda como pola Crónica anglosaxoa como a nai de Sæberht, rei dos saxóns do leste.
One other member of Æthelberht's family is known: his sister, Ricole, who is recorded by both Bede and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as the mother of Sæberht, king of the East Saxons (i.e., Essex).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mentres encomiaba a piedade de Ceolwulf, Beda tamén expresaba algunhas reservas con respecto á súa capacidade para gobernar.
While praising Ceolwulf's piety, Bede also expressed some reservations regarding Ceowulf's ability to rule.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Existen fontes anteriores a Beda nas que se mencionan aos saxóns do sur, aínda que estas non mencionan a Ælle.
Earlier sources than Bede exist which mention the South Saxons, though they do not name Ælle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda relata varios milagres atribuídos aos ósos de Oswald e ao lugar da súa morte.
Bede reports a number of miracles attributed to Oswald's bones and to the spot where he died.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda conta que Osric acurrunchou a Cadwallon "nunha forte cidade", pero Cadwallon "saíu de súpeto con todas as súas forzas, por sorpresa, e destruíuno a el e a todo o seu exército."
Bede says that Osric besieged Cadwallon "in a strong town", but Cadwallon successfully "sallied out on a sudden with all his forces, by surprise, and destroyed him and all his army."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tanto Dionisio como Beda consideraron Anno Domini a partir da encarnación de Jesús, pero a distinción entre a Encarnación e o Nadal non se elaborou ata finais do século IX, cando nalgúns lugares o momento da Encarnación foi identificado coa concepción de Cristo, é dicir, a Anunciación do 25 de marzo.
Both Dionysius and Bede regarded Anno Domini as beginning at the incarnation of Jesus, but "the distinction between Incarnation and Nativity was not drawn until the late 9th century, when in some places the Incarnation epoch was identified with Christ's conception, i.e., the Annunciation on March 25" (Annunciation style).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda tamén menciona que Melito padecía gota.
Bede also mentioned that Mellitus suffered from gout.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A batalla tamén lle custou cara a Æthelfrith; Beda conta que Teobaldo, o irmán de Æthelfrith, morreu, "con case todo o exército que comandaba".
The battle appears to have been costly for Æthelfrith as well, however; Bede says that Æthelfrith's brother Theodbald was killed, "with almost all the forces he commanded".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A comezos dos anos 670 morreu Cenwalh de Wessex e, poida que polo desgaste causado pola actividade militar de Wulfhere, o reino de Saxonia do Oeste se fragmentó e pasou a estar gobernado por unha serie de reis vasalos, segundo afirma Beda.
In the early 670s, Cenwealh of Wessex died, and perhaps as a result of the stress caused by Wulfhere's military activity the West Saxon kingdom fragmented and came to be ruled by underkings, according to Bede.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beda menciona igualmente que Caedwalla foi ferido e estábase recuperando das súas feridas cando veu o sacerdote a pedir permiso para bautizar aos príncipes.
Bede also mentions that Cædwalla was wounded; he was recovering from his wounds when the priest found him to ask permission to baptise the princes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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